Andrew Anglin #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut

[From "Does Marco Rubio Have AIDS?"]

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who is from Cuba, has transformed into something completely different than he was in 2016, leading many to wonder if he has AIDS

Rubio’s appearance has changed more than would be normal for any man in a period of 7 years. In 2023, he looks very unhealthy, his bubbly cheerfulness having given way to cold skeletal wasting

AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) is a homosexual condition that is also commonly known as GRIDS (Gay-Related Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome)

Rubio, a Senator and pro-war activist, is widely believed to be a homosexual, which would put him in the prime category for developing this homosexual condition

During the 2016 campaign, several pictures were released showing Rubio dancing at a homosexual establishment (“place of dirty business”)

The Florida Senator is a regular guest on the TV show of gay rights activist Tucker Carlson, where he promotes Chinese TikTok conspiracy theories, as well as conspiracy theories about extraterrestrial visitors. His politics are as compromised as his immune system, and patriotic Americans hope that he dies of AIDS

Conversely, the Editorial Board of Daily Stormer hopes he pulls through, but we are calling on him to resign from his position immediately, given that his condition clearly prevents him from successfully doing his duties, and because he is a ridiculous figure from a foreign country who is constantly trying to bully Americans into fighting wars for him



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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