
Ilias #fundie ummah.com

Alhamdulillah there is not much qadianis in Afghanistan. The real problem is 3 countries, pakistan, bangladesh, and indonesia where there are thousands of qadianis. It is in these countries they need to be sent to gas chambers so the qadiani fitnah can be laid to rest once and for all.

AminQ #fundie ummah.com

That's the problem with kuffars, they are prisoners to their desires, arrogance, imperfections and rebelliousness and they call it freedom. They run like slaves after evilness and they forget that real freedom is to be free from evil.
And of course they certainly don't want to be told the truth about their evilness that's rotting inside them."

RazielTemp #fundie ummah.com

"this is not based on Proof, and the Theory of Evolution has been disproved by several people ...

I asked for the Belief about How we came about, since we Obviously have a beginning and and end ...

am I to conclude that you believe that you just happened to exist ... came about from Brainless matter ?

from some in-animate matter which couldn't make any cognitive decisions?

If so then this Superstition at its peak ...


Abu Mubarak #fundie ummah.com

"a muslim would not respond to the death of a muslim, regardless of the circumstances, with such a question

when we visit the graves or even pass by the graves of the muslims, we wish them well, forgiveness of sins, and speedy entry into jannah

the kuffar, when we hear of their death, there are no words of sorrow or comfort, because their dead are in hell, when we pass by their graves, we remind them of the punishment of the hellfire

if a muslim has kafir relatives, they are not exempt from the punishments of the grave, nor the responses of the sunnah"

dr khalid #fundie ummah.com

The viewpoint of quran is very clear. according to the quran surah yasin ayah 40, the sun and the moon keep moving in their orbits. this makes clear that the sun moves too. this has been discovered i this century itself. A muslim's view of the quran should not be with reference to science rather the view of science should be in the light of quran. Thus if both move, its the relative motion of things that we observe fro the earth. in the universe, nothing is above, below, big or small. everything is relative. hence there is no wrong in saying if the sun moves around the earth or the other way round. Most important thing is that these petty things should not divert us from worrying about more important issues facing the religion and muslims.

in surah al anaam verse 97, allah says that the purpose of the stars is to help us find our path geographically. thus stars are not for wasting our time (we should not waste our time on the discussion of movement of the sun, which is also a star, on ummah forum)

the purspose of humans is defined in quran as to worship allah. so we should discuss more on issues related to that aspect."

mashcaster #fundie ummah.com

What are you supposed to do if your dad is trying to destroy his own family? If he is using black magic and getting the help of other evil people to do black magic on his family to try and destroy it, to try and break the family up?

What are you supposed to do?

Read the 4 qulls and hope for the best?"

Slot #fundie ummah.com

"[You need the Holy Quran and the Sunnah to decide whether the killing of innocents is allowed ?!]"

"Uh... Yea. If it said that the kuffar were targets then guess what, they are. If it said pigs can fly... they can."

AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com

imagine this lefty

a man is given a plate of rotten, putrid, food, with flies and maggots

and he is given a plate with well cooked delicious food

what man would choose the rotted food? a gay man, and those who support and accept them are of them

just as you would say to ummah.com if we espoused terrorism, supported terrorists, you would call this a terrorist website, and rightfully so, because when you support a people you are of them

so your support of gays makes you of them, as the wife of Lot was of them"

Al-Nasser #fundie ummah.com

"God hates fag

God hates ignorance too

and a big factor in the HIV spread in Africa is ignorance.......

but it could only get worse if gays are to be given "rights" in Africa

the situation is so fubar without them already"

MADMAX #fundie ummah.com

Some real gems coming out at the moment....

"The world belongs to Allah [swt] and the Muslim Ummah is a global nation.

The more Muslims in Europe and America the better... we should colonise them in the same way that the Zionist Jews have colonised Palestine for their Bankster masters.

Muslims can often do more to assist the Muslim Ummah from western countries than they can from so-called Muslim countries that are under western occupation or run by western puppet leaders.

I would also encourage young Muslims to join branches of the western administration and armed forces so that they can learn their methods, etc. I have served in the British Army and learned a lot from them... I embraced Islam later. You don't have to do anything Haram... even if they order you to shoot Muslims... just fire over their heads.


MADMAX #fundie ummah.com

"Why are you so hostile to Islam and Muslims?

If you dislike Islam and Muslims so much, why are you making a nuisance of yourself here?

The wisdom of the Holy Quran and the teaching of Muhammad [saw] are responsible for everything postive that has happened in the world for the past 1400 years.

The "Golden Age" in Europe was inspired by what the Crusaders learned from Muslim society. They returned to Europe with progressive ideas and wrote such things as the Magna Carta.

Islamic theology, philosophy and science are the foundations of modern society. Only an ignorant fool would try to deny this."

MADMAX #fundie ummah.com

"More fool them... to recognise the truth and then reject it makes them hypocrites. The Quran is a miracle and is a warning and a mercy for all mankind.

The British have whole university departments dedicated to the study of Quran. They know it is the truth, but are too proud to acknowledge that the author is the Lord of the heavens and the earth.

They are only looking for worldly benefit."

Oceanic #fundie ummah.com

No. There are evil urges and sound natural urges.

Fornication is an urge too. The VAST majority of muslims
control it cos THEY KNOW the CONSEQUENCES. Unfortunately the christians
are very complacent cos most are given to beleive that JC (pbuh) died for their sins ! Most don't get a thorough basic religious foundation and do not have 5 compulsory prayers every day to KEEP THEM on the right path like muslims do; this is our greatest mercy from Allah swt ; and it is for EVERYBODY who'll care to follow Islam.....its a religion for the whole of Mankind.

Repression of ppl by despots etc are urges too ; so is murder; the very few who are psycopaths are from very difficult, pervert family situations.
You wont get psychopathic murderers among the clergy .

Apart from some freak hermaphrodite cases, homo'sex'ty is a NURTURED
aberation something akin to , as a crude eg , say : Bad company>> try out hemp >> proceed to >>amphetamines>>heroine>> cocaine .
I chose the drug eg cos Homos & drugs addicts are from all classes of soceity; rich kids sometimes REBEL against their parents and will seek bad company. ppl are not born homos...they CHOOSE bad company.

Similarly aethists are NOT BORN as aetheists. They BECOME via parents or CHOOSE sometime in their lives to become Aetheists for whatever reason/s.

So what is your arguemnet now ?"

Abu Mubarak #fundie ummah.com

Allah created man for no purpose than to worship Him, and thru our obedience to Allah, we will gain a perfect, eternal reward, and thru our disobedience to Him we gain hellfire

Allah created adam and it was thru adam "thinking for himself" which led to his downfall

Look around us today summer, what you see is man thinking for himself

thinking he came from apes
thinking that fornication is ok
thinking that religion is nothing but a myth
thinking that two men can marry
thinking that abortion is a womans right
thinking that oppressing other men is his right
thinking that one race is better than the other

man is incapable of thinking for himself, he ALWAYS gets himself in trouble

and thats the beauty of islam, you dont have to think, you can be a mindless idiot and as long as you obey Allah, you are ok"

Umm_Hanzalah #fundie ummah.com

"I'm not interested in fossil evidence. Anyone can make stuff like that up...as we know many of these fossil evidences and bones have been proven to be fake. I'm just fascinated at the fact that these atheist scientists claim to be more logical than those who believe in God and yet fail to show transitions of species that are alive. For if they were telling the truth, transitions of living species would be observable.

I stick by my belief that the theory of evolution's origins lie in racism and atheism, despite what the political beliefs of todays evolutionists may be.

The reason why I say that atheists grow in arrogance when studying the creation is because by studying the intricate details of this beautiful creation, (which is in wonderful working order) it should humble them to acknolwedge that there is something greater than them (i.e. The Creator), but instead they marvel at their own so-called 'intelligence' and reject The Creator and grow in arrogance regardless of which 'top' university they may be at."

Abu Mubarak #fundie ummah.com

if evolution were true, you should still see some half monkeys

half colored zebras

some tadpoles who still havent evolved into the frog state

as a matter of fact, how did a tadpole evolve? you cant do that over time, you would just die

most of their theories are just nonsensical ideologies that do not hold up to any scrutiny. the same logic they try to battle religion with, if you apply it to their thought processes, you get blanks"

Oceanic #fundie ummah.com

of course it matters their worried about spresd of islam.
Ya Omar ...they are worried, envious of muslims, they hate us (secretly) for lecturing them knowledge . They cant except a
non-european showing them the way coz inherrent in a good bunch of them is the ignorant belief that our genes are of a low intellect ! They read popular scientific THEORIES and try and blind us with science. They are in a pitiful state ."

Abu Mubarak #fundie ummah.com

"it does not explain any "diversity of life"..where did you get THAT term from? the back of a hallmark card?

life is diverse without us having to believe we evolved from apes

evolution is an attempt by atheists to explain away the existence of a supreme being. and sadly, many amongst the religious communities, within and outside of islam are buying into that stupidity"

AhlaamYasmina #fundie ummah.com

regarding love marriages. i think it might have been extensively discussed in previous threads, but you should know love is not a factor to be considered for marriage. think about it, if you marry a person today because you fell in love with them, what will happen when that love fades after a few years? or months even? will it be divorce? insha Allah you will not be in that position. however please remember akhi, love is something you build over lifetime, maybe fast, maybe slow. And the "butterflies" that you feel for that person initially is not love. So insha Allah marry your wife for her deen. that is the most important. And it is upto Allah bring that "love" and mercy between the two of you. wasalamu aleykum

Scorpion Black #fundie ummah.com

[Topic about an Iraqi father who killed his own daughter for falling in love with an American Soldier].

"let me put it this way....
if my daughter or sister was to fall in love with an enemy soldier..Israeli or American...
i will make sure i send her right to hell....

this is not Honor killing..this is cleansing the earth from traitors...
you juts find my words weird because i am talking about women..

let me put it in other words....if my son fell in love with an enemy female soldier I'd kill him..

it isn't honor killing or a crime against women..it is making sure we have no traitors on our side..
a stupid person in love is valnurable to manipulation...

couldn't any one just love a good person?? why always seek the worst of hell's"

Abu Mubarak #fundie ummah.com

i had read somewhere that you have a better chance of a tornado running thru a junk yard and when it is finished leaving a brand new rolls royce, than you have of the evolutionists claim that all of this started from a big bang and miraculously came together

is it really that taxing on your brain to believe that there is a Creator?

you have shoes, they bear witness to a shoemaker
you have a computer, which bears witness that there is a Dell or IBM

but you have a whole universe of some of the most mind numbing entities and you want to say that just popped up???

and you call this type of thinking intelligence?

Tahiyah #fundie ummah.com

evolution isnt a conspiracy, its a theory. just a theory. why should we believe in theories when Islam is so full of facts?

science proves Islam is true, as Islam is scientific... and the more scientific evidences we are shown, the more our faith in Allah, in Islam, is confirmed.

everything evolves according to Allahs plan. whats so hard about that?

cyber_abdullah #racist ummah.com

"View Post
[About Jews allegedly supporting lesbianism]

"Notice the Jews are the ones who are supporting these degenerate acts. Mindtwister, Bekka, BigMidget, Kpuz are all Jews. I can't but help get the impression that supporting insidious and subversive acts to undermine the host society is a Jewish trait. That is why Jews feature so prominently in many immoral industries, including interest-based money lending. Maybe they want the host society to decline so that it presents advantages to the Jews within. That is why Allah (swt) has always punished these people in many societies throughout the ages. They have always failed to uphold the teachings of Musa (as)."

Raziel #fundie ummah.com

People can dance, the Question is, is this Act permitted in Islam? and the answer is No.

Dancing , like singing ridiculous songs, leads people into a state of frenzied ecstasy, such Pointless absurd acts are not permitted in Islam.

Prevention is better than Cure.

Ralf Biermann #fundie ummah.com

"THHuxley presented a skeleton, which appeared to be an intermediate form between man and ape. I wanted to have an unbiased view of that skeleton and asked my little son. He said the skeleton was human, while the skull was gorilla.

Al-Maeda [5:60] Say: "Shall I point out to you something much worse than this, (as judged) by the treatment it received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped Evil;? these are (many times) worse in rank and far more astray from the even Path!

So this is the end of the story: the so-called ape-men, the skeletons which have been found and appeared to be half man, half ape, are nothing else than the remains of evil men, who have been transformed into such creatures."

al-nasser #fundie ummah.com

[We legally recognise gays. Gays can have a gay marriage here in Britain, there are gay nightclubs all over Britain and the British public are tolerant of homosexuals. Why is it that we don't get these earthquakes? Are we special?]

"Why is it that we don't get these earthquakes yet?"

the element of surprise in the divine punishment is the most amusing

AbuMubarak #fundie ummah.com

i think the only women who should spend time going to university, in pursuit of career, are barren women

they should be the foremost in the community and the ummah when the services of women are needed

not to say other women are forbidden from doing these things, but this pursuit of careers is damaging our families, as it is damaging the families of the kuffar

Lone Wolf #fundie ummah.com

[Re: 2006: More Jews converting to Islam In Israel]

Going by that principle surely we should still hate them even if they convert coz knowing how sly Jews are, how do we know they're sincerely converting?

zammy #fundie ummah.com

[responding to a user who criticized the ethnic cleansing of three Jewish tribes in Medina in 7th century]
Sorry, I don't understand why you view the killing of these tribes negatively? The Muslims had every right to take whatever measures they took in each case. For example, banu qaynu qa'..The prophet (saw) laid seige on them because of the incident with the Muslim woman in the Jewish market. That's a perfectably reasonable reason to do what they did, would you disagree with that? And how did the Muslims seek refuge with jews? Our prophet was not a murderer. Look around you today and you'll find the murderers you're looking for.

Abu_Mohammad_21 #fundie ummah.com

People confuse infatuation with love. We are all attracted to beautiful forms, that is human nature, but we have been commanded to lower our gaze, and that is for our benefit at the end of the day. Forbidden glances at the opposite sex are the poisoned arrow of the Devil. There is nothing beautiful or praiseworthy about looking at woman, following them, desiring them.

That is for the weak. And Shaytaan attacks the weak.

Asmara #fundie ummah.com

My little sister, who is 7 years old absolutely loves music. When I tell her that it's not good to listen to music, she says "but I liiike it". How do get a child to HATE music?

[Check out the thread for answers]

dunya_or_akhira #fundie ummah.com

usama [bin Laden] is a harder working father of 18 who is fighting against oppression for the sake of humanity to spread peace through islam and it is because of the selfish ppl like ur brother that the world is seeing bloodshed...

Debater #fundie ummah.com

[Re: Child sexual abuse is a crime beyond reason]

Why only Child sexual abuse, why not Women sexual abuse which is normal in the West where you get ladies tempted in a particular 'naked' culture, date them, get them drunk and abuse them sexually? This 'crime' is not considered a crime in the west, I wonder why.

Kasim2k7 #fundie ummah.com

i have heard that when Adam a.s was in paradise. He used to eat bananas. It is the fruit from heaven. Now you will if you leave apple for two or three days, it rots. But banana never rots. It goes brown which people eat too but its a blessed fruit and by reading all above makes me want to eat more and more bananas.

dunya_or_akhira #fundie ummah.com

[While discussing the news about an Egyptian man being executed in Saudia Arabia for practicing black magic]

He should know - Black Magic is one of the most evil things ever - and i am glad they got rid of him

muhammad atta #fundie ummah.com

Homosexuals shall be taken to the niggest cliff, then thrown off.
Or a wall should come tumbling down on them.
The world is a better place without these sick people.
How else was AIDS spread, in the USA it was mostly because of these gays AIDs spread.

gothika #fundie ummah.com

Hijrah can go both ways. If more Muslims migrate to the West, marry the women and reproduce on a large scale, that part of the world will be ours in no time. Insha'Allah, Islam will dominate the world. Then you will not find any Kuffar who would dare to go against Allah and His Messenger.

abdulwakil #fundie ummah.com

Islam will not be dominant because of your well wishes! Like I said Islam is not a religion, it is a way of life from the Creator of the Heavans and the Earth. Islam will be dominant by the power and might from Allah.

The law of Allah will be over your necks, whether you like it or not.

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