“If there is no God, then why are there Satan worshippers and the occult?”
I suspect mostly to prove that witches and Satanists are better people that most of you hateful fucking Christains.
“That question is an interesting one indeed.”
Yeah. YOU can’t prove your god, so you APPEAL TO SATANISTS.
“I could understand a Christian doing what they doing because they are anticipating greener pastures when they die and go to heaven. But why would anyone be involved in the occult or Satan worship if their only future is in hell?”
Oh, WOW, people in a completely different religion than you expect different results from their devotions to different gods. And you admittedly don’t understand this. BIG surprise.
"I mean, the Satanists do believe in a Divine Creator.”
Actually,. way back in time, your predecessors too the names of gods worshiped by their neighbors and claimed they were devils. Most people who worship satan do NOT practice your-religion-inverted. No upside-down crosses or burning bibles.
“So why would they spend their lives making God mad by spiting Him in rebellion.”
They don’t. They don’t care about him.
The few that DO practice worship of your anti-god do so for immediate rewards, and may repent on their death beds. That’s your system, right?
"I could understand someone not wanting to believe in God at all,”
NO, you cannot.
“ but why worship the devil if you do believe in God? It just doesn't make any sense.”
No, you really don’t.
But then, you keep telling us you’re unable to even talk to fellow believers without them kicking you to the curb, how could you ever talk to a Satanist?