Henry Makow PhD/Freddie B. #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com
Christian Zionists have joined the ranks of Christ's executioners.
They believe Christ's Gospel of Love (God is Love) allows Israel
to starve and slaughter the descendants of the rightful inhabitants of Palestine.
The Hamas massacre of Israelis was planned by Netanyahu to justify genocide
and start a world war which could destroy Israel. This may explain why they regarded Ukraine as the new Israel. False flags and "atrocities" are the hallmarks of every war.
COVID did not kill enough people. The coming world war will. We are all Palestinians,
squatters on their planet.
We are experiencing a violent shift to a world dedicated to Satan. Obviously they are motivated by a visceral hatred for us. But if we say anything, we are the "haters." The Zionists say the Palestinians are animals, not human. But this is what the Talmud says about us all.
These people lecture us about systemic racism! White supremacism! Their vendetta against humanity is our pathology and irrational hatred. They live in a satanic solipsism. Mankind will be destroyed if we can't excise this cancer.
The leaders of the Christian Zionist movement (Faith Bible Chapel) are not only in bed with the methods of the Jewish Zionists, but also they are led by the false and heretical beliefs of Christian dispensationalism, where they think they have some duty to help make the biblical Apocalypse happen.
Christian Zionists are every bit as guilty of the atrocities and crimes against humanity as the murdering Israeli military marching through Gaza in their ethnic cleansing and land-clearance operations.
The church is the other, and it consists of all those and only those (whether Jew or gentile) who are saved between the Day of Pentecost and the rapture. Part of the reason for the pre-tribulation rapture is to remove the church from earth so that God can begin dealing with national Israel again."