various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
When White people say that Jews control all institutions and corporations, it's dismissed as "anti-Semitic".
But when Jews themselves say it...
It’s time for the Jewish community to take a seat at the table to use our power as institutional investors to ensure corporations are aligned with our values, and don’t fall for #antisemitic and anti-Israel pressures. That's why we're bringing@jlensnetwork
’s umbrella.
( @Malignant )
@Nature_and_Race Imagine being the only people on the planet that has a country tailored to your very specific race. Then having the audacity to choose to live somewhere else and tell the inhabitants of the other place how they need to adapt for you.
( @HeroicSpud )
Lemmings wont believe it even when the jew says it themselves. Every. Damn. Time.
( @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy )
@Nature_and_Race take a seat at the table?!
They OWN the table and they are the only ones sitting at it!
( @T0000008 )
( @smartvalueblog )
@Nature_and_Race Never forget Americans => The definition of Racism and Diversity is white genocide. The "real" hate, racism, division, "reverse racism", and violence in America doesn't come from the Right, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, or Whites. It comes from Democrats, Hollywood, Academia, Democrats, immigrants, illegals, Muslims, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Antifa, BLM, WEF, OFA, SPLC, Jews, ADL, MSM, Wall Street, and the Left. @USA #2A #1A #9A #10A @DeSantis2024 @RealMarjorieGreene @realdonaldtrump @wendyrogersaz @LaurenBoebert @RandPaul @tedcruz @_JimJordan @TeamTucker
( @Goodozzie )
Fuck off back to Israel Greenblatt. You don’t belong in America you Mossad fool.