Unnamed Bratislava gunman #wingnut #psycho #homophobia #racist #conspiracy #transphobia adl.org

On October 12, a 19-year-old man opened fire in front of an LGBTQ+ bar in Bratislava, Slovakia, killing two people and injuring a third before he was found dead the following morning[…]
The ADL Center on Extremism’s investigation also revealed that for over a year the shooter had been posting violent and hateful content publicly on Twitter[…]
His targeting of an LGBTQ+ venue was not a coincidence: his manifesto regularly references his hatred of the LGBTQ+ community and his belief that they are responsible for perceived “cultural degeneracy.” Throughout his screed, he routinely refers to the LGBTQ+ community using various slurs and asserts that they are responsible for “grooming” children[…]
Perpetrator’s worldview was poisoned by antisemitism. On the very first page of his manifesto, the attacker blames Jews for a host of global problems, asserting that Jewish people control the media and financial system and accusing Jews of being responsible for perceived societal degeneracy, namely by supporting the LGBTQ+ community. The shooter alleges that Jewish people are implementing a plan for global domination that will ultimately result in the destruction of the white race unless white people stand up and fight

Within the manifesto, the shooter references the “14 words”[…]
The Bratislava shooter subscribed to accelerationism[…]He cites prominent white supremacist William Pierce’s call to take actions to destroy ZOG as soon as possible[…]
Among his tweets were racist slurs, white supremacist 4chan screenshots, posts glorifying other mass shooters and Nazi war criminals as heroes, and several images of the Nazi sonnenrad[…]
Gunman also scoped out the bar he eventually attacked and shared photos of himself outside the venue in August[…]
Already, violent extremists have begun lauding the Bratislava shooter as a “saint,” equating him to earlier white supremacist terrorists—the very ones that he had admired



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