Scott Bushey #fundie
A baby *fussing* and getting angry becuase he is hungry, is sin!
A baby *fussing* and getting angry becuase he is hungry, is sin!
cats are huge wastes of oxygen and space on the earth. There is no practical use for a cat (unless you need target practice).
[To a poster named Sundragon2012]I usually don't talk to satan. To a Christian dragon means satan. So that is most likely why I tend to skip over your posts.
[On lists of impossibilities with Noah's ark]
What nonbelievers fail to realize, or at least accept, is the God-factor. Who shut the door of the ark? Who sealed it? God. So we see very clearly that the ark had God's divine hand on it which eliminates any such problem.
The science is hopelessness antropology where devil them swing and chant flame deat chant. And idiot not concept because thus utter is ignorance and infidelity is at.
[Replying to 'so they would both die']Yes. God would want that to happen before he would want a mother to kill her baby just to save her own life. It doesn't matter if the baby would die anyway. God can take a life. It belongs to Him. He could save the woman's life without her having to kill her baby.
I definitely prefer execution [as a punishment for abortion], because the cost of imprisoning 30 million baby murderers for life, would be in the trillions of dollars. Perhaps many states who dont have the death penalty, would change and reinstate the death penalty under the staggering costs of imprisoning so many doctors, nurses, and women.
Christianity would have never succeeded had the New Testament been fictional, you don't see 2 billion people running around worshipping Shakespeare, arguably the best fictional writer in history.
When the geneticists with the Human Genome Project were able to isolate the loci clusters of gene that denote an individual's race, that science proved that white people couldn't turn into black people and black people couldn't turn into white people. If the two different races bred, they would get some mixture of the two but they would never get a pure black or a pure white breed. That means that the original individual races are actually separate species. I'm sorry kids, but that's the new science. You'll just have to get with the program and grasp the new realities. Science isn't going to stagnate and wait for you to catch up, it's just going to keep right on truckin'.
God never fails, and never will forget the sick.
He might not zap them into perfect health, but
without God's power of healing, no doctor would
be able to help anyone at any time.
Suppose that several thousand people colonize the planets during the tribulation. Will they suffer the wrath of god on those planets as well, or is it just on earth?
What about the true Christians living on Pluto or in hyperspace through Andromeda? Does the LORD's influence stretch out for light years? Or is he only concerned with those who inhabit earth.
I was asking this because nowhere in the Bible, even Revelation, does it say that God will extend his wrath in any place other than earth. Nowhere in revelation is Mars or Jupiter or K-Pax mentioned.
Another thing I just found out. I got that information (how scientists measure radiometric dating [and its limitations]) out of a book... the source of that statment, an article from the Annals of New York Academy of Science, volume 288... The[ir] website...has almost every single volume of that magazine- except volume 288! They know. They know that if a creationist got ahold of that sort of information... there will be hell to pay. Sure, it sounds like an Evil Atheist Conspiricy like WinAce has on his homepage- but I think that's what it is.
[Replying to 'Theory in science means something different']What was it that Bill Clinton said during his deposition...?
and not all animals were taken on board the wolly mammoths... and if you read the account where god gives noah the dimensions for the vessel (ark) then its easily big enough. and then why is there a HUGE WOODEN VESSEL buried under the snow atop of mount ararat? its far to big to be carried up there...oh these holes in the account just arent there! theres plenty of proof... you just dont look at it because the bible says it happened. i forgot, it isnt 'cool' to belive in the bible these days.
Lev.11:6 says the rabbit chews the cud. Evolution biology disagrees. But when we find out that the rabbit re-eats its partly digested fecal pellets, we find biology in error and the bible right!
[On gay marriage]its not right thats ALL there is too it there is no need for explanation it is just not right not that hard to understand really.
... she [the author of Harry Potter] is a high preistess in wicca, which is witchcraft. All of her spells in the books are accurate. Because of her books, many many children, teens and adults have become Wiccan or NeoPagans. You do the math
Can't say I know much about harry potter, but it would seem you could try the things in that story at home, spells and the like. Whereas lotr is clearly fantasy...
They've already proven that Rabbits are (by full definition) cud chewing animals. Biology was academically proven wrong (again) by the bible.
An interesting side-bar. I'm almost 50... I always believed I would live to see a time when our Bibles would be illegal in this country.
[Replying to 'if God decided that rape good it would be?'] I think you answered your own question.
Darwin wasn't even a scientist... There are simply too many gaps in the fossil records to prove Darwinian evolution. Many scientists today say that Darwins ideas are hypothetical at best
I think we are in the Home Stretch [of the Rapture],cause I have seen in the media a lot more people have died this year than in previous years. Plus the Persecution of Christians and Conservatives in the USA in 2003 has been really bad.
there are too many babies in this world that are put in danger because of the fact that the parents are not even double the age of the child.
You all think your funny. Well, it makes perfect sense. Those who guide their lives by the tenets of evolution are bound by ignorance therfore they can never truely explore reality since in there reality they choose to only see what they want to see. You make assumptions based on mis information such as transitional forms... I herby leave you to your rabbit chasing until you can actually have a serious discussion.
Yes, & it is this evidence the Evolutionist CHOOSES to ignore in defrence to their unproven- unproveable I should also say theories, which are only cloaks for their disdain for the Creator God.
I have wondered why there aren't more suicides in unbelievers in general because life without Christ is so empty!
Just a question. Is it any wonder that the the most liberal state in the Union [California] has the HIGHEST percentage of Forest fires??? Just coincidence???
The structure of our government was loosely based on a verse in Isaiah...don't have bible with me... will quote later.
what I don't understand is how you can be a evolutionist and not believe in creation, did we just drop out of the sky. Did something appear outside of nothingness by itself
I CAN show God touched the earth at creation becaus eI have HIS account. HE was there and neither you nor your scientists were. And since He is incapable of lying, I'll go with Him... The evidence very much DOES agree with creation when you view it with the correct presupposition (not yours)...
... is it really worth it to chance the fact that god doesn't exist because if he does you will have eternal punishment?? I just don't totally understand 'humanist' and/or 'atheist'.
The Democrats are the dirtiest politicians around when it comes to slinging mud, they even outright lie about republicans.
Atheist starts with the premise nothing is created, which is contrary to our intuition. Atheism is not the default position, if it were, the term would not concern itself with God.
[Attempting to explain distant starlight in a 6000-year old universe]
Can the light from this or any other such supernovae be seen from earth with the naked eye... if a telescope is required to see the supernovae then the light would not have necessarily reached earth yet.
I began flipping through the channels... and came across a show on one of the major networks that was similar to Saturday Night Live. The skit they were showing was mocking a Christian show (something similar to what you might see on TBN)... The children were smiling so sweetly as they sang how they didn't believe in God. It made me sick.
Problem 1 with evolution, never been a mid evolution critter found. Problem 2 with evolution, if a species mutated into another species in ONE step (to agree with the fossil records) then TWO had to mutate at the same time in the same location else the mutation would die out in one lifespan. Problem 3 with evolution, assuming the earth is 3 billion years old, that ain't long enough assuming 2 mutations at a time to produce the current (let alone exinct) critters from one primordial protoplasmic ooze. Problem 4 with evolution, Third LAW of Thermodynamics - object move towards chaos, not greater structure. BTW, problem 4 makes the theory invalid by itself.
To determine what is natural, one simply needs to look at what exists in the absence of perturbing influences. 'White' people invent, naturally. The forcing together of the races was caused by influences that came from outside of Europe. The jews for instance, had a a huge role...
the fallen angels made genetic monstrosities. (did God create man with tails? NO does the bible tell us of the monsters half human hybrids? YES)
The Bible says that before the Great Flood, human women married the "sons of God" and they produced GIANTS... That is where the Greek demigods like Prometheus, Atlas and Titan came from. The only true account of that tragedy is found in the Book of Genesis which was written by Moses.
The Abolition Movement was the culmination of BAD THEOLOGY, centered around Unitarian/Universalist belief. It was a humanistic, knee-jerk reaction to perceived ills. Until that movement there was never a problem with Baptists and slavery... The Feminist Movement was the culmination of BAD THEOLOGY form liberal churches that did not accept the Biblical teaching or authority about the role of women. It was a humanistic, knee-jerk reaction to perceived ills. Until that movement, only the most liberal of Baptists would even consider ordaining a woman. And on with Blacks and Civil Rights And Gay rights Think you're on to something here, Mark. Good post.
A long time ago there was a Bang. a rock then formed into an aluminam can, (over millions of years) then Paint fell from the sky and formed itself into Coca cola 12 fluid ounces, then the can formed a tab and so on
And there was a movie documentry that was at the theatre about 20 years ago that proved they had found the ark on Mt Arrarat. Sadly, that proof was mysteriously lost before the whole world could be shown it. Think of the signifcance of the discovery of Noah's Ark, do you think this is something that those that are opposed to God want to happen?
How about the Book of Revelation where John clearly describes Nuclear War?
So maybe it [Harry Potter] isn't so bad... but is bad if you base your whole life on the fiction that these books create...
All your theories are fine and dandy, but just admit that there would be nothing wrong with killing all the homeless, all the starving in third world countries, all those on welfare, all those who are supported 100% by others if there is no God or Creator or some type of higher responsibility.
Carbon, raidosmarbon... those are no different than flying pigs to me. Find me a human millions of years old that can verbally verify this ageold dino propaganda then I can relate...
How could languages possibly have evolved???? Surely if languages were to do with man then it would have been more sensible to stick with one language????
Evolution and the Big gang theory is LOADS younger than Christianity. How can something survive so long if its not true?