A no-name nobody Congress rep, Mark Pocan, decided to get his 15 minutes of fame by slamming people who are wondering out loud whether the WI school shooter is trans. Pocan is the chair of the Congressional Equality Caucus which reportedly has the job of advancing LGBTQ equality in the House. He's telling people to f--k off for claiming the shooter is trans, calling them "idiots" who "hate".
His performative virtue signaling is so completely disingenuous. People are not claiming or wondering if the shooter is trans because of "hate". They're saying this out loud because you fuckers made words like "girl", "women", and "female" meaningless with your shitty ideology. Given that mass shooters have always been male, the public no longer trust you all when you report a criminal is "a girl", or any form of female. People have to guess and are making assumptions--yes based on no information--because your freakin "information" in regards to the sex of a "female" perpetrator is not to be trusted.
But of course he pretends this is all about "hate". The truth is, people like you started this shit. You created this mess and no one knows WTF you're talking about anymore. Words have no meaning.
As for the Madison police chief who said the shooter's gender identity is not important, sorry sir, but I beg to differ. Maybe you're saying this to stay above the fray. But you can't. Until we all have a common definition and understanding of what a "girl", a "woman", and "female" is, nobody knows WTF you're talking about. Even worse, we will always doubt you and suspect you're attributing male crimes to women and girls.