
Andy Ngo #wingnut

Q: Why did you start collecting Antifa’s arrest records?

Ngo: It is an important information book for the public. Part of what makes Antifa a dangerous movement is that they rely on anonymity. And because the movement is anonymous the only information we have are through the arrest records and mugshots. Through that, I’ve been able to piece together a clearer picture of the demographics of who is involved.

Q: What kind of people are involved in Antifa?

Ngo: Antifa spans several classes of people. There are ideologues who are straight from the Ivory Tower, university students, and those who are vulnerable in dealing with instability and mental health issues related to homelessness and gender dysphoria. Antifa groups will welcome these people in, embrace them with a shared ideology and radicalize them. If they happen to get arrested or charged or convicted, these people are kind of easily disposed of, in a way? As much as I have been vocally critical against this movement, I do have sympathy insofar as they are people who have the potential to do a lot with their lives, but instead have been pulled into a movement that will use and discard them.

Q: Are you concerned for your safety, releasing the mugshots and arrest records?
Ngo: Yes. They have the address of my family, where my mother works, and they’re escalating [threats against me]. About six of them showed up at my home on Halloween and were pounding on the windows and doors. So I am concerned for my safety. Due to the threats, I’m not really able to stay in Portland much longer.
Q: Are there times that you think about moving on to another beat because of the danger?
Ngo: I think about that all the time. But if I don’t do it, there isn’t really anybody else.

Q: Are you concerned for your safety, releasing the mugshots and arrest records?
Ngo: Yes. They have the address of my family, where my mother works, and they’re escalating [threats against me]. About six of them showed up at my home on Halloween and were pounding on the windows and doors. So I am concerned for my safety. Due to the threats, I’m not really able to stay in Portland much longer.
Q: Are there times that you think about moving on to another beat because of the danger?
Ngo: I think about that all the time. But if I don’t do it, there isn’t really anybody else.

Q: Should Antifa be characterized as a terrorist group?
Ngo: I would describe their activities as terrorist activities. What makes them less deadly than jihadist groups is that they lack the funding streams to acquire weapons. But I think if they did have that, they would engage in that violence.
Q: Have you ever tried to speak with the members?
Ngo: Yes. I tried to let them know that they were misinformed about me. I did this every time up until my beating.
Q: What was it like, speaking to them?
Ngo: The point of wearing the black block is to make it so that these militants are no longer individuals — you’re part of a mass. So when I spoke to them, it wasn’t like I was speaking to an individual. It was like speaking to people who only had ideology.
Q: What kind of emotions did you see there under the surface?
Ngo: Anger and hatred. The times I have seen them attack people — they’re animalistic, I would say. The part of the brain that is driving them in those moments … it’s the primal desire to maim, to injure, to kill.
Q: I just want to circle back to your political views. What has shaped your ideology?
Ngo: I used to be a social justice warrior back in my undergrad days. I used to be someone who embraced the victimhood worldview, which is the undercurrent of the Antifa ideology. So I have a drive to show how this worldview is part of the same continuum toward the violent extremism of Antifa and other far-left movements. It’s not out of a partisan hatred, but rather I can see where they are coming from since that used to be appealing to me.
Q: What was appealing about the victimhood mentality?
Ngo: It was appealing to direct hatred and anger at others for my own failings because it meant I didn’t have to take responsibility. It’s much easier to blame a “system.”
Q: Was there a “Eureka” moment when you snapped out of that mentality?
Ngo: Yeah there was a moment where I had to finally come to terms with myself — that only I am responsible for my actions, my successes as well as my failures. I can blame everything and anything around me and while that may feel soothing, it doesn’t actually change the reality of my situation until I make different choices.
Q: Last but not least, how has your recovery been since the incident in June 2019?
Ngo: I’m doing a lot better, but I still struggle with cognitive stuff like memory. I have really intensive physical, occupational, and cognitive therapy to help me recover.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #wingnut

Everybody remembers the disastrous Charlottesville rally from back in 2017. Not everybody remembers it the same way.

Ask most people, and they'll tell you how a bunch of neo-nazi troublemakers descended on the town and started a riot that ended up getting innocent people killed. The Left loves this narrative, and they wave it around as a call to action against the fascists they say are overrunning the country.

People who actually investigated the debacle have a vastly different picture of what took place. They know, for instance, that officials herded the right-wing protesters into what was essentially a kill box with only one way in or out. Police stood down, putting the protesters in direct contact with the Antifa counter-protesters, who were conveniently bused in for the occasion. A Lefty with a gun spooked James Fields, who drove into a crowd. Soon afterward, a morbidly obese girl died of a heart attack. Fields was duly made an example of with a life +419 years sentence.

If it looks like it, sounds like it, and smells like it, you call it what it is--a setup.

A setup that worked so well, the powers that be are now roping a new set of protesters into round two. Only this time, it won't be twentysomething dissidents, but NRA Boomers, in the Left's kill box.


Unfortunately, the mainstream media coverage of Charlottesville was tailored to keep guys like Van Cleave from learning anything that might actually help defend the second amendment. So in all likelihood, we'll see another riot with the blame placed squarely on "gun nuts".

The up side is that power-drunk Leftists don't realize that giving Joe Boomer and his AR-15 the same treatment as torch-bearing weirdos won't play well on Main Street. Dissenters' main problem right now is that not enough normies understand that our rulers hate them. A big swath of them are about to learn.

For a thrilling fictional account of underdogs fighting back against an oppressive nanny state, read my explosive military thriller series!

brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy

So again we have the useful idiots...sorry Trotskyite and Bornman and George H W Bush Nazi Brownshirts are at it again, making themselves look like idiots, buffoons and straight up laughing stocks. I know that these people were brainwashed by the far left controlled education system, and the mainstream media telling them fascists and white supremacists are under every tree but to see these people beating up conservatives and engaging in other disgusting activities, while the Jihadi Troika and the idiot Latina bartender being pushed by the 'Justice Democrats' and Soros to lead the nation if the Donald leaves make all sorts of anti Jewish statements and proclaim their love for terrorist groups [I support a single Jewish state with religious freedom and respect for all, the Nazi terrorist group known as Likud, the Muslim Brotherhood front organization Hamas and the KGB puppet Fatah can all go kick rocks to me.] and a president who has a settlement named after him in Israel, went to the Wailing Wall wearing a yarmulke and openly condemned white supremacists is considered a Nazi because of active measures and other propaganda operations done by intelligence agencies, Communists and fascists against the American people.

Pretty sick huh?

George W Bush was best buddies with Putin the poisoner who invaded Ukraine and is helping Assad stay in power, to be fear the Trotskyist neocons started it all by using the US Armed Forces, PMCs and intelligence agencies to fund, arm and train Neo Nazis and Islamic extremists to go around and cause chaos so as to make the world wide worker's revolution easier. Clinton gave away 20% of the US' Uranium to the Russian Empire in Uranium One. Iraq and Afghanistan were both fought to remove obstacles for Iran and to hand both nations over to Russian and Chinese conglomerates.

For Christ's sake the ex CIA head and Nazi sleeper agent George H W Bush, may his and his stooge Castro roast in hell, helped China become the superpower it is today!

And no one is talking about these issues!

Pop culture, the cult of wokeness and pathological skepticism have weakened society and the modern intellectual class so much to the point that the Fourth Reich is rising up now and most people don't even see it! Most people don't know this but one of the major foundations of Nazism, as well as one of its biggest supporters, came from the psychiatric community. The labor camps and the T4 euthanasia program which disposed of the mentally ill and dissenters to the regime were run by psychiatrists and the orders that killed so many innocent men, women and children, came from psychiatrists themselves! The same psychiatric community that is declaring everybody who opposes or questions the mainstream version of an event and ticking off every perversion under the sun, is the same group of people who supported eugenics and helped in the atrocities of the Third Reich!

Never forget!

Antifa, SJWs and many of the people on RationalWiki and genuinely believe that they are fighting fascism, and that anybody who opposes their 'social democratic' utopia is a tinfoil hat wearing nut or a goose stepping fascist. What these people don't realize is that their ideology is just a modernized version of the basic ideology of fascism and National Socialism and their behavior is no different from Hitler's Brownshirts that the Fuher used to create fear and use that, along with the false flag Reichstag bombing, to seize power in the German Republic and create the totalitarian Greater German Reich. Hitler's ideological mentor Trotsky, and his boss Lenin also used ignorant anarchists, progressives and Communists to commit acts of violence and terror in order to destabilize Russia, and once the Bolsheviks seized power the two men wiped out any opposition to their rule through purges and deliberate catastrophes.

Stalin as evil as he was, was against the globalist agenda and a proud nationalist, so after he realized Hitler was nothing more than a less smooth and more violent Trotsky he managed to convince FDR that fascism wasn't worth the effort but the Red Army had already provoked Japan into attacking, so the generals running America saved the day and Old Joe got poisoned some years later for his resistance. Reagan and the Iron Lady were set up in a similar way, they were portrayed as monsters and the worst evil imaginable and these lies beamed into the heads of young impressionable students, so instead of thanking these three world leaders for doing what they had to do in order to keep national sovereignty alive, we rail and curse at them like idiots. P.S Some of the propaganda against Reagan came from the KGB itself.

Just like what we see in the Demonrat Party.

Bernie was cool in 2016 but he's too old now, so Predator Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez battle it out while Omar hopes the public doesn't see that she fucked her brother and is a conwoman, Talib is wondering how much money Hamas and Hezbollah are sending over and Presley...sigh.

Meanwhile Fuher Bi Bi drops white phosphorus on any opposition to the Nazi Likud Party while handing over American military technology to Il Duce Winnie the Pooh so he can oppress his own people better with the help of Big Tech up in the Californian People's Republic - run by the CPSU, the KGB and the Workers' and Peasant's Red Army, that provides AI research, access to American satellites, and ways for the Chinese government to improve its totalitarianism in means that would make IngSoc proud.

Does any one see something wrong here?

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat worth a damn but she still hangs on to socialism, must be the military experience.

Trotsky even had the swastika as well, although he prefered to use it on his soldiers' uniforms and on Soviet currency instead of a red flag.

The party program of the Nazis as well as some of Hitler's and Mussoloni's speeches sound very similar to the rhetoric used by that of SJWs, of course they wouldn't notice that as they're too busy whining about insignificant Neo Nazis and alt right edgelords on some socialist echo chamber site or complaining about some imaginary oppression.

Seriously this is the same shit the CIA and Castro used to fuck up Latin America in the 70s and 80s. The Cubans indoctrinated and funded the street thugs, ignorant academics and guerrillas and unleashed them onto the streets to cause chaos, while the CIA sent in the death squads and the black ops boys to wreck things even further. It's how Iran Contra got started.

Articles exposing the fascist origins of 'social justice':……

Russiagate - the Big Lie of the 2010s:………

Epstein the eugenicist:……

Ignorant Skeptics and Debunkers Pushing for Thoughtcrime and Psychiatric Incarceration of Dissent:…

CIA collusion with Lamestream Media:………

Suppression of evidence on 9/11 nuclear smart missile and guided drone attacks:…

Big Tech's attempts at controlling free speech ('The medium is the message."):…

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia

Achieving Christendom Is America’s Best Chance at Overthrowing Abortion, LGBT Reign of Terror

Christendom Is the Solution for the Emptiness of our Nihilistic Society
Grave moral problems are tearing the country apart. For many, this is apparent in the form of broken homes, procured abortion, shattered communities and lost Faith.

Many people get it right when pointing out the problems. However, they get it wrong when looking for solutions.

Some get it wrong because they look for solutions that address symptoms, not causes. Others search for a way out that involves the least possible effort. In these politically correct times, people are told not to offend anyone by their proposals. Thus, they automatically exclude the only real solution, which is a return to Christendom. They are willing to consider any other solution, no matter how absurd or improbable—anything but Christendom.

Christendom! It may seem shocking since its days seem long past. We are supposed to be in a post-Christian era. However, the urgency of our times call for it. We need a Christian civilization if we are going to overcome the present crisis. It needs to be at least considered.

A Rejected Proposal

Because our problems are moral, our solutions must also be moral. The rich treasury of Western thought and traditional Church teaching prove that the natural law and Christian morality are the norms that are best suited to our human and social nature. We find our greatest happiness inside institutions and social structures that take us to the end for which we are created—God.

Thus, we should naturally tend to favor Christendom. Everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, finds the best conditions for prospering inside a family of nations that facilitates virtue and promotes social harmony in this vale of tears.

But everyone avoids this conclusion. We have long been conditioned to reject this line of thought. This Anything But Christendom (ABC) Syndrome curiously applies alike to the political left, right and center. It embraces both secular and religious America. The most rigid tyranny bars anyone from thinking outside the materialistic box.

The ABC Syndrome and the Political Spectrum

Each political sector has its reasons for denying Christendom. For radical liberals, the ABC Syndrome makes sense. They resent any moral limits to their acts and do not care if there are harmful consequences. Individual pleasure reigns supreme regardless of self-destruction or the death of babies. Thus, a Christian moral code represents an unbearable restriction on their desires to do, think and be whatever they want. Their variant of the ABC Syndrome is to allow Everything But Christendom. Use any letter of the LGBTQ+ alphabet, but never use C for Christendom.

Those on the right have a different approach. We find Christians who truly desire a Ten-Commandment-based moral code, for example. However, they dare not propose Christian morality because the people and media who oppose it appear to be numerous. For them, it has no chance of winning. Thus, they subscribe to the Anything But Christendom approach on how society should be run. Every concession must be made to accommodate others who refuse to accommodate them. Christians dance around all the issues touching on Christendom, but no one dares say the word.

And then there are the radical moderates who want to appear non-radical. In their radicalism, these extremists purge all moral references from the debate. They prefer to tweak the status quo, hoping to avoid the Christendom issue altogether. As society falls apart, this effort proves elusive and ineffective.

Imposing the Christian Will Upon Others

Three main fallacies are used to justify the ABC Syndrome. The first is the mistaken belief that proposing Christendom imposes the Faith on non-believers.

Liberals think that establishing any moral limits means imposing Christianity on others. And yet they have no qualms whatsoever with imposing their anti-Christian will on Christians, on Christian feast days such as Christmas, and the Little Sisters of the Poor. They have no scruples about stuffing a Drag Queen Story Hour world of perversion down the throats of society, despite protests from concerned parents.

Christians cannot impose their Faith on those who do not believe because Faith is a gift from God. It cannot, by its nature, be imposed. However, Christians can and should enact reasonable laws based on the natural law that call for moral restraint to form a just and harmonious society.

Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law

Since Aristotle, moralists taught that this natural law is valid for all times, places and peoples. By advocating such moral limits in the law, Christians merely obey the nature of all law, which restricts what individuals might do for the sake of the higher common good.

In proposing Christendom, we are not imposing but returning to an order that conforms to our human nature and which favors our development and sanctification. In submitting their Everything But Christianity agenda, the left imposes on society a destructive system that brings it to ruin.

Hopelessly Outdated

The second fallacy is that Christendom is so far removed from society’s current state that it is impractical to propose it. The Christian agenda is hopelessly outdated for postmodern times, it is falsely claimed.

There is nothing more outdated than today’s anti-Christian agenda. As Catholic thinker Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira notes, there is nothing new about divorce, procured abortion, nudity, and moral depravity. Most “modern” proposals are merely recycled pagan vices from antiquity. Moreover, what could be more foreign to our American Christian heritage than the sudden appearance of transgenderism or the current mainstreaming of Satanic movements?

Indeed, most Americans identify with a return to our Christian roots. They have problems adjusting to the latest barbarisms proposed by a neo-pagan culture. The debate should not be centered on the age of the ideas proposed but their merits. The automatic exclusion of ideas because some claim they are outdated is foolish and wrong. The only thing that matters is if they are true or false.

A Long Time Frame

Finally, there is the fallacy that it is impossible to change society quickly, especially when most people seem to subscribe to the opposite of a Christian civilization. At best, a Christian restoration is a futile effort, they erroneously claim.

Again this argument sidesteps the merits of ideas. It focuses on the practicality of implementing them. However, this fallacy is as flawed as the other two.

Captivating ideas like homeschooling, for example, have drastically changed individuals and families in a short time. As the last elections have proven, voters will change their positions when convinced of the need to change.

Societies, too, can quickly and radically change. Consider the Sexual Revolution. Within the space of a decade, the sixties radically changed the mores, fashions and manners of that generation and all those that followed. Most people in the fifties were not hippies, but many adopted hippie ways in the seventies as these became mainstream.

The history of the Church is full of fervent missionary efforts in which whole peoples, burdened by their paganism, were quickly converted to the Faith by the efforts of men and the action of grace. These peoples changed their lives wholesale, adopting Christian ways in a short time.

People change their ways when times are empty, and ideas are exhausted. Indeed, it is in times like ours that grand ideas like Christendom have their greatest appeal.

Where Christ Is King

Thus, the time is ripe to debate Christendom. It should be done openly, unapologetically and enthusiastically. Many do not know what Christendom is. Indeed, the ABC Syndrome represents old liberal prejudices that distort the true nature of a Christian society. For too long, our shallow, materialistic society has suppressed the notions of wonder, sublime, and the sacred that correspond to the deepest desires of the human soul.

By engaging in the debate over Christendom, we address the emptiness of our nihilistic society that finds no meaning or purpose in life.

Above all, the failure to debate Christendom is fatal since it means the continued descent into an anti-Christendom of anarchy and unrestraint. This anti-regime is already seen in the dark yearnings of Antifa, anarchists and Satanic movements that call for a world without morality. They advocate the destruction of our nation and the persecution of those who keep the Faith.

Science Confirms: Angels Took the House of Our Lady of Nazareth to Loreto
These topics need to be discussed. We should not be afraid to proclaim our desire to see Christ as King. Numerous popes have described this Christian society as one that affirms the social Kingship of Christ. In his encyclical Quas Primas, Pius XI says that “Once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will, at last, receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.”

Only Christendom can be a truly just society for all.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut

Top 5 Excuses When Radicals Corrupt Children
Progressives are busy smashing the innocence and dreams of our youth, but they aren’t doing it without thought. They have their reasons.
They are ultimately ungodly and foolish reasons revealing base instincts, flawed values, the direct influence of the demonic realm, or all of the above.

What are the explanations? Here’s a list of their most frequent excuses.

1. It’s for the “safety” of kids. A key goal of the “LGBT” crowd is to put traditional moral standards on defense, so one tactic is to co-opt bullying prevention programs. Many current lessons imbed a deceptive idea in otherwise positive messages— be kind, don’t be a bully, and to avoid this abhorrent label, be an ally and supporter of “LGBTQ” behaviors and identities. The pro-homosexual National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, has pushed and funded this duplicitous idea for over a decade, even quoting the invalid, online GLSEN “School Climate Survey.”

Propagandists often pair acceptable messages with extremely questionable ones. Today, they use children as human shields for “LGBT” agenda goals.

So what does “support” for these newly-created homosexual and gender confused kids look like? A school must allow no warnings about these behaviors or objections which make these students feel “unsafe.” A violation of the First Amendment? Medically and morally inaccurate? It doesn’t matter as long as the “gay” lobby can get parents to fall for this.

So students in the “gay straight alliance” club at West Linn High School in Oregon recently walked out of school to protest the Chick-Fil-A food truck serving school football games. An official at the school said they were considering the students’ position as with all “potential safety concerns.”

Chick-Fil-A is unsafe? No, here’s what’s unsafe—being prevented from hearing the truth that God has marvelously designed sex for one man and one woman in holy matrimony.

Children are starving for the nourishment of moral reality.

2. It’s part of being “inclusive” for “all” kids. In case you were not aware, messages about sexual responsibility and healthy behavior “excludes” those students who are already sexually active, and “LGBTQ” kids, who need to learn about anal and oral sex. So all students, therefore, are forced under “comprehensive sexuality education” (CSE) to hear that anal, oral and vaginal sex are normal for teens and can be managed safely with condoms and contraceptives. And this instruction needs to begin in middle school.

So the Austin, TX school system recently passed a controversial sex ed program that allegedly includes “abstinence.” Here’s what one pro-family activist there told me: “Yes, anal and oral sex with graphic descriptions of both are included in a sixth grade classroom activity in which eleven-year-olds are given 20 cards of various activities and made to discuss which ones are abstinence. Not only does the lesson explain anal and oral sex, it counts as material that is about abstinence required by law in Texas.”

California parents are just waking up to the horrific legislation passed several years ago – California’s “Healthy Youth Act”—mandating deliberate corruption of the state’s kids with X-rated subjects and pro-”LGBT” messages.

Praise God, some parents are responding, “Over my dead body.” There are a few lovely victories, like the school board in Battleground Schools (WA) turning down the obscene “FLASH” CSE program.

After the legalization of same sex marriage, homosexual activists went full steam to demand through many avenues (including the NEA) that school lessons must include respect for “LGBTQ” behaviors. “Respect” means normalizing early sex, graphic details of sex acts and lessons with same sex role-playing scenarios.

3. Children asked for it. Another excuse given for shoving pro-abortion and “LGBT” misinformation at kids is that “kids want this.” Yes, so whatever behavior kids have been taught to demand, in some schools they get. The child empowerment movement pushes the bolder kids in front of school boards. Some are already hardened activists screaming that their rights are being infringed, on their way to a college affiliation with Antifa.

Sexual corruption, let’s not forget, breeds more boundary-smashing and other psychological instabilities.

Cathy Ruse described the climate in the Fairfax (VA) schools as including cuddling polyamorous groups of kids in the halls —“thruples” and “quadruples” (rhymes with couples). And at the same school there are now “furries,” students who believe they are animals and self-identify as cats, foxes, etc.

4. The radicals think there’s nothing wrong and it’s all positive. The hard reality is that some people think there’s nothing inappropriate about kids being sexual.

One drag queen admitted in an interview recently that the goal was indeed to “groom the next generation.” Grooming is the term describing pedophile actions softening a child’s resistance to adult sexual contact.

A drag queen in the Seattle area performed an explicit strip act for kids. Another in Minneapolis was filmed “flashing himself” with partial nudity. Another invited little kids to lie on top of him after the reading time. Several of these deviant males have past convictions of child molestation and involvement in prostitution.

A PTA president at a school in Harlem performed an erotic “drag” routine to an auditorium full of elementary students several years ago.

5. Homosexual expression or gender “transition” will prevent suicide. Playing the suicide card is a frequent part of the game here, where parents are told, “If you don’t affirm your daughter in her new identity as a male, she will kill herself. Do you want a live son or a dead daughter?” So against your common sense, your faith, and everything you knew about your child prior to the current corruption overload, you are persuaded by an “affirming” counselor that mutilating her healthy body is the best course of action.

But here’s where mythology collides with truth. No one is born in the “wrong sex body” and suicide risks remain high, according to research, even after taking hormones and undergoing mutilating surgery.

An entire new activist group is now forming – “de-transitioners”—young adults now outraged over the deformed bodies and limited futures that have been handed to them. They will never conceive children. They are disfigured, often sexually dysfunctional. And the future holds the very real prospect of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis at young ages. All because of a deviant and unsupported agenda everyone thinks is “inclusive.”

It’s actually the opposite. When your ideology excludes the truth, everything else is a high-stakes gamble.

Sometimes I think I’m living in a fun house with crazy mirrors where very little is what it seems. But that’s why we must keep turning to the Lord and standing with Him in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And speaking out. Pastors, please address this from the pulpit. We are to be salt and light.

Jesus is the frame of all wisdom and sets us free, and He will direct our paths.

Tom DeWeese, Ken Johnson #conspiracy #wingnut

Tom DeWeese: I’m in Richmond and have just received information from a very reliable source concerning Monday’s rally against the legislature’s gun grabs. Antifa have rented seven buses to bring in their thugs to cause trouble. The report says they will be wearing MAGA hats and wearing NRA garb. They will pretend to be pro gun people. Meanwhile others posing as democrats holding anti gun signs will stand on the side. The Antifa thugs, pretending to be pro gun , will attack the sign holders. Making it look like the pro gun people have started violence. This is the plan. If you are attending the rally be aware. Be very careful.

Ken Johnson: Its a trap people....the UN is massed to the south of Richmound and when violence starts the FBI INTENDS TO BOMB YOU ALL. then the UN will roll in and kill whoever is left....this is supppsed to show an example to everyone to surrender their guns as the UN begins house to house arrests and murders

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