BummerDrummer #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[RageFuel] How easy it would have been to stop female rights.

Female suffragists: "Give us rights! Voting rights! Equality!"


Done. That would have literally been it. Let me explain;

The difference between female equality movements and, say, negro civil rights movements is that Negroes posed an actual physical threat. Negro (males) could riot, get weapons, etc. If not a physical threat, many Negroes back in that time period had jobs (although usually bottom barrel tier) that if they mass protested in strikes could pose an economic problem. Women had neither physical power nor economic power. The only time women were ever really "militarized" and fought was around 10-15 years later in the Spanish Civil war, in which case they got utterly destroyed, and the reason these spanish civil war foids fought was because they were in a situation 1000x worse than 1920's woman's suffrage America.

Economically Women had no power either, a vast majority were either housewives or some easily replaceable job like a secretary. They did not have the economic sway to do anything if our fucking ancestors just said "No" to their plea for rights. "But m-muh they deserved it by working in the factories!" "In ww2 we would've lost cuz wymn made all the ammo!" No they didn't, this is a parroted talking point but if females didn't make any factory contributions at all in both world wars it would've ended the same way. They aren't "Muh independent wymn" for doing something even a child could do, which would be the people who would make ammo in factories if females didn't do it (Or other men not at the front).

There was no reason for our ancestors to have let these fucking stupid hags get anywhere in equality. They couldn't have done anything if we just said "No". But because of how cucked we were EVEN BACK THEN 100 YEARS AGO we said "Yes". Also cuz the jews.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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