
theebluewolf #fundie imdb.com

[Concerning the beginning of "Where The Wild Things Are", in which the protagonist bites his mother]

This little brat need a hard spanking - without conditioning, discipline, and order - he will grow to become a criminal, woman beater, or maybe even dead - due to drugs/alochol/etc.

Sometimes a lil discipline is necessary for the greater good...

Goes to show that these liberal/leftist/parents do NOT know how to parent...

The_Brian_Factor #homophobia imdb.com

[[About the girl who wanted to take another girl to prom and the school board who canceled prom as a result.]]

How stupid can you be? The school has every right to not let her bring her "lover" to the prom while wearing a tux. Like I said, if she can bring her lover to the prom then a guy can bring three dates, a goat, or a blow up doll, or a 12-year old to the prom. They are all the same. Not everything should be catered to homosexuals.

[[NOTE: he has by this point brought up the goat three different times in this thread, and has been shot down every time.]]

[[No they're not, you retard. An animal is not a human being, does not have nor deserve the rights granted a human being, and cannot consent to be in any sort of relationship with a human being. If animals had rights, we wouldn't slaughter them for our food. How fµçking clear do you need me to get on that point? Likewise, you can call an object whatever you want, but it has no opinions on things, is not a person, and cannot consent. A twelve-year-old is not mature enough to be capable of consent. These are all basic facts of life that anyone with an IQ above room temperature ought to be able to grasp, unless you live in the land of Oz, where animals can talk and objects come to life (which still wouldn't excuse thinking a 12-year-old is fundamentally capable of meaningful consent).

Stop spewing your fail over my thread.]]

Sorry, homosexuality is the same as sleeping with an animal, children, and an object but once again, you libs can't see that. Homosexuals need to understand that not everyone agrees with their choice of lifestyle. If she wants to bring her girlfriend and wear a tux, she should go do it at Harvey Milk High's prom.

[[Wow, this is an eye-opener.

You'd think being beaten up by a bunch of ignorant muscleheads on a daily basis would have helped get that point across, but...no...they just keep on believing that everyone agrees with their choice of lifestyle...]]

Oh please, gays aren't beaten up every day. Cut the dramatics. If this was the case then blacks can mope and complain all day too. Cue the damn violins. Being gay is a choice, you weren't born gay. Example, my sister, who was the biggest slut in NYC, ran through so many guys only to come out of the closet while married to some guy with a baby girl. All of the sudden she's gay? Not buying it.

dragonflyg1 #racist imdb.com

["What an asinine point. One, Jews are incredibly assimilated in the modern United States. I know several Jewish people that if I didn't know were Jewish I could never pick them out and say: "There's a Jew". They look and act just like every American citizen out there."]

If you actually opened your eyes, you'd see that Jews were at the forefront of many radical anarchist/communist groups back in the 20th century. To this day, Jews continue their war on Christianity with the secularist movement and the spread of Atheism. They also largely influence foreign policy to the detriment of Americans and American troops.

["Two, the Jews exploit their host countries? Ridiculous. Everywhere Jews are given the freedom to live as they wish and participate in the full congress of social activity Jews contribute enormously to the economy and culture of said host country."]

The mentality of Jewish people is that of superiority. It is perfectly natural to feel that your race/ethnicity is superior to another, but the problem is that Jews do this in other peoples' countries. All of the economic and cultural "benefits" mean nothing when Jews contribute to just as many other problems.

dragonflyg1 #racist imdb.com

Most famous serial killers are white. The thing is, whites usually target whites, and whites have a far more sophisticated and dedicated police force to solve these crimes. All of the unsolved rapes and murders in black "communities" could very well be the work of multiple black serial criminals. The thing is, rape and murder are just so damned common in black communities, it's hard to find a pattern amongst all the lawlessness..

And please don't use the poverty excuse. Asians came into this country with nothing to their name and faced vicious discrimination up until present day, yet they are the most crime-free ethnic group around. Poverty might cause more crime, but what causes poverty if not the lazy, goalless and violent tendencies of the impoverished?

j-jason2000 #fundie imdb.com

OH, now ya'll see why voting for him was the worst mistake anyone could ever make, now you all want Bush back and will do anything to make up for all the negativety you spead about him, now you see why o-sama/bama is a muslim terroirst and you were pussy whipped for trying to 'forgive and forget' about 9/11. Well it's alittle to late now, now in 2012 your all going straight to hell while the REAL ppl. survuve because we knew better than to support an american enemy to run our country.

Lala_Chanel #racist imdb.com

Well I'm Black and black women don't sleep around any more or less than white women. White women are some of the most promiscuous whores and will do any kinky thing in bed. I don't see that broadcast on Maury. The different between those hoodrats on Maury and the white chickenheads is that they be more discrete and private about it. White women usually have abortions when they have an "unwanted" pregnancy taking the easy way out with murder. I think Maury Povich show is racist because we don't ever see black people on tv to begin with and when we do it's perpetuating stereotypes about us so white people can say uh huh see that's really how they are. It's a way to justify why they're racist against blacks. Not all black women sleep around. I know many black virgins and don't know any white ones. I also know many black women who are celibate and don't know any white women who are. It's all about class and the only ones Maury wants to put on their shows are the poor, uneducated, disenfranchised blacks. I don't care about the other races because white people got 200+ channels to show people that they are not all the same. But all we got is Maury, maybe Tyler House of Payne and the usual sidekick role on a network show and Black Exploitation Television. So no wonder white people have superiority complexes because if they allow the media to influence their opinions well, the racist undertones are there.

Darkon007 #fundie imdb.com

That is where you are wrong. There is evidence of God in this world if one actually cares to look. My dad for instance when he was younger threw stones at a woman with his friends.

She immediately vanished and my dad and his friends heard her in the storage area outside the church...the door had a strong lock on it that required a key to open.

Later on in the night, my dad as he was walking, sensed something in the bushes to the left. He sensed that if he turned and looked he would not like it. He turned and saw a demon. Dad explained that it looked kinda like black tiles. He grew frightened and called upon God and the demon fled.

WyldAngel23 #racist imdb.com

Im So Tired Of Chocolate People Thanking GOD when they win an Award!

You have rappers that wear panty hose on their head at Grammy awards & they are thanking GOD & Jesus. You thank something you cant even see & touch, huh?!

I am sure that invisible spirit known as Jesus & God would run if they saw someone wear panty hose on their head and than say "Please dont thank me. I have nothing 2 do with this monster!"

[Later in the same thread:]

If they love GOD & Jesus so much, why do they all live in bad neighborhoods?

Darkon007 #fundie imdb.com

I don't live in a hurricane area...especially one where many a divine justice in the form of hurricanes have hit in the past ie Andrew and Katrina.

I am quite safe. Thank you for your concern child.


Why do I need to explain it? Since man lives in a fallen world and is evil then God does not grant his protection 100%. For all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God.

Easily explained then. The divine justices aka Andrew, Katrina, financial, moral stuff that plagues politicians (in a few instances) are specially designed to punish extreme evil.

After all the USA wants to annhilate Israel and make Jerusalem an international city and give the holy sites to the Vatican. God has much grander plans than evil/wicked plans of your Elite.

TanNuRomad #fundie imdb.com

Until incest marriage and marriage between an adult and minor are legal
I will not support gay marriage. You can't choose who gets equal rights and who doesnt. Gay marriage is illegal, so is marriage between family members, marriage with a consenting minor and a number of other groups.

EDIT: In other words... all couples should be allowed to marry or none.

Levinite #fundie imdb.com

I'd rather have Osama as President than Obama, KSM could be Speaker of the House, and the Underwear Bomber could be Senate Majority Leader... At least with them you'd know what you're getting, and while they're at it they'd probably bring conservative values back to this country seeing as Muslim radicals tend to be very socially conservative...

[[NOTE: I have no idea whether to put this under "Fundies" or "Racists" or "Conspiracy Theorists", but it's definitely Darndest!]]

Silversteinzero #fundie imdb.com

The whole global warming scandal proves how dishonest scientist can be. I bet a lot of you believed in this fairytale cause a scientist told you so. So you accepted it without question. It makes you wonder how much cherry picking and manipulation ha been done in evolution. Somehow how I bet it would be at the top of that list.

cragdweller13 #racist imdb.com

That being said, I myself am not a racist, but I do support racism. When I meet a black person I do not automatically become put off. I judge the person based on my impression of them. I am very good at reading people, so I take the time to analyze each person I meet or see on television. This is what I do. I wish everyone would or could do this. However, I understand that most people do not have the will or ability to judge everyone as individuals. That is why generalization is needed. In my experience, an overwhelming percentage of black people I encounter are people that should be disliked. The majority of the population (those who are incapable or unwilling to judge people individually)should be racist.

foxmulder7520 #fundie imdb.com

Not in the least. Anyone who has read Genesis knows that man was created to be like God. That means Adam had all of the knowledge of God. Ancient man was a race of super geniouses. If you look at ancient Sumerian (the first archeologically known civilization) tablets, you will see maps of the solar system, accurate descriptions of planets we just visited in this last century, pictures of rocketships, accurate depictions of men in space suits and much more. There is even evidence that a ship of some kind had a collision many thousands of years in the past with one of the moons, and that is what caused it to go in a reverse orbit. Man was in space LONG before NASA. However, the bible also calls Satan the prince of the power of the air, so man is not the only thing that has been in space. Demons are also there. So, I don't see how believing the bible would be a problem for Christianity, no.

knight-in-black-leather #fundie imdb.com

Why Darwin DISSENTERS are right

You see, as a Creationist, I have nothing to lose. If evolution (darwin's molecule to man MYTH) were true, I would accept it and still believe in GOD...it would not negate Him. It would not affect my faith at all.

But on the other hand, atheists HAVE to fight to keep darwin's MYTH alive because they have no alternative. They do not wish to believe in GOD, so they have to place their faith in their false god darwin and his MYTH. If they acknowledge it is merely a belief system, then they are forced to realize they may be wrong...and have to accept GOD's existence.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent")

Some years ago I watched a few episodes of this show and then they aired an episode that was nothing more than sickening pro-abortion propaganda. After that disgusting piece of crap, I stopped watching this show.

The other day I was flicking through the channels and I thought I happened upon a made-for-TV mafia movie or something. I like mafia movies so I figured: "Ok, let's see what this is." Then I found out it was this show.

I was shocked though when after the credits instead of seeing Vincent D'Onofrio with dashing young moviestar-like good looks, I saw what looked to be a totally different person entirely. Vincent D'Onofrio has become an ugly, fat old slob!

Likewise, Kathryn Erbe now looks like a haggard witch.

My theory as to why these actors' looks both got totally shot to Hell is that it is the sin of them making pro-abortion propaganda catching up with them and manifesting itself physically in their now-hideous looks.

omicron7 #fundie imdb.com

bats are birds because they fly and look like birds. that's how we define things: by looking at them.


ostriches are birds because they look like birds. flight is not necessary, if they are enough similar to a bird.

i wouldn't call penguins birds because they look kinda weird. a little birdish, but not entirely birds. they are waterbirds.

i think it's foolish to say that an animal is a different kind of animal just because it is warmblooded or coldblooded, or if it lays eggs instead of children, because a normal person can't even notice if a creature has warm blood or not, only scientists can do that, so scientists can have their definitions and we normal people have our own

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

darwinists think playing dungeons and dragons is cool. In fact, they often plagiarize dungeons and dragons by stating that there are multiple universes and this is just one of billions of universes, therefore that is how darwinism can be true.

Yes, although it's just nonsense fantasy in dungeons and dragons, darwinists have taken that and turned it into a crackpot idea that they actually, truly believe is part of real-life.

I can't even begin to tell you how many dozens of times I've seen darwinists advocating that crackpot, dungeons and dragons plagiarized idea on the Expelled board.

Just goes to show once again that darwinists are batty.

Darkon007 #fundie imdb.com


Simply put the majority of biblical prophecies have been fulfilled. At the recent G-20 summit a new world coin was displayed indicating that the time of the end time empire mentioned in the Book of Daniel is at hand. This kingdom will be established before 2050.

In a recent poll in Israel about 66% of Israeli's want the temple rebuilt. The Sanhedrin was also established a few years back after over a thousand years. Note: The temple need not be grand and can be built in less than a year. Some have speculated that it could be a mere fancy tabernacle.

The current world scene is moving towards a world government mentioned in the Book of Daniel and elsewhere in the Bible. Lord Yeshua will return soon.

There is one more item though I have some reservations about it. It has to do with the events of Garabandal:

According to Conchita one of the "seers" there would be 4 more popes. The majority of websites claim 3 by the way. But that is inaccurate. Since that time that statement had been made there have been 3 popes with the current being Benedict who will die by early next decade.

If a liberal view was taken of the statement then there are 1 or 2 more popes left. Joey Lomangio was also prophesied to recieve his sight. He turns 86 by the end of next decade. And the Catholics will be getting a new pope this decade or the early next before 2016. If not two popes?

The Blood Moon Scenario:


Pastor Mark Blitz discovered this on the NASA website. Unfortunately the video has been taken down now, but you can watch "The Great Total Eclipse of 2009" at prophecyinthenews.com which is related to Blitz's theory. It won't be up forever so see it soon. Read also this analysis by Jack Kelly:


Based on current world events and the other factors I have listed above I believe that the time of the tribulation might perhaps be near. Even next decade. The rest of the events in the Bible will be fulfilled. The majority of the prophecies of the Book of Daniel have happened. Only a few are left. I believe that next decade will be critical.

Evolution will finally be proven a fraud next decade or perhaps the one after the next.

Darkon007 #fundie imdb.com

[The bible also says that bats are birds, rabbits chew cud, and the earth is 6,000 years old and FLAT.]

So bats were considered to be birds in those days. And can you prove that the Bible says the earth is flat? One book of the Bible says that Gods sits on top of the circle of the earth.

JmfDiver #fundie imdb.com

I'm AG (Assemblies of God) and our pastor performed an excorcism to a 9 year old possessed boy years back. He broke arms of two of the four grown men holding him down, but the excorcism worked, for the moment. But later on, the boy was by himself in his room, and was calling on his "demon friends" to come back into his body, and the family found him the next day, dead.

roc000 #homophobia imdb.com

[a review of the movie "Bruno]

Terrible Film, This was a waste of time. I'll never get that chunk of my life back, but what I can do is prevent you from wasting yours. This movie is not funny in any way, and it attempts to derive it's humor from Homosexuality, but IMO gays aren't funny they are sick/diseased. There is no cure for this disease either forcing people on the streets to be exposed to it.

If the alley is dark enough and the hour is late enough one or several of the diseased may even work up the courage to force themselves on an innocent civilian. I ask you people not to hate the homosexuals, for they cannot control themselves. Eventually people will realize this and the laws will improve. They need to be able to deal with this growing threat in an effective manner. There has got to be a way to cure this disease! Until then the only advice I can offer you people is to stay away from those you perceive as homosexual as they will not be able to control themselves around you obviously leading to some very unpleasant/unfortunate situations where they may be in a position to expose themselves to you or children.

Eventually the laws will be changed to accommodate this growing threat and the loose ones will either be lobotomized and castrated or locked up and reeducated into the hetero mindset.

Thanks for reading my review.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[about the scientific method]

What you should do is:

1) Stop assuming darwinism is true just because you want it to be true.

2) Stop lying all the time by saying that evolution is fact, science, and has evidence; it is not, and is not, and has none.

3) Repent from your ungodly lifestyle and behaviours.

4) Stop pretending that you would ever discard darwinism; because you darn well know that you will always believe it is true, no matter what, period and you and your kind spin any and all evidence that destroys it as 'evidence for it '. Put more simply, stop trying to fool the naive into believing darwinism is science and you are open-minded enough to discard darwinism one day; because everyone knows that is just more lies from you (you must be taking lessons from ken miller who told similar lies at the Dover trial...or maybe its just all part of the standard darwinist playbook).

bdollars21-1 #fundie imdb.com

However, atheistic materialism not only promotes self-interest, but DICTATES it albeit unknowingly to most. In atheism, there is no objective reason to be moral other than the mystery 'human values' you arbitrarily conjure up. There is EVERY good reason for you to look out for number one and to rape, kill and dominate everything that crosses your path. You should be the ultimate indulgent. There is absolutely NO good reason why you shouldn't be, the only thing holding you back is your cowardice to step on other people's toes. Not that it matters, since there are no meaningful consequences and you merely 'fall asleep' at death anyway. Why not live life to its sickest, most brutal 'fullest'?

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

In fact, reading a Chick Tract and taking it to heart and then reading a Bible afterwards (with a sincere heart, that is) is the very best thing you could possibly do in your life right now.

knight-in-black-leather #fundie imdb.com

Some theistic (and secular) evolutionists have argued that the 'days' mentioned in the creation account in Genesis are 'metaphorical' or 'symbolic' and not meant to be taken literally.

Yet, Moses writes in Exodus 20:11 -

For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

So, are we supposed to work for the alleged billions of years some
evolutionists claim it took GOD to create the universe and life, and then rest AFTER those billions of years????

Obviously, the days in Genesis are meant LITERALLY.

Also, if Adam and Eve were merely 'symbolic' of humankind and not literal human beings, why does the Bible give their lineage down to Jesus???

Obviously, Adam and Eve were literal people.

jairuswtsn #fundie imdb.com

Actually, evidence does exist of a worldwide flood!
It is the interpretation of that evidence, indeed the interpretation of all fossil evidence, which support the truth of the bible and the lie of evolution as the source of all life.

You think millions of years created the Grand Canyon? I suggest that it could have been created in one year and flow dynamists have proven it is a distinct possibility. Many years to lay down the sedimentary layers seen in the sides of the canyon but only one year of erosion is needed to actually cut the swath with the power and force of water should Teutonic plates shift.... (Interesting)

How did sea fairing and formerly existing proven fossils get at the great heights of the Himalayas? Teutonic plates shift and raise those mountains into position! Interestingly enough... this might correspond with the end of the worldwide flood... (Interesting)

Fossils. How do fossils exist? Bacteria and other living creatures consume most living flesh very quickly. Kill a pig in the forest and come back a year later. Very little evidence exists and most scientists know that this is the criterion to consider when a fossilized remains is discovered. Why was it preserved? Something has to have covered that remains in order to preserve the creature. A worldwide flood would stir up sediment like nobodies business and that sediment would cover many organisms very quickly. A plethora of dead organisms worldwide will and are very apparent and if you search, you will find this to be true.
Unfortunately, Satan knows this fact very well. Much of the truth of the Great Flood has been covered up and held back or diluted through misinformation and lies.

You are given a mind that can search out the truths and separate the lies from the truth. God is truth. I suggest you check the facts before jumping to any conclusions.

zone1480 #racist imdb.com

(Hey Steve, why don't you make a film about... )
'Ruthless Russian Jew and Stalin's right-hand man and Brother-in-law,who helped set up the mass murder of 7 Million Ukranian peasents in 1932,and millions of others before,during and after WW2.In fact Russian Jews were so numerous in the founding of Communism in Russia and under the blood-soaked regimes of both Lenin and Stalin,that they have no right to point fingers at the Germans.'

Spielberg is so preoccupied with always making his people the ones in dire straits/cast in a favourable light and always blaming the Nazi stormtroopers. How about a doco/film on the Jewish organised Ukrainian Famine...how about it Stevie?

Its a fact that Jew communists killed more people in the 20th Century than the Nazis. Isn't that ironic...but true!

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

[so humans evolving from apes over millions of years is ridiculous, but every lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, puma, ocelot, cheetah, lynx, bobcat, serval, cloud leopard, wildcat, and domestic cat (ranging from persians to abyssinians to manxes to bengal) evolving in under 4000 years from just a single pair of cats isn't?]

In just a fraction of that time, lets say 200 years we have bred out a Wolf to Shepards, Collies, Wiener Dogs, Great Danes, Greyhounds, Poodles and Chihuahuas.
Nothing in that is adding novel bioinformation but is instead DEVolving them from a Wolf.
Its like taking a big mixed bag of assorted marbles and separating out subcategories.

Your fantasy of millons of apes having genetic mutations that add new bioinformation over millions of years building and building until ASCending to a human is all but the very opposite process altogether.
Seriously.. punch yourself in the head repeatedly and vow to GET THIS and when you do you are going to be amazed how suddenly Evolutionism looks really stupid and antiscientific and just how suddenly the Genesis story will be seen squaring with real world observation.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Although hitler used darwinist principles to the 'T', I personally have never used any hitler arguments against darwinism solely because it undermines the fact that darwinists are perpetuating their own holocaust right now, and have been for decades, and their holocaust is even worse than hitler's. That holocaust is called 'abortion'. By using the hitler argument, IMO it makes it seem like we only need to worry about the other nefarious things darwinism will lead to and giving the impression that 'everything is fine and dandy right now regarding darwinism'; whilst ignoring darwinists' current crimes against humanity.

So for those reasons, I agree that there are better arguments to be made than the hitler argument. Such as that darwinism leads to the barbaric butchering of babies, right now.

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

The question I would ask:
How many Evolutionist lovers in here believe that Continental Drift is something that was 'predicted' by the Evolutionists side and believe that it is a 'pro-evolution' discovery?

Probably most of you.

In fact, this was a shocker to everyone and confounded Evolution theory and posed a massive problem.
Continental Drift had been suggested earlier on but it was only just recently confirmed and accepted at large.
It was so problematic for Evolutionists that to this day nobody has really been able to come up with a decent explain-around for it.
When I was in school the explanation was that animals must have floated across oceans on little logs. Then the next best explanation was that all the animals traveled up the entire Earth.. over an ice or land bridge in the Arctic and then all the way back down again. Like an animal parade.
People too.
Like Egyptian people traveled all the way up to north east Russia, over the ice bridge to Alaska and all the way down to central America where they started a parallel culture.

Genesis offers some clues and did so long before the 1960s. The Earth 'gathered together in one place'.
Although the cataclysmic global flood doesn't specifically tell us all consequences it does tell us of subterranean breaks and is on a scale that would call for such a thing as continents busting up.
Later there is an era called 'the days of Peleg' which we are told is when the Earth was dividing.
If you get into YEC flood models, the idea of the Earth expanding is fairly popular now and some non-YEC people are taking a look at that one too. Rather than 'drifting' apart it is the Earth expanding (think of a balloon).

but yeah, its a huge problem for evolution.

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

Sure, 200 years ago someone may not have been able to know much about Genesis being an accurate historical document,
but in 2009 we have just a huge wealth of scientific enlightenment constantly verifying Genesis.
So its hard to believe any genuine sincere Christian could knowingly side with Atheism with few facts or because.. of all the stupid things.. they 'think' they learned about the 2nd law of thermodynamics 'not' helping prove Evolution did NOT happen.

knight-in-black-leather #fundie imdb.com

No, Richard Dawkins does not exist. I have never seen him. Science has given a full and satisfying explanation of the book alleged to be his handiwork. It is but a collection of fortuitously ordered a's, b's and c's, recombined from previous patterns. There is the alphabet, there is a book of nursery rhymes and there is "The God Delusion" - and one developed from the other, though some of the details of which is the most primitive remain to be sorted out. The links between them may still be missing, but Science will have that worked out at any moment. Anyone who doubts this fact is either lying, mad or stupid (or wicked, but I'd rather not think about that possibility).

Having settled the case, I congratulated myself on my acute use of logic and reason. After lunch, I have another pressing question to tackle.

Do I exist?

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

No, God's Penis is not a biological organ. I never said God's Penis was the same as man's penis. Obviously it wouldn't be. That is why I pointed out God has a Holy, Righteous Penis. That is to say, it's not the same as man's corrupted, fleshy one.

As I said when this subject first came up, once again: Penises are not just for sex & peeing. It is only because man is evil that he thinks of penises exclusively in those terms.

Man is made in the image of God the Father. That is the primary reason why man has a penis.

You cannot insert your evil prejudicial ideas of man's penis onto God - which is exactly what you are doing. God's Penis is not equal to man's penis. It's really not hard to understand.

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

Alberta's student are already being prepared to leave behind failed 19th century pseudoscience like Evolutionism.
This is why they will be the future of science.

China and India are still stuck in the Evolutionist pseudoscience our Evofundies cursed them with... HOWEVER... don't be so sure they wont surpass us by dumping it, embracing ID and recognizing this is a creation as described in Genesis.
We are getting the jump on them now by preparing to say good-bye to Evolutionism which, as it is, is a useless pseudoscience that does nothing but drain time, money (tax-payers money) and effort from the real sciences.

*If I was an Indian or Chinese scientists wanting to compete with Canada, the UK and USA I suppose I'd be happy if the stupid westerners want to waste as much money and time on Evolutionism.

knight-in-black-leather #fundie imdb.com

We hear evolutionists try to ridicule
that the serpent in the garden of eden, spoke.

YET they believe that given the 'right' mutations' a snake
could evolve speech. Hypocrisy? YEP.

They also believe that a fish is our ancestor...but take offence
when it's suggested that given the 'right' mutations, a
species of frog could produce humans if all the 'right' mutations occured, thereby fully integrating
the darwinian fairytale in with the rest of the "MOTHER GOOSE"
fairytales that believe a frog can turn into a prince.

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

I remember a few years ago a friend and I were walking through a mall and here is some kid about 17. Undoubtedly a 17 year old online atheist character like most of you and he is wearing a shirt prominently displaying something like *beep* Jesus ~ Evil Rules'.
Anyways, after convincing ourselves we really did see what we saw we doubled back and blatantly reread his shirt before we went over to 'ask him' to take it off immediately.
We didn't get a chance as he was already aware we were going to be putting and end to his t-shirt, got very nervous and scuttled behind a kiosk and did a disappearing act we figure down a maintenance hallway.

But Im quite seriously offering our own little 17 year old suburban american marylin manson teenager some helpful advice. If he does get caught defacing a Bible or wearing t-shirts proclaiming such things there is a very realistic possibility he will get seriously beaten down in public one day.
Rather than guffawing away at me - you ought to thank me for giving this kid some advice that might save him a lot of pain and suffering.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[Assuming this is true... _why_ should anyone else be punished for Adam&Eve's disobedience? Are you prepared to tell a 7 year-old kid suffering from bone cancer that she deserves pain because two people disobeyed and ate from the wrong fruit tree 6,000 years ago? That seems just and sane in your world view? ]

All people have sinned individually as well, meg. You do it with every post you make on this board.

I would tell the kid that she has cancer because of sin, but the good news is she can be saved and have eternal life via Jesus paying her sin debt if she accepts the payment.

However, in your darwinist worldview you have to tell her that death, destruction and corruption like cancer are great, and necessary aspects of 'creation' via darwinism. You have to tell her that she needs to hurry up and die so as to decrease the surplus population and improve the genepool. Then you have to top that off with telling her that when she dies he will turn into complete nothingness and her entire life will have been utterly meaningless, as are the lives of every other human who ever lived.

And you think all that is sane in your worldview

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

I have and still scoff at the notion that there is water on Mars. I also think its hilarious that Evolutionists are the ones trying to prove water on other planets 'as if' they need only do that and they can presume Evolution has happened there too.
I had a huge laugh when, desperately trying to hype the public into giving up tax money, Mars rover people suddenly declared Canyons on Mars and then insisted that was a sure sign of huge floods...
....OH DAMN.... woops... they just conceded to the Genesis people back here on Earth lol.
In their moment of greed they didn't realize they were admitting Kent Hovind was right all along lol!

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com


The hidden motive is to eliminate the power and purpose of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and to replace it with just as much neo-pagan gnosticism.
At the end of the day you have just as much 'religion' except this time your Adam is a grotesque ape-woman beast with long eyelashes and human feet. Your goddess. Your mother. a vulgar ape madonna.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Tonight I was watching an old Stallone film called Cobra that I picked up in the Walmart bargain bin for 5 bucks a year or two ago but never bothered to watch until now.

I was pretty bored by what seemed like a very dumb plot...a huge cult of psycho killers committing tons of murders yet the police thought it was just one man and had no knowledge whatsoever of this cult's existence in their own city. It was way too far-fetched to believe. Plus, it didn't even make sense what the motivations of the cultists were, as this was unexplained for most of the movie other than to say they wanted a "New World Order".

But then something very interesting happened at the end...the psycho serial killer cult leader said: "We kill the weak so that the strong survive!" and then I instantly thought of this board and darwinism and how that character was pretty much doing exactly what you all believe darwinism can and should do.

From then on I could no longer see this as just a dumb movie, but had to realize how disturbing it is that something like this could actually happen because what the character said is completely in line with the darwinist mindset, and being a darwinist is so common these days that no one would even notice for quite a while when they start getting together and acting on all their darwinist beliefs.

Which brings me to my question: darwinists, do you relate to the villain from the Stallone film Cobra?

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[A christian about YEC's: "but in my experience the YEC care more about defending their postion on the age of the earth than they do about core Christianity."]

You are an evil apostate, so it would be very unwise to take your experience as a good example of anything.

The core of Christianity is obediance to God. Instead of obeying God, you geode spend your life working iniquity against Him by calling Him a liar and His Word a lie, attacking His people, replacing His Word with the ungodly evolution fairytale, fraternizing with other evil men who agree with you (trying to delude yourself for psychological comfort that evil others telling you your apostasy is fine and dandy will make it ok with God) and promoting that satanic viewpoint to naive people so that they may be led astray and join you in Hell.

If you knew the slightest thing about core Christianity, geode, then you would be terrified of what God will do to such a worker of iniquity as yourself at the Judgement Seat of Christ. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despite wisdom and instruction". That could have been written for you specifically, geode. That you revel in your debauchery instead of falling on your knees, begging for forgiveness, and repenting, is empirical proof that you are not of God.

knight-in-black-leather #fundie imdb.com

In response to [If Dinosaurs had REALLY lived side by side with human for centuries and into the 1400s, don't you think people would have mentioned it? Fairly often?]

Not at all. You have to remember, dinosaurs were not unusal or special to the people living at the same time as them anymore than elephants or whales are special to us. The people living at the same time as dinosaurs had no idea that in the future, certain people would claim dinosaurs all died out 70 million years ago...it's such an arbitrary and ridiculous idea.

We have soft dinosaur tissue present today and carvings of dinosaurs made in the late 1400's...how would people know what dinosaurs had looked like if they died out 70 million years ago?

David_Black #fundie imdb.com

Sorry, but I reject your leftist definition of "love," which isn't how traditional love is defined or expressed.

Conservatives offer love unconditionally. That's why conservatism lends itself to nationalism and nationalistic pride.

Leftists do not believe in unconditional love, so they'll say they "love" a country while at the same time they rip it apart with harsh criticism. Sorry, but you wouldn't treat a truly loved one that way.

The former is the traditional view of love, while the latter is the sick and twisted post-modernist view, which is likely why so many people cannot endure the responsibilities of matrimony. They would rather make a lifelong commitment to a political ideology than to another person, which is also rather sick and twisted.

You either love or hate something. There is never an in-between

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