
Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Trump is the reincarnation of Enki! There, i said it. What say you? Donald literally means 'ruler of the world'. He's known as 'The Donald' = The Ruler of the World. Enki/Enlil are 'titles' rather than literal names. These titles mean Lord/Ruler/God/Father. Trump has success WAY BEYOND the capablility of a normal human entity. Think on that.

Have you noticed he never looks at his speeches when he delivers a long speech? Obama/Hitlery would constantly be checking their written papers and fumbling with their worlds. Trump is a MASTER of talking to the WORLD! He is intimidated by NO-ONE.He has withstood hatred and venom energetically by the world and he doesn't look ill like others who get entangled in worldwide scandals. Who is Enki eh?

I'll leave that up to you to find out.... ;-)

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

There is a persistant myth about unrealized social value in affirmative action for women. That their perspective must be pedestaled to allow it to shine through ever present misogyny. We do this out of archetypal hatred for wise little boys, oppressing them out of favor for the gender owned by Satan.

The matrairchy we force the next generations to endure ensures that the young we be consumed as society trajects downward. That the barbarians at the gates are well placed by force into all social enclaves.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Why did our ancestors use the laziest race as slaves?

Black people are the laziest race of people on earth.

Also, since they've had freedoms, they've been nothing but problems and us hardworking folks are tired of them.

How can we fix the negro problem?

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

The problem is that you see them as something other than what they are. They are simply devices for our pleasure, and if we so choose, procreation. Women are nothing more. Getting upset about another man having had sex with them is like getting upset that another animal drank out of the lake. Just don't dedicate your life to making the lake feel good. Just get your drink and leave it be. That's how women should be treated.

hollyavila #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

First of all, I don't vote. I know better. Second of all, I would never vote for a Bush. Look up the Franklin Cover Up. G W's father is a pedophile and his grandfather was a financier of Hitler.

But here's the point, G W was just a puppet doing what he was told. Yes, he has probably been forced to do the rituals with his satanist father, and is probably a satanist himself, but he's not the one who planned and did 9 11. That was the Brotherhood of Saturn. It was a ritual. Two towers? That's the symbol of the High Priestess. 9 11 was an attack on the female aspect of the Divine.

They have their own bitch goddess who expects human sacrifice. Bohemian Grove they worship a statue of an owl. The fat man said that it is Molec, but he's wrong. Molec was depicted as a bull. No, the owl is Lilith, the bitch goddess. In Hebrew, the word lilit is translated as screech owl. It's the same baby eating goddess that is depicted by the statue of liberty.

These are satanists from way back...all the way back to Egyptian dynasties. The US was founded on satanism, in the form of Masonic rites. Now a single phallic tower has been erected where the two towers once stood: the male aspect reigning supreme over the female aspect.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Think about it... They kiss sluts who have kissed other men, sucked off other men with their red plump lips, they exchange tongues with women that have ran their tongue all over another man's member, they fuck women that have been fucked by other men, their cock exposed to the semen and cocks of other men, or in rare cases they are lied to by women claiming to be a virgin, so they can feel comfortable fucking that slut.

How can men be ok with this, such desperation just to get some pussy, they do not care that other men have already had their fill of the slut before, even chads are cucks putting their dicks in holes that other men have already placed in. It is disgusting and gay, and I feel sick just thinking about it, why don't you so called straight men just do faggot shit then, because that is all you are doing when it comes to women.

You are only getting used up leftovers, and being incel is more honorable than being a faggot cuck. In the ideal world, every man would get his very own looks-matched virgin female that has never done anything sexual with another man and he is bonded to her for life. This was the reality 500 years ago, 100 years ago, even 50 years ago, but today we are forced to accept this fucked up form of cuckoldry as natural. How can you live like this? Every time you kiss fuck or engage in any sexual acts with a woman, just remember another man has been there all over her before you, and that is what you are kissing or fucking, another man's remaining trace.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Seriously, what do we do about our serious negro problem? Negro crime is widespread and increasing. Government program fraud and and waste is enormous. Schools, neighborhoods, and cities are being destroyed. Law enforcement is being harrased, targeted, and attacked. Ridiculous demands are continually being made. For example taking statues down, outlawing flags, outlawing academic standards, etc.

We could go on and on....

How do we stop the madness and get things back under control?

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

(This fundie is talking about gangstalking, which is a delusional belief that they are being stalked by people for reasons unknown.)

Dna and beliefs.

For those laughing, laugh all you want.

You know no idea the hell people like us have gone through.

You have no idea what its like when your own family is in on it. Do you know what its like to be followed around by strangers, mimicked, attempted to have been run off the road, etc. Basically having everything in your entire life to be sabotaged?

No, you don't know. Its a horrible thing when you have no true family left.

Don't worry OP, Jesus conquered and endured it, and so will we. Take it as an honor!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I would say Holy Spirit at birth but I believe those that come back in that state (first resurrection) bypass the fiery trial (what you call gangstalking).

In order to feel/experience the electronic warfare you need a higher vibration; i.e. you have to have the Holy Spirit (quickening spirit (1 Cor 15:45)). AND YES I've heard of this...a woman said they were doing it to her disabled child; that's the level of evil you're dealing with here.

I don't know what's up but possibly it relates to someone with the Holy Spirit acting outside of GOD's will, running around giving people the Holy Spirit. I don't recall ever doing that, I would heal them outright, but give them the Holy Spirit? No. I know what's involved with that...it was crossing a line even for me at that point.

This is something I don't like to mention and you really need to do some reflection on the topic you've posted in relation to the doctrines of the church...okay folks? Do you understand what I'm saying?

trumpsupporter #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Yah sent Harvey on Friday night -- the beginning of the 7th day shabbat as outlined in the 4th commandment of every Bible in this United States of America.

And, according to this chart, Irma made landfall as the 7th strongest storm of all time:

Yahshua is trying to tell the Body of Christ in America to STOP breaking the 7th day shabbat.

From Friday sundown to Saturday sundown we, as followers of Christ are:

1. NOT to do any work.

2. Not buy and/or sell

3. Not make anyone else buy and/or sell.

We are supposed to use Fri night to Sat night to:

1. Pray,
2. Praise and worship Messiah Yahshua
3. Gather with friends and family to study the Bible and pray and fellowship
4. Eat really good food
5. Go on nice hikes
6. Enjoy His creation -- looking at the beautiful world he has made
7. Take a nap, rest, relax!!!

Shabbat is a blessing for those who observe it and it is COMMANDED for any follower of Christ to do!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Well it's definitely refreshing to see some people haven't completely lost their minds.

If it weren't for the media with TV shows, movies, etc, desensitizing and brainwashing people to think sodomites are just normal people, then our society and culture wouldn't have devolved to the level it has.

This is bigger than just sodomites as well. They're coming for your freedom of speech. Anything labelled as "hate speech" is removed from Youtube, anyone with a different opinion other than the ONLY opinion you're allowed is labelled as hate speech.

People really need to wake up on this.

GLP is all about the doom, but this is the real doom right here.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I've done the same and a lot more, so I was not trying to be a self righteous prick but I was making the point that a little leaven (from the 60's) has LEAVENED the whole lump. No use getting worked up about it because the seeds were sown and now they will be reaped.

Us Christians will need to make a choice soon. Jesus' Kingdom, or Satan's. So if we stay clean from the world it will be easy to make the right choice. This is my POINT brother, we should stay clean and not judge the fags.

Fags are going to fag, they can't help themselves because they have that spirit. Poor bastards, condemned to lick their own sh*t off another man's cock... Gross.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years for wanting to allow GAYS into our house.

True story. So we hadn't moved in yet, but she has a gay cousin who she said would stay with us for trips to visit us, once we have a house and even if we have kids.

I'm a Christian and she says she is, then when confronted about what the Bible says about the Sodomites she rejects it out of hand because "it's family though".

I said no, family or not, I will never associate with those filthy God haters. No compromise with the reprobates of this world. The Sodomite agenda will never push it's way into my home.

I've had people tell me I'm crazy and I'm a fool for throwing away a perfectly good relationship. But to anyone who hasn't completely lost their mind, accepting and loving pedophiles is absolute INSANITY.

Judge me or hate me if you want, I'm not out to seek approval from man and I'm choosing to stand on the Word of God even if it causes temporary unhappiness or persecution.

How many people out there have still not been bewitched by this filthy agenda?

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Uh look at all the jelous BIOLOGICAL woman giving me one stars. Seriously?

you know your time is overdue. Men dont need you anymore.

Trannies are so much more beautiful than you "real" woman. Most of you are fat. You dont wear make up and high heels and you still think that man are after you? Ridiculous. seriously?

my girlfriend is better then every "real" woman out there. believe you me. Theres no fungus DOWN there, she doesnt bleed YUCK! she doesnt stink, she has absolutely no cellulite, no saggy ass NO saggy tits.

And when she cums all over my face, she asks me politely if shes allowed to lick it of.

Humble and submissive she is, not like you feminazis.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Original sin and the sexless marriage!

A woman enjoys controlling her man by using sex (or depriving him of sex to get what she wants). It makes her feel powerful.

It is what she lost by the curse -> "And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you."

So much of the sin that is in the world today radiates from how women treat their husbands.

You won't hear this at church though!!!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Truly you are joking.

Buddhists history is filled with horror and violence and its that religion that underpins the NWO. It's preaching of black/white memes and the destruction of women and this trannie crap that is smothering us. Buddhist "prophecy" says the Great War is between buddhism and islam - so we'd best figure out quickly that the corruption upon our minds is simply its religion

Neither is of peace for they both deny THE KING OF PEACE AND THE WAY OF PEACE - Jesus Christ

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Women are the illuminati.

1) Illuminati love to control everyone with money. Women demand loads of money to marry them.

2) Illuminati manipulate everyone's minds. Women manipulate men's minds. Master manipulators.

3) Illuminati have very strong but very stupid survival instincts, that kill them in the end. Building bunkers, always buying land on high-grounds, hiring guards, etc. Then all of that fails because there is no love or kindness in their world. Women only want to date "Bad guys" because they think he will protect them. Then all of that fails because there is no love or kindness in their world.

4) Illuminati want to look good, especially by making others look bad. Buying rich shiny cars, expensive objects, etc, is their way of "looking good" while making everyone else look poor. Women always want to look good too, while blaming men.

5) Illuminati want to destroy this planet with war. And women want to destroy this planet by destroying the DNA of mankind by only fucking aggressive stupid bad guys.

6) Illuminati are insane and cannot be reasoned with. Women are insane and can't be reasoned with.

7) Illuminati are master planners, manipulating everyone in secret with each other. Women have women's magazines... (lol). Same thing.

8) Illuminati are evil. Women are evil.

Hope that helps!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

In times past, saints trusted fully in God to provide their needs, and they experienced God's abundant supply according to His riches in glory; but today people think it is a pipedream. If we are about our Father's business and trusting Him for the necessities of life, He never fails to keep His promises. One cannot fully experience the closeness and love of God until he/she has discovered God as his/her supply. People read the scripture, but don't believe it. They obtain their sustenance like the world obtains their sustenance..

Nazca #fundie godlikeproductions.com

You know what to me is really irritating and infuriating?

We piss on mother nature all year long, for decades.

We say fuck you to her stealing her natural resources, and adding our own manufactured, superficial, processed, UN-NATURAL resources and we trash her over and over again. Only to become more dependent on unnatural resources.

Then, we freak out when we can't get our food at the markets, gas at the pump, our homes and belongings are destroyed and PLAY VICTIMS! I don't feel sorry for even 1 human being that loose their shit.

We piss on mother nature and then when she shows her natural state of chaos, we cry and moan about how will we survive. Well, mother naure does provide enough to survive but we destroy her survival tools.

So unless you need medical attention, nature provides natural water and food for you to survive. I will volunteer my services during the devastation of a storm to help people in need but i have CERO sympathy for humans during these things.

I only have sympathy for the children that really have no choice but get caught up in this nature of insanity called civilization. This is coming from a Floridian that just came back from a Supermarket!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I dont know. Things are heating up quickly. I am not ready for God. Because I am still sinning. But I continue to ask God for help. I never could figure out how to bring judgement to perfect when sacrifice or the knowledge of the truth is transgressed to prevent perfection.

We are told to wait on God for judgment. But we are also told to be perfect even as God is perfect. Sacrifice perfects only if everyone is on board. Other wise it can't. Because injustice will occur driving a wedge of misery in the Holy Spirit.

So that is why we are told to seek perfection but we always fall short. Because not everyone is willing to sacrifice to be one and if they did that no one would kill or steal from each other. So once sacrifice is removed as told to us by Paul by trwnsgressing the knowledge of the truth removes sacrifice then the only thing to perfect is nudgemtn. Which we were told to wait on God for.

I couldnt figure this equation out. God is telling me to be perfect but he is telling me I can't be perfect unless all in the world choose sacrifice. To perfect love for the world with his Holy Spirit. So then he tells me when sacrifice is removed by trwnsgressing truth then judgment has to perfect but to wait on him.

I am saying this. We cannot be perfect without God's judgement once the knkwledge of the truth is transgressed to remove the sacrifice. So I can't be perfect even tho God tells me to seek it. So here is what I do. I ask for help as weak as I am. Until rips this world a new asshole.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

It's magical, magic! Good Luck! Watch out for karma. YOLO! (You only live once.) Holy cow ( smokes or any other subject added to holy outside of God's intention for us) He's so charming! OMG! <--- these are a few common phrases being thrown around today-- as common, everyday, normalized evil speak... Christians must refrain, and set an example in how we look (not only to be modest, but stop trying to be stylish, sexy or swag), what we say and what we do.

Some do say the OMG as oh my goodness, but it is important to write out goodness, so that others know you are not speaking of GOD in vain... I see many children and adults guilty of engaging evil and sinful speak, so it was on my heart to say something, so that maybe some may rethink such common words used around us and maybe even by us or our children.

Hollywood and the wicked entertainment industry may have normalized the idea of magic, both white and black, the enjoyment of wicked things, violence, sinful sexual behavior, immodesty, gluttony, pride, vanity, greed and everything against God. It is so important if you believe God, that we come out from among the world's practices, and no longer engage such things, no longer welcome them into our homes and no longer allow them to have influence on us our our kids...

There are so many evil things packaged in seemingly harmless ways... think about those sweet cute little carebears, smurfs, my little ponies... all portray white magic.. when ALL forms of magic lead to hell...These cartoons are not good versus evil as many believe they are evil posing as good...This is not only in regards to magical characters but superheros and many other programs that depict the fight between good and evil, using evil packaged as good to fight evil packaged as evil (if that makes sense?)

That is how many have slowly adopted evil as good...Just a little dose at a time in a seemingly harmless package..Today you can hardly find a program or a book for children that does not engage a child in sin... vampires, witches, dragons, books about crushes & lust, shows with inappropriate content and bad examples, and magic are everywhere...

We must be so careful what we are feeding our own souls and we are also responsible for what we give our children.. We must teach them and protect them from evil.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I think that is a different Heather Heyer. Sometimes even with an unusual name there can be more than one.

That said I don't believe Heather Heyer was killed in that traffic accident either. I see no evidence of her in the crowd scenes beforehand and no evidence of an injury in the intersection (from viewing many videos and pics). Not even sure she's a real person. Like a spy she may have been set up well in advance with this persona. Very limited social media for a woman that young... Mainly glamour shots on FB.

They plan these things far in advance and they're very well funded.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Men in Florida! Look for a Woman Named IRMA, (storms take human form before they strike)

I know this sounds crazy but they do.

I personally met Katrina and I believe she saved me and the people of Ft.Lauderdale.

It's a good story, but if you're not interested, we'll let it go.

However, if you meet a young lady named Irma, You might want to buy her a drink or at least pay for a lap dance.

I believe that I saved Ft.Lauderdale with both.

hankie #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Theory of Evolution was never fact, can anyone understand it was not fact nor was Darwin and expert in natural things he just up and with is friend channeling got these idea, is this science to you? Your ears are from monkeys, even if your family member do not have ear as yours. The man had a idea and kind of pushed the idea, and people jump on the bandwagon and do not know how to get off.

See it matches no other science, none, just their own stubborn pride. See the first was not remembering what his professor said and showed him about these earliest fossil of prehistoric fish like creature up in mountains, guess how the got there? Take a guess, it a Family and a boat that every nation and people say happened. The flood.

No, other science agrees with Darwin, they also love to hide things that disprove it, like very old large human foot prints following a dinosaur in Texas, on guy a evolution guy went in and distorted those foot prints, they were modern in shape but a very much larger human would have made them. That what you call desperate.

When you know of the kings list from before the flood which is a long lived people and it 300,000 or more years listed then you got to know they crazy. They also know man showed up way past those time they talk of I man modern man and animals just showed up with no records, just poof and there every new thing was.

bouncingbear #fundie godlikeproductions.com

You can either ask a trusted spirit entity for help, or give a name to the active thought energy of of the group. You could call it "the agency" for instance.

The group should now quietly concentrate on linking with a spirit or "agency" and ask it to help them move this question to the center toward the question. Or you could sharpen your psychic vision. Have you sometimes noticed an odd shadow out of the corner of your eye, seen a colored mist or rainbow (prism) to the right or left? These are examples of psychic sight-the ability to see energies that are normally invisible to the naked eye.

This is an extremely usepeaceful skill; it not only adds an extra dimension to your daily awareness of the world about you, it also enables you to focus on someones aura, and enhances clairvoyance. Many exercises online for you to practice with. Have you heard of the Third Eye vision?

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs often depict the image of the 'third eye', an invisible center of psychic perception located behind the pineal gland in the head. Not everyone is aware of this natural element. Third eye vision is a magical art used by priests, priestesses, and seers, and takes years, even lifetimes, to mature. It is an immensely powerful tool-giving a complete overview of life, as if you were looking down at events on the ground from an aircraft.

Remember to use it wisely & Loving!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The aliens are very very smart. They are anchored to this world. To save their own souls they must save it.

The period of time that is upon us is a wild card as far as what is going to happen.

They have saved their souls from this world (reality) destroying them now they have to save the world from the same thing.

Do you think our destructive nature is just going to go away? Fix itself? Look around nobody cares! Is interested in changing their ways.. Doing a damn thing about anything.

If the program is not aborted changed upgraded total destruction would be inevitable. This timeline is I imagine going to play out as the program is being aborted upgraded dissolved by those who control the matrix. But again it is a wild card... What is going to happen and how is up to us.. Will everybody wake up? Ha! We will see.

What is in a name? #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

So, once and for all, what is the people reading my mind thing all about?

Is it really part of some "targeted individual" phenomena that seems to be expanding within recent times, or is it something far less nefarious like becoming aware of the way our thoughts affect each other and our environment?

It just seems awfully negative most of the time as they are reacting to and commenting on my thoughts in a mostly chiding and negative manner. Especially when they speak on past memories of mine with an otherworldly depth, as if they were present during the scenario.

People around me are constantly doing a particular "cough", it has a certain jarring frequency to it that is different from a normal cough, or may it is that That is what coughing is for the most part.

It just seems as though many people around me are attempting to make some sort of game out of my life and mental health.

People around me are also constantly trying to play on any insecurities that I have. Sometimes they get very close to me and say these things under their breath as they walk by. It's clearly audible, I watch them say it- this is not some imagined telepathic attack or something.
They are constantly attacking my character/me.

A highlight of this was at my last job. Several of my coworkers would say, "Quit" or "Why don't you just quit?" and namecall or say some cryptic codified thing constantly as they passed me during my shift. They always said it under their breath and didn't make eye contact, unless they were talking with eachother and purposefully raising their voiced so I could hear them.

Even the manager was in on the mental games. I remember being so fed up with their game that one day I just started yelling at everyone mentally and loudly. Suddenly the manager started talking to a coworker about how he wishes people would stop yelling in his restaurant, there was barely anyone there the store had just opened and was quiet. There were plenty of other things.

I have noticed that when I'm out running that some of the people on the sidewalks start verbally attacking me, even when I speed up it's like they project their voices into my ear.

Whenever I prayed to god in my head, they recoiled and showed outward disgust or fear.

There have just been so many instances and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to handle everything for much longer. I don't know if people experiencing this live into old age.

I'm only stating this here because I know there are others who have experienced similar things and realize that I'm not being dramatic and that I'm not doing anything to provoke their behavior besides existing.

Kellz #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Neither. Based on everything you wrote, its a tactic against an enemy, which is you in this case. Trust me, its not the second thing, your enemy could be a rabid rapist who likes to dress up in his mother's high heels while singing Diana Ross tunes, yet if this is a war against you, you start to see the telltrue signs of war, one of those is mal-progranda or facetious proganda.

By facetious, I mean deliberately saying something about your enemy that is not true. Like your enemy is the cross dresser, but yet he says you are. In addition to randomly having humans read your mind, when telepathic technology has yet to be introduced, you have the issue of someone purposely lying about you.

Like see this bit right here:
Whenever I prayed to god in my head, they recoiled and showed outward disgust or fear.

Please. Look into some wars, some recent, some not. Humanity on this planet is without compassion when it comes to war.

I'm going through what your going through, and trust me, people saying 'mean' things about your thoughts is the LEAST of your worries.
Wait until they go from one lie to the next. Wait until they're right in front of you with their masks on, with a soul clearly stuck underneath them. Is it you? Is it your team? Watch them, see the kinds of reinforcement methods they have about themselves.

Another thing that might be kind of hard to chew, but is quite real, they have have your spirit eye or your power.
Try this one for a scenario, as sick as it is, you are a 34 year old male, I'm female, I'm setting this up as an example. Anyway, you live on a planet called Greatworld, but what you don't know about this planet is it has many secrets, some of them are extreme and wild beyond human comprehension. One of them is that your planet does not look quite the way it does in pictures, and this planet is actually called Raiders. Planet Greatworld is full of deception, treasures, lies, sex, and anything else you could think of.

Planet Greatworld is run in part by Ancient and Mythic Gods, and a very Human group of people, whom weild the power of Gods. There are actual Gods, yes as you will come to find out later, but in your case, this Human group of people is actually very important. This group is called The Secret Society of Hoarders for the Enslavement Benefit of The Rich and Powerful Mankind, or SSHBM for short.

A lot of Greatworld residents know about this, but keep it hidden for advancement in a religious hierarchy that is very important to them, for it is the only thing they know. It is the only system that provides them freedom and understanding in life and in death. Besides, what may be perceived as bad to one person, might be just and righteous to everyone else.

Every human born on planet Raiders gets a spiritual implant (Demon Angel Eye Nobody knows what it is really) installed in them from birth. This helps the human controllers control and monitor everything you do, most importantly, it literally gives them control over your soul, yet little people know this. Every once in a while, when someone dies on planet Greatworld, they go to a different planet entirely, sometimes, they even advance in all manners of Spirit Evolution. Sometimes a human can actually, after many years in the spiritual world, become a God. You don't know this, but the shadowy elite knows this.

One year, it begins. Everyone starts reacting to you negatively similar to a body of Christ infected with Lupus. The whole of planet Greatworld, including it's seedy spirit world, is against you.

Heres where it gets bizarre, you have a beard, and a penis, yet the people of Greatworld, whom had up until this point called you a dude, now call you a female. Its like a fun Satanic load of crackerjacks. Anyway, so you wait until this shit blows over, because theres way too many fucking lies for you to get the straight of it. You die, then go to a different planet entirely. You evolve in death and go on to become a spirit and protector of a world.
Yes, this is great, its your birthday, go love your world.

However a group that you have forgotten, whom has never forgotten you, knew. They knew and know. You see whenever a spirit goes on to another planet as you did, and do what you did, the SSBHM knows because of the implant. This gives them knowledge of other planets and allows them a window into a world, without actually being there.

While you are overseeing the nice, pretty, true world that is yours, the SSHBM is literally salivating at the mouths like hungry wolves. SURPRISE! They are just in your low orbit with a fleet of war spaceships that you never even saw on planet Greatworld. They are there for one word, and one word only RAID. Not only do they want your world's treasures, they want your essence as well. Quite sad. You are overtaken and de-deified by advanced humans, your eye/spirit given to someone else.

Another surprise, due to the warping of space, this RAID incident happens in the past. This is why people on planet Greatworld treat you like a piece of shit, because if you meet your enemy, know they're your enemy, and have already seen their doom, then whats the point of politeness? To the Victors go the spoils, so in their mind, you're just a minor inconvencience before getting to something really good. They don't give a shit about you. They stick to the script and they're military in their ways. In fact, if you were the person in this scenenario I wouldn't call it quits as much as I would just you know Akuna Matada that shit, because to be fair that memory cap on the way out will cancel any plans for opposition, even if you did believe such a far-fetched idea.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

ALL of Obamas programs were meant to help illegals and criminals!

"Dream Act" was to allow gang members to stay and vote.

"Obamacare" was to give free healthcare to illegals.

"Free phones" was to give drug dealers free and untraceable phones.

Nothing Obama did was designed to assist legal, law abiding, US citizens.

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


From the movie the island 2005.

-Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to
the next generation of science,
the agnate.
An organic frame engineered
directly into adulthood
to match the client's age.
You're looking at stage one
This way, sir.
In its development.
Within 12 months
it will be harvest-ready,
all our agnates are maintained
in a persistent vegetative state.
Two of our products have escaped.
Well, after several years
of trial and error,
we discovered that
without consciousness,
without human experience,
emotion, without life,
the organs failed.






Dexter #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Once while still alive, I had an NDE, and it was not like anything anyone has ever described. For me it was pure bliss, a total body orgasmic sensation that was greater than anything you could imagine. I saw in front of me a vortex spiraling counter-clockwise, and it seemed like it was composed of these purple rectangles surrounded by golden-yellow light, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and the next thing I knew I was not "here".

I faintly remember "sisterly" voices saying "he's awake! he's awake!" and I felt like I had awaken from a very long dream, and then a very omnipotent and familiar voice began speaking to me, describing some future world events, and in particular a time when everyone was at each other's throats there would be a mass awakening. I could not believe what I was seeing and I asked why it had to be like that, and the response was "it is the only way to wake them up". I was told that I would have to go back, and that I was to tell everyone that the Creator/Source is real (the term God was not used, but it was not "words" being "spoken" it was more of a telepathic communication because as I said I was not "here" as in here in my body at that time). I argued that I did not deserve to be talking to God, that I did not even believe in God, but the Creator was not angry with me, instead he asked me if I knew why I felt the way I did, and my answer was no, and then I began some automatic process of reliving my life, backwards, from present into the past, every detail every thought, every action. The question was repeated after each memory was reviewed, and it was not until I could answer "yes" (with full honesty) was I left alone....

But I was not alone, all around me were bubbles of light, on strings, I knew that I was also a bubble of light on a string, in fact I knew everything, all there ever was to know. I was totally in a state of complete bliss, and knew everything, all I had to do was focus on anything and it was known to me, but in that state, I was just so happy to be home I had a hard time focussing, but I remembered that I was to tell people about this place, and the Creator, so I focussed my thought on "is there a way to SHOW other people this place, not just tell them about it" It was then that my awareness began receiving information about a very interesting machine: what it was, how it worked, technical details, schematics, and even some visions of the machine in action.

It was at this point I regained consciousness, face down in a river, on a little island in the rapids. I coughed out water and my lungs hurt, but I was still feeling the sensation of total bliss for about 3 days after the event.

I have never built the machine, nor described much of its detail to anyone due to the nature of the machine itself, not that I wouldn't want people to see that place for themselves, but the machine induces a state where a person is quite vulnerable to outside influence, and in the wrong hands could be quite dangerous.

So in a nutshell: you wake up. I have been here sleepwalking for 24 years now (I was 21 when the event happened) waiting for the the world to match the visions I was given.

Seriously, folks #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I do not believe in evolution. I believe in the curse of cultures who did not and do not accept God and his Son Jesus Christ - who is himself also God in the flesh.

But it seems to me illogical to believe in and promote evolution and then claim there is something wrong with other people who also believe the same thing but are realistic and practical about their approach to their belief and are outspoken about it. Why are these people, who are people of ALL RACES, called "racist" or "supremacists" as if it is a wrong thing? What IS wrong is hatred, what is not wrong (even though I as a bible-believing Christian believe it is wrong) is believing that their race is factually superior to another.

These people should be considered "factists" who seem to hate it when other people hate the truth. I don't see why that is not plausible until further information that might suggest a "factist" wants to maybe perhaps enslvae or kill other races because of their ideology then their hatred to opposition to what they believe to be true has spread onto people themselves, then of course that is an unacceptable problem is a problem.

There are supremacists, or factists, in every race. But there is one truth - and I will remind everyone that there is no macro evolution of humankind and there is only 1 race and nurture determines whether a white, black, or asian child will grow up to be well from having moral parents or unwell from having immoral parents no matter what race the parents are.

Ven #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump is a globalist TRAITOR and should be arrested for TREASON

The globalists are now taking over the government. All of the pro-U.S. people in the Trump administration have been removed. Democrats Kushner, Ivanka, Gary Cohn and the Goldman Sachs bankers, and the warmonger generals who want to nuke North Korea and send more teenagers to die in Afghanistan and half a dozen other countries are all that is left.

There is a globalist coup going on in the White House, and TRUMP is the head traitor calling all the shots.

Heinous And Deplorable Anus #racist godlikeproductions.com

Negroes Should Be Arrested and Charged With Domestic Terror

Why aren't the Negroes being held to American standards?

These Violent Negroes are a Terrorist Organization.

The Cops are just doing their thankless job (Good or Bad), the best they can in an unpleasant violent environment.

Being forced to constantly work around and be exposed to violent, dangerous Negroes on a daily basis?

Every where these Negroes go invokes violence, drugs and decay.

The newspapers are offering comfort and aid to a Terrorist Organization.

Where does it go from here...?

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The sooner all organized religion is banned in every nation, the better and safer we'll all be.

God bless the United Nations for starting to ban them.

Every religious organization should be labelled and investigated as a potential terrorist organization because they all have some types of crazy or violent beliefs.

we can start with banning the American Israel (pro-Zionist Jews) Political Action Committee (AIPAC) and all other organized religion-based political groups.

Religious political groups are the most dangerous.

Jesus and Abraham and Moses and Muhammed are all drinking a beer together and eating pork sausage as they cheer on the ban of all organized religion. All current religions violate the good spirit of their original messages. so all should be abolished.

long live logic and reason and science and imagination.

with or without a formal banning, organized religion is on its deathbed around the world. regular people are absolutely sick of it and all the division it creates.

even the stubborn ones are getting sick of religion, especially if they have a gay relative or believe that religion and politics is a very dangerous mix, like the former Bushian Christians learned about his war mongering. Jesus was a peace maker, not a war maker. People are sick of the hypocracy on all sides.

I hope Iran will lead the way. topple its currupt, rich Muslim, nut-case Islamic scum clergy leaders and ban all organized religion in their nation. this will be a sight to see, and it will happen. iran's people are sick of religion rule, theocracy, and all of its oppression. they are more sick of it than anyone. they just need organization and guns and bullets to overthrow their tyrant clergy. maybe then other nations near them will also imprison or kill off their crazy clergy too. is America and Israel ready for a secular Middle East? who will be their enemy if this happens?

in america, i foresee imprisoning the Christian clergy for inciting people into conducting an illegal, terrorizing war in Iraq. the american clergy are complicit in fomenting that major act of terrorism. love to see Bush and CHeney and all the right-wing Christian leaders in jail for advocating and then orchestrating crimes against humanity and terrorist activities against non-Christians.

Imprison the Christian clergy for condoning and encouraging America's fine young people to join the military and become cannon fodder for Haliburton, Exxon and all the rest of Cheney's and Bush's "Christian" friends.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

JFK Death Hoax. He was never shot

If he was shot, Jackie would've had her head blown smooth off because of how close ahe was sitting next to him.

JFKs brain was never found.

Autopsy pics have already been proven to be JD Tippit's.

Little drops of blood of Jackies dress, there should've been blood and brains all over her.

Paid crisis actors on the scene.

JFK had a squib device attached to the side of his cheek which when pulled would activate an explosion of fake blood. You can see Jackie tug on a white device (the squib cord) and then flinch when it bursts after she pulls it.

This was nothing more than another hoax on this world stage.

You're crazy if you the elite would murder one of their own. Kennedy was the product of a royal bloodline.

They did this to traumatize society and make him a hero. It worked.

Kek the Winged Hussar #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Poland attacked by HAARP induced thunderstorms

On August 11th, a massive storm passed through Poland. Meteorological radar occupied almost one third of the country. It devastated 40 thousand. Hectares of forest and damaged 2.5 thousand. buildings. In Wielkopolska the current was deprived of over 150 thousand. recipients. 6 people died. The storm was reminiscent of cataclysms from Hollywood movies. It turns out that she could not be purely a work of nature.

Poland could have been attacked using the HAARP climate weapon. Proponents of conspiracy theories draw attention to the images of CMAX radio waves. There are suspicious circles on them. It is well known which countries could be responsible for cataclysm.
[link to gfx.planeta.fm]
[link to www.planeta.fm]

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The ALT-LEFT/Antifa/Communists are Satanists.

They promote homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, islam, atheism, abortion, sexual promiscuity, divorce, feminism, evolution, religion, democracy, dependence on the state, genericism, artificiality, authoritarianism, fascism, poverty, obesity, tobacco addiction, drug addiction, porn addiction, gambling addiction, organised religion, cheating athletes, violent movies, pollution, climate change, myths, hoaxes, hate, supremacy, division, trojan horses, malware, ransomware, ISIS, AIDS, Ebola, STD'S, fake bad news, fake child abuse, jealously, spitefulness, evil.

They promote anything which makes you weak and poor. Anything which makes you hate yourself and others around you.

They are anti-human.

They want you to resort to violence then you will be just like them.

TRUE SATANISTS are impostors and infiltrators.

They mask themselves just like a Trojan horse does.

They pretend to be your best friend when they are your worst enemy.

They pretend they want to help you when they want to destroy you.

They speak with forked tongues.

They are two-faced.

They have no honour.

They are the opposite of a real human.

They emulate human behaviour to trick you.

They want to lump you into segregated groups and have you all fight one another.

That is how they divide and conquer you like sheep.

You can destroy them by simply not buying their products but that means sacrificing something.

It means going without and you are too spoilt.

It means teamwork and resolve.

Remove yourselves from their groups and cells.

Stop buying their products.

Come together.

You won't get a chance like this again.

Erase all groups and have 1 which is against them.

Stop using Facebook and watch their traffic drop.

Go lights out on their services.

Do without.

You don't get anything for free. You don't get something for nothing.

Take your money out their banks.

Stop using Amazon.

Why not??

Anonymous Non-Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

This is real simple guys... and you can throw up BS flags all the want, but those who actually want proof... Please give it a shot.

You need to be all alone and preferably outside is where it works best for me.

Concentrate on the fact that you fully believe in ETs, that they are real and watching over us on this planet.

NOTE: If you don't 100% believe in ETs yet, you probably should do more research before giving this a shot...

Please note that this isn't like talking to Jesus or whatever the religious Kooks would have you believe, we're just going to try and let the ETs know, that we know they are real and to give us a sign.

Okay, now you're concentrating and you've 'opened' your thoughts, just straight up ask the ETs with the most deep thoughts you can to prove to you they exist. Ask them if they are truly up there and watching you, to give you a sign... Usually I will be looking up to the sky when I do this, at least at the beginning to establish initial contact.

Don't expect to hear words in your head, don't expect some huge revelation... Just feel for the energy change they will happen if you do this right and your 'call' is 'accepted' by them. The energy they send (if it works for you, if not, keep trying!) should make it very clear that you really just had your first contact!

Very quickly it will become clear that they are not here to hurt or harm you in any way... You respect them and they will respect you, same as any human relationship.

The first time I did this was when I was really upset about 2012 and all the doom, I went to my rooftop and deeply asked "If there are ETs out there and you are watching over me, please give me a sign"... Next thing I know my brain changes from being sad and down... to more 'alert' if you will. It wasn't that I was happy by any means, more like my brain could not slip back into that 'down' state that it was in.

Please also be warned that I believe it's also possible to 'piss' the ETs off if you send negative energy at them. One day I was really pissed about all the changes going on around the world and more or less 'told' them that they were 'controlling' us and had evil intentions for all humanity...

Well, the next day I felt bad and tried to apologize, and had a HUGE wave of NEGATIVE energy that I have never felt before come across me. I kept apologizing over and over, and saying to myself how fucking stupid I was, and the feeling finally stopped.

So yea, don't piss them off... Because they look at disrespect in the same way you or I would if someone said something mean to us.

Well, that's pretty much it guys... This worked for me and I know 100% that I communicated on a basic level with ETs. So if you're interested in this stuff give it a try, you may be intrigued by what you find.

bird of the abyss #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Check out Anna Breytenbach. She's a telepathic animal communicator.

I had an experience when I was 7 where a serpent telepathically communicated with me. It said, "what is the place of life?" It was at a playground in a sandbox at a daycare, and I "ran" away, I say "ran" cause I'm kinda partially crippled lol. I told that daycare lady and she said "Willie, snakes don't talk" and no one believed me but I was obsessed with snakes for a long time after.

Later in my life, in like 2012-13 I had an experience where a bunch of numbers came into my mind. It made me sick cause it was so intense like I wanted to throw up but after it stopped I realized the force was trying to say "Numbers don't you make you God" which is meaningful because a year later I got into numerology with a bunch of numerological stuff pointing to divinity or something.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

No such thing as a fluke! Yes, Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working. The problem most encounter is misunderstanding the process. It's whatever we think of most. Our mindset too is often dwelling on what we don't want.

This is why so many folks keep repeating the same experience over and over again. Our imagination is a powerful creator. Each is creating their personal reality not realizing that their thoughts cancel out what they do want. The word "repent" means to change the mind. You have begun a wonderful adventure which has a way of creating Heaven on Earth!

Boogie Cancer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ahhh waterfalls, ocean waves, the deep woods, and thunderstorms!

Each one gives you a feeling of relaxation because they are rich in negative ions.

If you were hanging out by a waterfall for example, your air could have 5,000 to 50,000 negative oxygen ions per cc per second.

Our skin absorbs negative ions (85%) and so do our lungs (15%.) Your body uses those negative oxygen ions in what are called ionic reactions.

It's fascinating to note that when the so called Santa Ana winds or the Sirocco winds blow, that air is also depleted of negative ions. Studies reveal that when that happens crimes and accidents go up.

Today's city air, offices, cars and homes often have almost no negative ions. It's as if the air has been 'distilled.'

Cell towers and electronics generate positive oxygen ions. The negative ions we would have been exposed to keep us happy get attracted to the positive ions instead which is why cities, offices, etc have so few if any negative ions.

There are many cases of people who were once sick that have eliminated their symptoms simply by increasing the negative ions in their close vicinity. Disks and ionic clothing are two popular ways to do that.

Within ten years, and possibly starting this year, the power of the cell towers that surround us will be cranked up to accommodate driverless cars and trucks. This means a lot more negative ions will be robbed from the air.

It also means everyone will be getting sick. Those who already have ailments will find their condition worsening severely. Some will drop dead from heart attacks while others will be curled up in bed with migraines, PMS or arthritis, to mention just three possibilities.

It doesn't matter if you avoid driverless cars because it is the cell towers that are the real offenders with the vehicles being secondary. Car electronics today do produce plenty of positive ions.

Almost no one will be the wiser as to why everyone is getting sick and sicker because the cause is invisible.

If you protect yourself perfectly but 90 people or even 50 people out of 100 don't, society will collapse anyway. So we will need to not only protect ourselves but get involved to stop the driverless death march.

The first step is to let as many people as you can to find out about this. When enough do, then we can prevent what looks like an inevitable societal suicide.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

That's like real life. As soon as you figure out how time and the universe works, some scientist comes around and says, no you can't do that.

Currently, the raven that discovered how to work the contraption first has been dissected and its nervous ganglia cloned to be used in an AI experiment. That's what you get for being a smart ass, raven.

OneHeart #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I know this will generally be scoffed at, but I experienced a supernatural telepathic exchange with a crow on a golf course in Colorado some 16 years ago. I had hit my ball into the rough on a long par 4 with over 220 yards to the green. I was preparing to hit a punch out to set up a reasonable third shot when a crow landed on a branch of an aspen tree 20 feet parallel to my position. I was distracted by the noise and looked at the bird which was staring a hole in me. I heard a clear voice in my head say "use the three wood." I was startled, but played it off as my own mind having fun and addressed the ball with my iron.

The crow cawed again and the voice interjected "take the advice." I was overcome with the thrill of having what seemed to be a bonafide supernatural encounter, and I turned to my back and traded the iron for my three metal club. The crow didn't move but kept watching from his/her perch. One practice swing later, I launched into the ball, and amazingly the result was a beautiful trajectoried shot that landed softly on the green, a one in a thousand outcome for a player of my skill level.

I turned to the bird who had apparently watched me throughout the shot and was overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude as it flew off without further comment. I have yearned for a similar experience since but nothing of this nature has ever surfaced since. There are indeed more things in Heaven and Earth than can be dreamed of by own impoverished philosophies.

I Am Truthor #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I've posted a few of my video examples before, but have compiled the best proof I have to show that there is more going on than people fully realize. There is something very sinister happening in the world and the TV is a big part of it.

Through the use of hypnosis, via camera movements, the TV puts your brain into alpha wave state and you are immediately accessible. There is an intelligent, ghost energy that is actually alive and working in real time that can instantly "eat" your emotions/brainwaves based on how much they can get your mind to think and how much they can get you to feel something.

I know this may be hard to believe, but everything you watch is moldable and scripts can change on the fly to reflect the viewer. The beings coming through are communicating with each other as characters on screen in mostly double meaning, coded language...ABOUT YOU, without you even realizing it.

Once you're "asleep", they can access your memories, your likes/dislikes, your insecurities, etc in order to create dialog you can relate to, in order to stir up feelings within you. Once they've broken down your field through quick camera movements, flashing lights, high frequency sounds, etc. they can actually jump on board and possess your body and influence what you do so that they can physically experience through you.

The video above gives some very clear examples of the kind of things that begin to become noticeable, once you learn to deflect their hypnosis attempts and keep your brainwaves in beta or higher.

christian #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Church is saltless and rendered useless...

Those in Government do not have the Spirit of ARMOR in Christ to stand with President Trump and his cabinet who GOD allowed to rise to save the USA from Destruction...

After re-reading Revelation 17 many times IMHO the Catholic Church is not that BABYLON.. We the USA are!


It is just over 305 feet tall from the ground to the top of the torch flame. The crown has 25 windows and seven spikes. Spike That Fact! The seven spikes represent the seven seas and seven continents of the world, according to the Web sites of the National Park Service and the Statue of Liberty

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. THE USA

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
1.President Carter-FALLEN
2.President Reagan-FALLEN
3.President Bush-FALLEN
4.President Clinton-FALLEN
5.President Bush-FALLEN
6.President Obama-ONE IS THE BEAST
7.President Trump-he must continue a short space.

8.And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

Jeremiah 7: tells us that..

Jeremiah False Religion Worthless
This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Stand at the gate of the Lord’s house and there proclaim this message:
“‘Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah who come through these gates to worship the Lord. This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place.

But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward. From the time your ancestors left Egypt until now, day after day, again and again I sent you my servants the prophets. But they did not listen to me or pay attention. They were stiff-necked and did more evil than their ancestors.’

When you tell them all this, they will not listen to you; when you call to them, they will not answer. Therefore say to them, ‘This is the nation that has not obeyed the Lord its God or responded to correction. Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips.

The Valley of Slaughter
“‘The people of Judah have done evil in my eyes, declares the Lord. They have set up their detestable idols in the house that bears my Name and have defiled it.

Hillary Clinton tweeted a photo of herself modeling one of the "nasty woman" T-shirts for Planned Parenthood

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Once again, my dear old and blind dog telepathicaly told me things! Oh, my dear puppie. How sorrow am I for the pain you're going throug in your last years!

I've told once that I have a telepathic connection with my old friend. It's a random thing, filled with noise and uncertainties, but it exists! I know, somehow, when she is awakening from her nap at the coach and is coming to the kitchen. I can feel it, as a message, and seconds later she shows off. I can feel when she's depressed or sad and need a good rub on her belly or neck, and she comes nearby me and stands by waiting for it. Also if she is hungry or if she wants to go outside to pee.

We have a bond that is out of this world. My wife has not this gift. The messages I get into my mind are blurry, noisy and not a linear sequence of graphical or sound-like frames, but I got the messages and also she gets mine.

Lately, and blind as she is for the last three years, something weird happens every day. After I feed her, with a 5 star chef level food, she comes by me and lays down (as if she's looking a closer bond). Then, sitting at the kitchen in the silence of night, the shows begin. I start to "feel" images and things that I can barely link to a meaningfull data reception. I can "feel" her sorrow and her warnings. I don't know why or how, but she "looks at me" (she's blind) and I start to pick random images about doom and a date and time. It's like an adversiment on TV or a road sided sign, but the very noisy pics I receive in my head are like:

- I'm sorry for you (or something like that).
- July 14 2017, 5:59
- Find shelter
- Don't mind about me
- I love you
- Be ready
- Trust me. Get cover far away.
- Don't trust anyone except me.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

That is because Europeans avoid the sun these day's. Benjamin Bigot. Franklin, liked to call German's swarthy, because they did alot of agricultural work.

My Grandma, first year she spent fall-winter in Florida, spent too much time gardening outside. She came back with burnt bronze skin color(the jokes, "did Grandpa get a divorce and marry a Puerto Rican?lmao). She is damn near straight German, blue eye's.

Also, Jesus eye's are described as being the color of "pure flame". Pure flame, has recently been discovered to be blue. When all impurities are removed, fire is naturally blue.

It goes back to Second Adam and Eve and their Battle against Satan, where God, after Adam questions God if he is really Satan all along, makes Satan appear in his true form and God makes it clear "he ain't black".

Yes, Satan is a black man, and father of the black race/species. That is why they are obsessed with trying to claim the lineage of Noah's offspring.

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I noticed recently how in this duality we live in, everything has its opposite, everything goes in pairs, from matter to antimatter, gravity to antigravity, christ to antichrist etc and then boom! BIG BANG! IT HIT ME!
I finally understood how nothing/zero can give birth to or be anything!




In short everything and anything can come from nothing as long it comes paired with its exact opposite as then it's still nothing/0 in disguise!

And this is another proof added to my collection that we live in the realm of the dead!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

In a nutshell: The following passages all refer to the same transgenic experiments carried out by the Nephilim. They say that various animals DNA were mixed together, including the DNA of humans. Now, they also say that the giants carried out these experiments on reptiles, so no doubt they mixed the DNA of reptile with human and created the beings we know today as reptoids.

I also have no doubt that dinosaurs were created by the Nephilim also. A T-Rex is more physiologically similar to a chicken, according to latest research, this is because the Nephilim cross-spliced the DNA of large flightless birds with large crocodiles.

"And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals." Jasher 4:18

If we look at this last line, "for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals". This means that, not only was the flesh of animals corrupted via DNA mixing, but also of men. The Nephilim had mixed the DNA of humans with animals also.

We read again about the corruption of flesh among humans and animals in the Book of Jubilees:

"All flesh corrupted its way. Humans, herd animals, wild animals, birds, and everything that walks on the earth – they all were corrupted from their natural order."

"And they began to sin against birds, and against animals, and against reptiles, and against fish, and they devoured one another's flesh, and drank the blood from it." Enoch

"The earth was full of violence. God looked upon the earth and saw that it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth, so God said to Noah, "The end of all flesh is coming." Genesis

In the fragmented Book of Giants, it says the same thing.

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