American babe: The real reason Trump is criticized is because he is an Alpha Male. Men who are jealous of Trump, who criticize him and attack him are Beta Males. The list of the Chuck Schumers, Jim Acoustas, Jeff Flakes, and other Beta Males is long enough to reach to the moon. Beta Males who whine and whimper, wring their hands and suck their thumbs are subconsciously envious of men who are the opposite of them: strong, resolute, decisive, unintimidated, bold, etc. Watch the next time a man criticizes Trump, 99% of the time he is a Beta Male. I have yet to see an exception....
Temujin Sy: what do you mean Beta males ? they are sisterboys, they have had testie removal surgery, there is no testosterone, these are the wusses that came up with toxic masculinity.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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