LarryBo #fundie
The ACLU has always been a communist organization dedicated to the overthrow of American culture. They certainly don't support the civil rights of the babies who have been slaughtered by democrats.
The ACLU has always been a communist organization dedicated to the overthrow of American culture. They certainly don't support the civil rights of the babies who have been slaughtered by democrats.
Let's not forget our little Marxist lady on the SCOTUS who quoted international law and Marxist/communist mindset rules over the U.S. Constitution. In the courts leftist members majority rule in two cases, the Texas homosexual privacy case and the NY case of eminent domain with the lakefront property. Both cases were blatant attacks on the foundation of America by Godless leftist.
People better better wake up and soon, that the SCOTUS's rulings are not on the same level as God's law. Every bad and horrible thing that has happen to the American people is based on a SCOTUS ruling. Sinful lawyers in black robes.
If we aren't a people who love to do what is right and eschew immorality, we will decay into immorality and receive all the curses that go along with it. STDs, deadly diseases, more abortions, children with no known or caring parents and, in effect, we will be more like the Muslims who do these things in the name of their god to destroy infidels.
They will destroy their own culture in the process, as will we if we become like them. In a world of AIDS and spreading diseases which cannot be controlled by drugs, the sexual promiscuity the world is experiencing right now can only end up as a major plague of one type or another which will be deadly and uncontrollable. Man has consistently been unable to overturn God's laws regarding sex without suffering severe consequences.
The LGBTQ+ revolution has flipped the entire male/female created order upside-down, and it has produced insecurity and an unraveling in civil society like never before—not to mention the destruction of countless lives trapped in the bondage that comes with sexual sin.
I have warned for more than 27 years that we are in a spiritual battle of good versus evil. White people are under attack – especially white, straight, conservative Christian men of power. The children of the lie hate them because they represent good. They love truth, freedom, responsibility, the values that make America great.
Evil already wiped out black and Hispanic men – separated them from their families and deluded their thinking. Evil, too, has chipped away at whites, the last men standing in the way to stop evil from completely taking over America.
But white men have forsaken their responsibility to lead their wives and children in the right way, and to tell the truth in the world without anger, fear or apology.
If you bother to read the rest of the bible, you'll realise two things:
Everyone who refuses to acknowledge Jesus Christ as messiah is antichrist, bu definition.
There is no one "antichrist", it is a spirit that is loose in this world, the spirit of this age ("this age" meaning the entire period from the resurrection of Jesus until He comes again in glory) which IS antichrist.
Of COURSE moslems are of antichrist. So are hindu, jain, shinto, humanist, and even many groups commonly accepted as"christian" who refuse to abide by the clear commandments God has taken the trouble to spell out in His Word.
Anal sex is demonic. There’s no other way to understand it. Using the anus as a substitute vagina is a desire from the pit of hell.
At its core, the radical left is at war with God and His laws of life.
Didn't impress me much in New York, and still doesn't. Judeo-Christianity doesn't advocated the annihilation of all those who do not believe as they. Islam is an ideological bastardization of all religions using violence and terror to subjugate the masses into compliance. If Kelly does not realize that by now, we have a real problem with the head of the DHS.
If the drumbeat of verbal attacks, leaks and otherwise destructive assaults on President Donald J. Trump, his family, those around him and their supporters do not soon abate, expect right-wing militias and other reactive vigilantes to spring into action, resulting in a full-fledged civil war, with blood flowing in our neighborhoods and streets.
Bloodshed is coming to America, and it won’t be a response to oppression but the result of aggression – against God and our constitutional form of government.
Where’s the common sense these days? If I say I feel like a ham sandwich, does that entitle me to get on the menu of a non-kosher deli?The end result of this cultural phenomenon – the absolute celebration of transgenderism – is twisting the minds and hearts of young people across the country. It is not only causing gender confusion, it is causing mass cultural disorientation and societal irrationality.
Blacks don’t care about the so-called ‘N-word.’ They care about manipulating whites with false guilt, fear and sympathy.
Trump’s character is less morally significant than defeating the left. If the left wins, America loses. And if America loses, evil will engulf the world.
The LGBT movement was birthed in depravity and violence and has never changed. Behind the facade of ubiquitous pro-LGBT propaganda in the media and academia is a community of deeply troubled people, rife with drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, self-destructive behaviors, ‘hate crime’ hoaxes, Machiavellian political manipulations at every level, pathological self-centeredness and seething hatred for anyone who dares oppose the ‘gay’ agenda.
if you really wanted to destroy the major symbols of slavery and racial discrimination, you would ban the Democratic Party.
[On the removal of Confederate statues]
I hope they tell the folks in New Orleans that all of these monuments honor Democrats, and that the Confederacy was led solely by Southern leaders of the Democrat Party. In a Democrat city like New Orleans, I can’t understand why Democrat leaders want old venerated Democrat heroes taken down!
[In response to a comment about America losing its "pervasive, indisputable Christian culture and heritage"]
So, there's our problem. It turns out god is myth and the inherently weak-minded, delusional people - the vast majority - are stuck with humanism as the replacement.
The upcoming April 21 ‘Day of Silence’ in schools will milk the ‘LGBT’ victimhood narrative for all it’s worth, even though this movement is hardly silent but screams its demands as a reckless, ruthless bully throughout American culture.
Parents should be ever-watchful for homosexual indoctrination in their kids’ schools.
“America’s born again believers should cover President Trump in prayer,” Gallups said. “It’s obvious that the demonic realm is stirred by his presence. It’s also obvious that the antichrist agenda of the globalist community is going berserk over a Trump presidency. These are simply signs to those of us who know God’s word that President Trump is being used by the Lord in these prophetic times. Pray for him. Pray for our nation. And, then, get on with the work of the Kingdom.”
When certain families raise their children in today’s culture to be God-honoring, productive, respectful young adults, it’s an astounding accomplishment.
It still happens, praise God, and many of you are still trying to do this.
But the forces allied against such happy outcomes are growing, metastasizing through the disease of secular American culture.
To keep protecting our children, we must recognize honestly what’s going on, even if it is a deeply sobering, heartbreaking picture.
It’s all-out war, one that God is possibly allowing for a time as part of judgment on America.
The left calls the transformation of America “progress.”
But no, it is instead an insane race toward the crumbling temples of ancient barbarism, leading our children by the hand as the sacrificial victims brought willingly to the pagan feast.
Can God “turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children”? (Malachi 4:6)
It may be a divine consequence, if not judgment, of America’s callous slaughter of 60 million unborn lives. God has a habit of giving us what we want.
We are reaping the fruit of abortion: marriage abolition via the homosexual and gender confusion agendas. “Don’t want the blessing of faithful husband/wife love – new human life? OK, take the emptiness of fruitless pleasure instead.”
Sexual promiscuity and cohabitation before marriage were just the beginning. The severe spiritual disorientation that results in the disintegration of male and female norms is being visited on the next generation as we fail to guard their hearts, their eyes, their bodies.
Corruption is “cool”; protectiveness is stifling. The bar of “education” in sexual matters is moved ever lower until Ph.D.s in anti-Christ mythology are dragging youth through a gutter of horrific abominations in grade school. Students are tutored in masturbation as a child, then mutual masturbation as a pre-teen, then experimentation in all directions as a teen. Abortion is always a “health care” option.
And sometimes, adults break a sacred trust and violate children themselves.
The result? More children who exhibit the classic signs of demonic oppression.
Many are behaviorally unhinged, some unaccountably anxious. Others are perennially dissatisfied, proudly rebellious, even self-destructive through cutting, drug use, eating disorders. And then there are those with violent impulses – teen rapists, looters, vandals.
Gender anarchy is one of the last stops on this nightmare trail, a natural outcome of rejecting the sanity and beauty of male and female God-designed identities. Homosexuality was the stop before. And while homosexual desires arise from some level of gender confusion, many stop short of a complete repudiation of the anatomical reality of masculinity and femininity. Or at least, they used to.
Satan is not done with our precious sons and daughters yet. He wants us to hand our children over willingly, believing it’s for their own good, and scream in outrage at any who try to issue warnings.
It’s now “cruel” not to let boys dress in skirts and eyeliner and disrobe in the female locker rooms at school.
Watching this descent into the hell of child corruption for four decades, it’s difficult to understand why more people who call themselves Christian are not radically upset. Some are – that’s our hope and promise.
But for instance, America’s most fervent pro-life activists often avoid any stand on this issue. It may be fear, or it may be that they resist connecting the dots about where decades of sowing disrespect for the fruit of marriage takes us.
After killing millions of our own offspring, Americans are jaded and desensitized to the sexual corruption of our children. Many believers now contend, unbiblically, that it’s un-Christian not to cooperate with these diabolical delusions.
This blindness may also be God’s judgment.
We are more afraid of the worldly label of “hate” than the divine label of “unfaithful.”
Parents allow schools to teach children detailed elements of sexual perversion in sex education. Should 11-year-olds learn, inaccurately, that anal sex is a manageable “genital” activity? Do we not weep in despair at the smashed innocence in a sensitive child?
Friendly librarians hand our children “young adult” literature selections that include pornographic passages. Parents trust that what a school recommends will have no negative effect. This category of literature has exploded in the last 15 years – complete with rape scenes, homosexual sex, masturbation, oral sex, gender fluidity – only because parents are not the watchdogs they used to be. The healthy skepticism that once accompanied parental oversight is quickly vanishing.
So we have porn-obsessed boys who crave sex with other boys – but are willing to accept sex with a predatory adult male.
We see teen lesbians who hate males flirt with witchcraft and think abortion is a sacrament.
And highly disturbed middle schoolers are exploited by social media and radical teachers and threaten suicide unless parents support them in identifying as the opposite sex and beginning hormone “treatment.”
Does any parent bring a baby home from the hospital and proclaim, “Oh, I can’t wait until he is a 17-year-old drag queen who begs to have castration surgery!”
Do any parents pray that their adorable baby girl grows into a foul-mouthed, tattooed “gender-queer” who damages her breasts permanently through chest-binding?
Of course not. America is drowning in parental tears. “I never thought this would happen!” “What did I do wrong?”
Sometimes parents do bear some responsibility. But sometimes it’s the corrupt world that is increasingly impossible to screen out.
We must change it.
What can America do to turn this around? First, we must face the war that is being waged and search our own hearts, with repentance and conviction.
Read and study Scripture about the nation that turns from the Lord:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I will also reject you from being priest for Me.
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children." ( Hosea 4: 6, NKJV)
Can we save our children? Yes. But first, we must save ourselves.
“It’s very revealing that Donald Trump has witches all over the world casting spells against him – while at the same time he has had born again Christians believers praying for him throughout the campaign until now,” he told WND.
“It would seem to say he’s doing something right.”
In 1945, George Orwell penned “Animal Farm.” One of his characters was Squealer the pig, who arbitrarily redefined words so that they would mean what he wanted. As Orwell explained about Squealer, “he could turn black into white” as part of his attempt to get the other animals to accept his message. It appears that secular progressives are the modern Squealer.
According to them, Donald Trump has now shown us who he really is: a theocrat. Never mind that leading up to the election, we were all fed a steady diet of how irreligious he was. That doesn’t matter anymore. Now he’s a theocrat!
Ironically, they don’t even call the pope a theocrat, and especially not their Shariah supremacist friends seeking to install a global caliphate. The term “theocrat!” is so repulsive that it is reserved solely for Donald Trump and those who support him.
They are so repulsed by traditional religion that they exploded in derision after first lady Melania Trump recited the Lord’s Prayer at a rally in Florida. And then when a public meeting in Louisiana was opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, the invocation was repeatedly interrupted with vocal outbursts and heckling. All of this was nauseating to them, but then – horror of horrors! – Trump promised to restore constitutional protections for the rights of religious conscience and to level the political playing field to allow people of faith to have the same constitutional free-speech rights secular folks have. That announcement was so terrifying it caused a Washington Post columnist to warn the nation that “Much-dreaded ‘Shariah law,’ or something resembling it, may well be coming to the United States.” Wow.
Let’s see if I get this right: If you want to restore the constitutional free-speech rights of all citizens, including pastors (rights unconstitutionally removed by Sen. Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1954), and if you want to protect the constitutional rights of religious conscience (which, historically speaking, is America’s first-protected, most-important and longest-cherished politically protected right), then you are establishing a “theocracy”?
To quote a famous line from Inigo Montoya in the popular movie “Princess Bride:” “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”
I understand that it might be difficult for secular progressives to know the meaning of a word as simple as “theocracy.” Most of them probably went first to public school and then attended an “elite” academic college afterward, and study after study affirms that most of those who attend such institutions no longer receive even a rudimentary knowledge of basic historical facts (and they certainly don’t get much logic or common sense).
So just for clarity, here’s the simple definition of “theocracy”:
“A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God, or a god.” (Oxford Dictionary)
“A form of government [with] the God’s or deity’s laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.” “A system of government by priests claiming a divine commission.” (
“Government ruled by — religious authority.” (American Heritage Dictionary)
Do they really believe that Trump is a priest, or an ecclesiastical authority? How silly! And a theocracy also uses coercion and force to enforce its beliefs and dogmas. Furthermore, it excludes input from the people – no elections. So by definition, a constitutional republic with open elections, such as America has, cannot be a theocracy (but let’s not confuse them with something so simple).
However, there is one other important fact secular progressives ignore: Just as religion can be the basis of a theocracy, according to the U.S. Supreme Court, so, too, can non-religion. Back in 1965, the court held (and reiterated many times since) that all that is required to be a “religion” is “whether a given belief that is sincere and meaningful occupies a place in the life of its possessor parallel to that filled by the orthodox belief in God.” The court has therefore repeatedly ruled that progressives, humanists, Satanists, atheists, evolutionists and other such secularist groups are just as religious as Bible-based groups, and so each of these secularist groups now receives the same religious tax-deductible standing as traditional religious groups.
So, if what Trump believes can represent a theocracy, so, too, can what secular progressives believe. In fact, secular progressives are more likely to be truly theocratic, for they regularly exercise coercion to force dissenters to adopt their beliefs. If you doubt this, just ask the bakers, florists, photographers, clerks, chaplains and others who have tried to avoid participating in the progressives’ religious rites to their great goddess of the Sexual Revolution, whether abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, or other manifestations of the LGBT agenda. (Significantly, Romans 2:21-23 in the Bible points out that critics are often guilty of the very crimes and shortcomings they accuse others of. That certainly appears to be so in this case.)
So how does the charge of “theocracy!” relate to what Trump and his administration is doing? It doesn’t – unless you are Squealer the pig.
What we euphemistically call “the mainstream media” are not mainstream at all. They (and I use “they” advisedly because “media” is a plural noun) have little in common with Main Street. Collectively, they are part of an insular culture of elitists who actually believe they have a monopoly on truth, when, in fact, they only have a monopoly on hubris.
I don’t have any statistics to prove this theory, but here it is: What we call the “mainstream media” are the biggest purveyors of “fake news” in the universe. Why? Because of audience size and reach, and because they long ago dropped all but pretense at seeking objective truth. They don’t even believe in objective truth – except when it comes to their own narrow opinions.
How else can one explain, for instance, their complete sell-out to the fraud of man-made, catastrophic, carbon-driven climate change? They sell it like a religion. If one is even skeptical of this ideologically driven fear-mongering, then one is a rube, a “denier,” a bumpkin, a barbarian, a buffoon. The theory is devoid of evidence. It is nothing more than a tool of those who seek to create a new economic order under the control of a ruling global elite.
Of course, what would the gilded purveyors of reality have to say about that accusation? “Conspiracy theorist!”
You see, under the rules of “fake news” hysteria, differences of opinion, differences in perspective, differences in worldview are tantamount to heresy, which today calls for figuratively burning your opposition at the stake.
Halloween is coming, and there’s nothing spookier than the thought of Hillary Rodham Clinton becoming America’s president.
Red-blooded American males should worry if she becomes Jezebel-in-Chief. Hillary hates you and fears your “toxic masculinity” (the feminist slur for almost any expression of male strength and principle). Her agenda will threaten your livelihood, limit your freedom and faith, endanger your children and misinterpret your motives.
Hillary’s presidency will cast a spell over normal gender expression, the natural family and new human life. Her aura emits decay and rebellion, starting with her hatred of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
We should all feel compassion for this apparently lost soul. But in praying for Hillary’s redemption, let’s also pray she never leads our country as long as she believes evil is good, and good is evil.
Hillary set the most horrendous wife example in recent presidential history by tolerating Bill’s widely known affairs. Yet by “standing by her (depraved) man” and actively attacking his alleged paramours, Hillary justified millions of American adulteries and modeled for our nation’s women a distorted view of marriage as a useful means-to-an-end for ambitious, otherwise-occupied women.
She doesn’t seem to understand responsible masculinity and reacts with paranoia to its expression. Therefore, men of America, get active and tell your friends, family and co-workers: Don’t vote for Hillary.
Hillary is unsettled simply by a strong male nearby. She spent time on Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show obsessing about what she called Trump’s “stalking” demeanor on stage at the second debate.
Seriously? This woman wants to be the leader of the free world and she squirms beside a tall man onstage? America is in real trouble if this woman becomes POTUS. Her instincts and perception are substantially off-kilter.
And Hillary actually is a witch btw. The seance Hillary Clinton had in the WH to "channel" dead people was a real seance, although it was palmed off as cute, I personally know it wasn't because two of her friends who were there helping Hillary do it were involved in the occult. Look it up in the news from the 90s.
One of her friends there, Jean Houston, threatened me and another friend from posting on it. She blamed us "for keeping it in the news". I guess the truth hurts. But Jean Houston was running a pagan mystery school for rituals and trance states, had done a bunch of researched publication on the same, and also did research for the government on LSD when they were still officially doing that. It's all still online. Even Wikipedia mentions some of it, look it up.
This is real witchcraft. And a presidential candidate who goes under a trance state so effective that "she is someone else" - by someone who specialized all her life in it, and runs a mystery school over it, is person that needs no place in our government. There is no telling "who" or "what" is controlling her.
Trump said at the Al Smith dinner that he'll stand with Catholics against the "anti-Catholic bias." Pence calls himself an "evangelical Catholic." I wouldn't be surprised if the Jesuits are heavily invested in the Trump-Pence campaign as they are in the Clinton-Kaine campaign (Kaine was Jesuit-educated), so that when either wins, they'll still have an ally in Washington for the Vatican. WND has been infiltrated by Jesuit writers, too. You've all been hoodwinked!
Never are the facts in his tracts attacked only Jack Chick himself is attacked. I would like to see someone point out the lies or misinformation in his tracts. I found none. The Catholics are only squealing because they were exposed and exposed very, very well indeed. The other groups that were exposed did the same thing, squealed about how Jack Chick is a ______. (fill in the blank) The powerful although small Masonic lodge was exposed, the Mormon church was exposed, and many others. All those who were screaming about Jack Chick being a bigot, never disputed the facts he printed.
They couldn't.
May God bless his family and his wonderful organization.
You must factor in all the Dem voters being bussed around from polling station to polling station, the dead voters and the absentee illegal votes. MILLIONS of illegal votes all for Killary and then think about George Soros owning ALL the electronic voting machines as well as his company in Spain (SCYTL) that "counts" our votes out of the country without independent oversight to really see it in the true light of day.
Aside from the left's control of the indoc centers (formerly known as schools) and campaign finance, Hussein won in 2012 due to the stupidity and degradation of many voters, as Mr. Rush has pointed out, but also due to the corrupt slimestream media and massive, outright vote fraud. Expect more of that this time, provided that the Witch can stay on her feet and not have an obvious mental episode in public. The polls are close enough to hide the vote fraud, and Paul Rino and the other "Republican" leaders will go along with it.
Then the madwoman can get us into a nuclear war and destroy the world...which has been, all along, the goal of her ultimate master.
To Kasich, McCain, Chaffetz, Ryan and others I say:
"You that are "Without Sin"... cast the FIRST STONE"!!!..
This was 11 years ago...
Think about our country... and whats going to happen if Hillary is running it!!!!
A Christian is supposed to Forgive each other 70 times 70!!!!!
The Left wing media and liberals at Fox are keeping this story afloat.. and out of a Christian context!!! Where is forgiveness and mercy ?
Hillary is the alternative
TRUMP 2016
Trump apologizes for "pussy grabbing" video]
Men being men saying vulgar things in private. And this is news? I am Christian and do not like this kind of gutter talk, but how does this stand in comparison to the corruption and scandal of the Clintons? Liberals openly push perversion and immorality with LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ, threaten our security by allowing untold millions to invade our country, and seek every opportunity to strip us of our God-given, Constitutionally defined rights of freedom of speech, religion, and self defense. In the scheme of things, Trump is still preferable to Clinton any day when it comes to leading this country. The only one who can save any individual or country is Jesus.
We know this was released at this time so Hillary can try to make this the focus of the debate. I think Trump should have a list of every Clinton scandal and start reading it every time she tries to bring this up.
When you check other true stories about Trump and his kindness and compassion for people going back decades, you get a better understanding of who he is. They go unreported because he deliberately doesn't seek for them to be acknowledged.
Latest one is from Ed Martin (worked with Phyllis Schlafly at Eagle Forum). At her funeral, Trump pulled him aside while everyone was leaving and said he forgot to pay his respects/pray at her casket - so he did. No cameras or reporting and that's how he wants it.
My view is God is behind him and this whole experience is drawing him closer to God and learning even more about his own flaws more perhaps and growing spiritually.
Another testimony re a dream a Christian had:
" this dream a young lady from Alaska saw the White House and in one room was Hillary Clinton and in another room was Donald Trump. Trump was kneeling down weeping and broken and she said that in the dream she knew that people didn't know the kind of man he really was. In the dream he had the Bible open and he was reading Ezekiel 22:30, "I looked for a man to stand in the gap."
It’s one of the most bizarre stories to come out of America’s longest war – an allegation United States Special Forces engaged and killed a “giant” in Afghanistan.
But it’s being reported by multiple sources. Several eyewitnesses claim the battle not only took the life of an American soldier, but that the government flew the huge corpse of the attacker back to the United States.
Reporter and researcher L.A. Marzulli explores the spectacular charge in the newest installment of “The Watchers,” the blockbuster series investigating the real evidence behind the Nephilim. These creatures were the offspring of the “sons of God,” the angels, and the “daughters of men.” In Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, the Bible speaks of “giants” populating the Earth. When ordinary people saw them, they said “we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”
Other sources support this bizarre story. George Noory, host of the wildly popular radio program “Coast to Coast,” appears in the film to discuss his interview with a C-130 pilot who claims he transported the giant’s corpse back to a base in Ohio. The pilot said the creature was approximately twelve feet tall and weighed approximately 1,100 pounds.
“It just sounds like the Nephilim from the Bible, doesn’t it?” Noory enthused.
The days of Revelation are upon us. REAL evidence of spectacular creatures straight out of the pages of Scripture unveiled for the first time. Don’t miss the blockbuster documentary series “The Watchers,” available now in the WND Superstore.
Marzulli blasted what he called a government effort to cover up the spectacular story and prevent those involved from speaking out.
“People have a right to know about this stuff,” he said. “If there are fifteen or eighteen footers roaming the Earth and our military has brought them down, we have a right as American citizens to know about it. I mean, this isn’t classified military stuff. This is something we need to know. And it points back to the biblical prophetic narrative.”
Another operator who spoke to Marzulli said those in power have a vested interest in keeping the story covered up
“If it points to the Bible’s narrative being accurate, they don’t want it,” he said. “If it goes against Darwinian evolution, it’s not to be spoken of.”
(In response to Ilhan Omar, a Somali-American Muslim woman, winning the Democratic nomination in a race for a place in the Minnesota House of Representatives.)
People are so stupid. There is no such thing as good Muslim. The people there will learn the hard way as usual. But think about it she won in an area full of bad people and young college idiots. People in the United States will one day see Muslims have no place here
Until then we can only hope we are ready for the bloody right to come when America realizes these parasites should be eradicated.
Don't believe what I said about Secular Humanism being a religion? Read the 1960 SCOTUS decision, Torcaso v. Watkins. This ruling declared Secular Humanism a religion. To sidestep Secular Humanism's religious status, it's referred to as Multiculturalism, Social Justice, Globalism and a host of other terms too numerous to mention. As for Islamic and Hindu prayers, those shouldn't be allowed if Christian prayers aren't allowed. Like I said before, keep all religion out of public schools and focus on the Three "R's". Just as there are Jewish and Christian schools, Hindus and Muslims are free to open their own schools. Like it or not, public schools are parochial schools for the implementation of the Secular Humanism religion. I went to Detroit public schools, but I'm not dumb. You see, the attempt to dumb me down, FAILED.
[There is no such thing as atheist religion. We don't belong to an organized group that has shared beliefs. We simply don't believe in supernatural deities. As for the court case you refer to.. You may be misinformed.]
I suggest you go to, click on the link, "Atheism Is a Religion". Secularists are so quick to point out treachery done by "Christians", but at Conservapedia, there's extensive documentation of treachery done by non-theists to be found there. I'm not saying that you're among them, but like it or not it's reality. Numbers 32:23.
Atheist are all wannabe dictators it seems!!! This is a perfect example of atheist philosophy, the smothering , murderous communist ideology that promotes that humans are basically good. It always results in one thing , genocide, look at all the atheist regimes of the twentieth century, that's the true intention of the human heart at work. The very thing atheist accuse God of, whom they don't even believe in supposedly , they accuse Him of genocide, while its proven that their beliefs always result in genocide when they take a government over. Such tyrannical hypocrites they are, and I pray the Lord wakes them up, and they find mercy and wholeness in Jesus.
What the secular humanists (so-called atheists) don't understand is that they are every bit as fundamentalists in their ideology as any of the religious fundamentalists that they so revile.
Their "free thinking" only goes so far as their dogmatism allows. Case in point is when a "free thinker" breaks free from the accepted dogmatism and actually does some free thinking, and writes something critical of evolution, for example. Careers have been ruined over such transgressions from the secular humanism fundamentalism.
Something else to think about. If you asked a "free thinker" to name 50 of the founders of modern science he could probably do that. However, what he won't recognize is that of those 50 probably at least 45 of those would be Bible-believing theists of some kind who would abhor the notion of disregarding God's role in creation.
If you asked him to name any "free thinkers'" contributions to science he'd probably name Darwin at the top of the list, for example. However, the big difference there is that Darwin's contribution, as were others of his persuasion, was an attempt to try to explain science without God ... something that they have failed at miserably, forever running in circles chasing their own tales.
ben carson is now a damaged brand ...these murdered people have been doubly victimized...first by a society that's telling them it's ok to deny God and indulge whatever unnatural lusts they may have... and then, because of their public flaunting of these impulses, attract the attention of radical fundamentalists that are offended and enraged by this behavior.
All the more reason to reach sinners with the Truth of God's forgiveness, if they turn to Him, confess their wrongdoing and turn away from their sinful lifestyle choices. But the Bible tells us there is a serious penalty for offending God and dying in unrepentant sin.
Now prepare for the pro lgbt and anti gun onslaught, from every sex deviate and leftist and their enablers that will hold still for a microphone...complete with weeping and distraught interviews...including from obama in the James Brady room...
BTW, the shooter is confirmed as a democrat...
(In response to Christian musician Trey Pearson coming out as gay)
This selfishnness: "who I am".."God loves me just the way I am.." "I can never change what I am deep down inside"... These are called "vile affections". Too bad someone hasn't taken to task these statements for what they are! It is hard for me to swallow some the statements of these blameshifting individuals, blaming God for such perverse attractions. This is all satanic dribble. I hope and pray "christian" will stop catering to these lie. Sometimes I wonder about WND if they are just pushing this stuff for $$$.
Once you understand that Barack Obama is a pedophile, this makes perfect sense. Remember, his justice department sued to force juvenile sex clubs into schools, and punished a soldier who attempted to stop child rape. Now this blatant act to make it easy to sexually groom children for "boy play" - it's pretty obvious that Obama wants to rape some young boys and do it under color of law.
Homosexuals should create their own country outside of the US if you don't like the fact that not everyone agrees with your perverted way of life then start your own place and and move there and pass all the perverted homosexual laws that you want instead of turning America into one big sodomite kingdom like the Roman Empire and Sodom and Gomorrah. move there and take all your supporters with you and don't come back. I bet Obama will be the first to move there.
(About the disabled Bernie Sanders supporter whose broken-down car was ignored by a conservative tow truck driver)
That woman must be so traumatised now and is probably hiding in her safe space and taking to social media to whine about being "abused" by a conservative Christian.
But since she wants to feel the burn, so we're just letting her.
[Matt Barber says he won't support Trump because he's not a Christian]
Matt Barber,how come you get conned by Liberal Medias,uttering the same nonsense?
U:He was humble because he was humbled.
Me: Trump is the most humble man,I had ever seen.It doesn't fit the Medias narrative,right?
For ages,Trump humbled before his employees,contributed Funds to many people,had a low profile...ironically he is high profile?He welcome people,black or White, never show himself as Proud.Yes,he is boastful,but not prideful.
U:“I don’t like to have to ask for forgiveness. Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?”
Me: Every Christian agrees with Trump,that is,we should not make mistakes,or sin,but only doing the Right thing;and only when you make mistakes,you ask for forgiveness.
What is wrong on Trump response?Nothing.Nil.Zero.The only right perception we must have is...Trump was insisting that we must be righteous.Trump seek to do the right thing only...his goal,his passion and his being Righteous.
Instead of applauding him,False narratives were all over the places,and some Christians were dupe,and include you.
As a Christian, I've observed the pro-Cruz, anti-Trump ones always do not acknowledge the hard truths about Cruz. They assume he's truthful. For reasons I don't understand, they do not do honest research. Why? Honestly asking. We know God wants us to do that, right? Research will show you Cruz was just as much of a "non" Christian in lifestyle as Trump. Worse, in my view, since he claimed to be an ardent, honest representative of Christendom and the Constitutionalists but in fact is a wolf in sheeps clothing, a charlaton like Jim Jones. Total fraud.
But now he has dropped out (after promising he'd stay in even if he lost IN) and the only NON-Neocon Globalist, REAL outsider is Trump, albeit with flaws. Obviously, I think God wants us to have a Republic so we are able to get our nation back to the way He wants it. So first things first.
We must have that now. He is the only one electable with the wherewithal to confront other Elites, reverse and restore - rebuild. Who's to say then he is not who God wants for us at this time?
Also we know God wants us to be responsible in exercising our rights to vote. Who in the past have been true, "pure" type Christians? They seemed to me to be liars, fakes, Neocon Globalists - yes, even G.W. Bush. Then we don't vote at all?
There was also a man used by God in the Old Testament that was a pagan but He chose him to work through to help the Jews ---- King Cyrus. A pagan. Not a godly man who went astray and then asked forgiveness, etc. No. A pagan, period. He had other qualities He needed for him to have to do what He planned.
I also notice there's no mention/reporting much on Trump's good, non-selfish deeds he's done for people his whole life. And he doesn't talk about them - you have to research that too. He's modest about those things. Things a lot of "good" Christians wouldn't/don't do.
If Trump doesn't win, America goes down in my estimation. So as for me and my house, I will support and pray that he does win, believing it's God's will to do so.
This election is much more than Trump or Cruz. It is about saving our country by defeating the communist leftist democrats.
Have no doubt that if the democrats win, they will bring in millions of young muslin men just to spite conservative Christians whom they hate. Many of the young muslin men will be jihadists. We will have weekly killings of Americans at churches, schools, and sporting events. Mark my words.
For that reason I will vote for Trump if he wins the nomination.
(On Harriet Tubman replacing Andrew jackson on the $20 bill)
The issue us not with women on the currency but rather pandering to Negroes. This group has already been pandered to more than any other minorities and this will just embolden them to scream for more freebies and if they don't get it, thell just scream racists.
We're all sick if this nonsense pandering as it solves no problem.
(On a hypothetical Texas secessionist vote)
Obama would be very foolish not to let Texas go, since the US would lose a lot of conservatives. Of course, much of the South, Midwest, and West might follow. Liberals would still be happier. They could have socialized medicine with free abortions, no private gun ownership, every sexual perversion and vice known to man, confiscatory taxes, no religion but atheism and islam, no salt, no private cars (except for the elite), break off relations with Israel, no sugar, zone out on any drug you want, and they could keep re-electing Obama until he is older than Robert Mugabe. In fact, the blue states should secede! A friend of mine was expressing his disdain for Texas and wishing they would secede. He was not too impressed when I told him that if Texas seceded I would move there.
Harvard started by Christians and was noted for being one of the best Christian Universities in our early days as a nation. Now, the Terrorist Organization called "The Muslim Brotherhood" has bought with its money the entire school and its administration so they are essentially in control of Harvard. This also is the school Obama went to and his University tuition was paid by a Saudi Arabian Islamic Muslim Prince. This of course is why Obama will DO nothing but promote Islam in the U.S.A.! This is why he is brining all of the Islamic Muslims into the U.S. because HE OWES ISLAM AND IT IS PAYBACK TIME. HE IS A TRAITOR AND SHOULD BE TRIED FOR TREASON FOR AIDING AND PROMOTING OUR ENEMIES. THE CONSTITUTION CALLS HIM DOWN AND REQUIRES HE BE TRIED FOR TREASON WHICH REQUIRES EITHER LIFE IN PRISON OR CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. IN HIS CASE, I THINK IT SHOULD BE CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BECAUSE HE HAS BETRAYED ALL OF US IN THE WORSE WAYS YOU CAN IMAGINE FOR HE HAS BROUGHT MISERY AND HIGH DANGER TO THE STREETS OF AMERICAN VIA THE MIGRATION OF ISLAMIC MUSLIM TERRORISTS AND THOSE WHO STAND FOR ISLAM RATHER THAN FOR OUR CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS.