
useful idiots

Penarddun #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

""James Shawlin told KUSA that he stopped by the Floor and Decor store on Friday to exchange defective materials he had purchased to build a stone fireplace.

Shawlin said that a store manager spotted him going through boxes to check the stones and “was not too happy.”

“I was a little firm with him, and I just told him, ‘Hey, you know, my husband and I spend a lot of money here. We’ve been using you guys for ten years. We have $3,000 worth of stone.’” Shawlin recalled telling manager. “And [the manager] goes, ‘oh, that explains it now. The faggot that voted for Hillary.’”

Another customer expressed support for Donald Trump after overhearing the conversation, Shawlin said.""

Maybe he should have considered discussing it with the store manager before rummaging through property that did not belong to him. These faggots act like entitled idiots and then get mad when somebody calls them out for it.

It’s no secret that same sex parenting is extremely damaging to a child’s mental health, and to pretend otherwise is a joke. Full grown adults who were raised in homosexual households have confirmed just how perverted their upbringing was. Being exposed to pornography, having parents that openly promote a promiscuous lifestyle, not being allowed to discuss natural confusion over two boys liking each other, and also being expected to hate people who are anti-gay.

It’s also no secret that there’s a major link between pedophilia and homosexuality.

(((Researches))) love to push that homosexual parents are better than straight parents, but their only evidence is that the four year olds in that environment appear to be very happy.

I’m sure any four year old is happy when they’re allowed to wear whatever they like and act retarded.

Andrew Anglin #quack dailystormer.name

[From "Self-Help Sunday: Don’t be a Foam Cuck, End Soap Use Now"]

I have not used normal industrial soap really in my entire life, due to the estrogens in it, instead buying natural soaps. These don’t tend to be much more expensive than the estrogen soaps, but they are difficult to find. Due to the idiotic coronavirus hoax, I was unable to get my normal soap, which is made of olives.

I wasn’t going to use the industrial petrochemical soap, so I just didn’t use any soap at all. I scrubbed my body with a rough pad, and as if a miracle, my skin became significantly healthier. I am now more than two months into #NoSoap, and I can guarantee you, this is a superior way of living life.

The musk will become you, and your essence will be the musk itself. That is to say, your musk will be your true essence.

I have very sensitive skin, and would typically get various kinds of small irritating rashes and zits and so on, and virtually all of that is gone now, completely. The only place I get any problems at all is on my hands, where I still use soap.

But Do You Stink on the #NoSoap Train?
I don’t know how badly I stink because I cannot smell myself. I am surrounded by underlings who would not honestly answer questions about my musky odor. But I did ask someone who would have answered honestly recently, and he told me I smelled better than usual. (Note: I have never used deodorant, so there has always been a potential for body odor.)

It makes sense I would smell better than usual, as even the natural olive soaps were messing with the balance of my skin bacteria. Now that the skin bacteria is achieving its true natural balance, I should be smelling like a true natural man. I have also been strongly attractive to women as of late. This is always true, because of my handsomeness and charming demeanor, but it’s been even more true since I quit soap. Girls I speak to in public are becoming smitten, and getting aggressive with me. I believe this is due to my manly skin bacteria emitting a healthy musk filled with pheromones.


But I Work and Wear a Suit?
I still don’t know the answer for people who have to work in a white collar job and wear a suit. Probably, such individuals are forced to wear antiperspirant deodorant, which is literally the worst thing on earth. It is much worse than even the worst petrochemical soap. However, if you are wearing that deodorant, you can still cut the soap, because your natural skin bacteria will not create a stink other than through the sweat of the underarms.


You do need to take a shower regularly, and you might want to take it more often. You need the water on your body to remove the stench of the sweat, and you need to scrub under your arms and on your crotch to remove some portion of the musky bacteria that is created from the musk-zones. The concept of a “stench” like the one that black people have from not bathing is created by letting dead bacteria rot on the skin and letting bad bacteria grow by feeding on excessive dead skin cells. That is the secret: you have to remove the dead bacteria and the dead skin cells through regular harsh scrubbings of the underarms and groin. Scrub between your buttocks as well. In fact, scrub down everything, completely.


Let Me Tell You a Story…
In a moment of weakness, I recently washed my crotch with soap, and I got a bunch of little zits on my thighs. It was horrible. Little infected hair type zits, all along my inner thighs, because my healthy bacteria did not know how to respond to this abuse.

I want you to understand: I have told you this story not to weaken you, but to strengthen you. Now it is up to you.

Never again.
[Picture of Holocaust monument reading "Never again!"]

Andrew Anglin #psycho #transphobia #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Communism Isn’t a System – It is a Tactic"]

Everyone constantly says “communism doesn’t work.” And that is obviously true if you believe that communism is a system. However, the reality is that communism is a tactic.

If the goal of communism is to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise, then it is obviously a failure of a system. However, if the goal is to tell the masses of people that you’re going to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise so that you can use them to kill all rich people, along with millions of others, then it is a tactic that has literally never failed anywhere it was implemented.

Communist leaders just feed low-IQ poor people a bunch of gibberish about a workers’ paradise and march them off to commit a slaughter so that they can completely cleanse the old elite and establish themselves as supreme leaders.

Every successful communist revolution has resulted in the entire ruling class being killed or driven out of the country. Millions of people always die.

The people that start the revolution are never the ones that finish it, and the ones that finish it are rarely the ones holding the cards when it’s finally over.

Jews used the tactic of communism against the elite of the early 20th century, who were all white people. At this point, the logical thing is to use that same communist system against the current elite, who are all Jews.

That is why I think we should aggressively endorse and support all forms of communism.

To be clear, I’m not talking about any kind of “nationalistic communism” or Nazbol. I’m talking about the current push for communism all over the Western world, which is coming in under the guise of “progressivism” and “socialism.”

Instead of fighting against the current, we should embrace the mainstream push for communism, and escalate it into a full-on Bolshevist-type revolution.

I have no idea how that will turn out. No one does. And that is the fun of it.

But how could things get any worse simply because all rich people (Jews, mainly) and millions of other random people were killed in an unfathomably violent communist revolution?

It’s a serious question which begs for a serious answer, and the serious answer is that obviously, it couldn’t be any worse.

Firstly, all of the faggot soyboys pushing for communism are going to die in the first wave. None of these people are ready for the bloody mayhem of a total revolution.

Do you think a bunch of trannies and heroin junkies are going to be able to deal with a situation in which people get dragged out of their homes and shot in the street on a civilization-wide scale?

Of course not.

And whomever grabs power during the first stage of the revolution will order all trannies and junkies to be sent to camps or killed, because they will be dragging down the rest of the workers as people struggle to eat after all of the production and infrastructure is shut down because all the people who ran it before have been killed.

All of the weak will die in this upcoming series of communist revolutions.


Literally every antifa I’ve ever seen has been:

* A fat lad
* An emaciated drug user
* A tranny, or
* A woman

But we have to support them, because they are the first wave of the revolution. The complete useful idiots who have literally no idea what kind of hell they are about to bring down on themselves when the communist revolution finally starts rolling at breakneck speed.
There are going to be jacked dudes in flip-flops, sports shorts and bandanas piling up bodies to burn them in the wreckage of totally burned-out suburbs.

This is going to be no place for a fat lad or a tranny, I can tell you that much.

So basically, we need to keep agreeing and amplifying the message of the current brand of communists, and calling them cucks for not pushing further with it.

Because antifa is being used to attack right-wingers and Trump supporters, they’re getting massive amounts of money poured into their thing by the government and Jews. It’s the perfect situation.

We also need to whip people up into a frenzy accusing communist – oh sorry, “socialist” – politicians of betraying the revolution. The way that this “purity spiraling” phenomenon has already taken over the left is incredible, and it is already out of their control. They obviously don’t want the Democrat Party rallying around Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez – they are trying to push them back into neo-liberal Joe Biden’s Jewish ranch complex – but they can’t seem to control it, because the revolutionary urge is too powerful.

There is no clear path to a white racial revolution. You can’t force a meme when white people in general don’t want anything to do with it. But this is no obstacle. The important thing is that there is a revolution, and it is easiest to use the existing revolutionary zeitgeist, which – quite conveniently – is communism.

Once the revolution is finished, a white power state will be established.

Or who knows? Maybe it won’t.

No one knows.

Look: I’m not going to pretend that inciting a communist revolution isn’t a Hail Mary play.

But I can’t see anything other than a white power state resulting from it. What are the other options even? Besides literally everyone starving to death, I mean?

Surely, when there’s mass starvation and a cleansing of the useless eaters, all nonwhite groups are going to be declared undesirables and enemies of the socialist people’s revolution. They’re not going to be contributing to the revolution after the second wave. It will be a matter of necessity that in order to maintain the revolution, racial minorities be cleansed.

Racial minorities are always cleansed in the second wave.

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

The subhuman filth in Calais is demanding that Whitey bring them better free food as they wait in their tent city for a chance to break into the UK to rape women and get even better free things than France offers them from the idiot British goyim who believe the only purpose of their existence – both as a nation and as individual human beings – is to serve parasitical monkey people.

The mainly African bunch of stinking apes huddled at the port are complaining that the free food handed to them by charities is not spicy enough. Many of them refused to eat the meal. This is reminiscent of pouting, spoiled children – and that is exactly what a Negro in Europe is. They are pampered like children, and they fit very well into the role.

According to Jean-Claude Lenoir, chief of the aid agency “Salam” that was providing them with the meals, the gang-style leaders of the camp staged a protest in which they prevented the other apes from feeding. He admitted that the meal was not as spicy as the meals the rabid apes are usually fed.


This is an invading army, intent on doing what every single invading army in history was intent on doing: stealing our resources and our women. The natural response to an invasion is deadly force. The British government should be drone-bombing these filthy stinking monkeys, straight-up. By the very nature of the act of invasion, they have marked themselves as deserving of death – or, of course, conquest, if they are strong enough. This is the law of nature.

But they aren’t strong enough, physically. We could easily use drone strikes to kill every last blood-sucking monkey at Calais in a matter of minutes. But we are too weak, psychologically and emotionally, having been too faggotted out by Jewy feminism and other forms of emasculating pussification to recognize the fact that you must slaughter your enemies, and thus the British government, while admitting an invasion, is saying we need to help the invaders, rather than slaughter them.

England is doomed, because they are celebrating their own doom.

Why didn’t you listen?

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