In 30 years we may see the return of Jesus Christ to set up his kingdom on earth. When that happens there will be no homosexuals around because they will all have been delivered of their sin or thrown into hell by their own choice.
Funnily enough, the same thing was said 30 years ago, and 30 years before that, and 30 years before that, and...
Or in 30 years we may not see the return of Jesus Christ and homosexuals will still be around, just as they have been throughout history. After all, if homosexuals didn’t exist in the time of Moses, there wouldn’t have been any need to prohibit their behavior in Leviticus.
In 30 years we may see the return of Jesus Christ to set up his kingdom on earth. When that happens there will be no homosexuals around because they will all have been delivered of their sin or thrown into hell by their own choice doubt said by at least one fundie in 1989. Yet, the Midwest & Bible Belt states hit by tornadoes. Floods devastating the very religious Louisiana since then: but the oh so 'sinful' French Quarter of New Orleans emerged from Hurricane Katrina with nary a scratch. The Castro district of San Francisco completely untouched. If there have been 'Signs', the only message sent is the fact that especially since Obergefell vs. Hodges: certainly with Donald Fart allowing the legalisation of homosexuality, your 'God' agrees with the SCOTUS, don't bother him about it.
Romans 13:1-5 proves he must have changed his mind. The only other alternative is too hideous for you to imagine: seeing as he clearly favours those you hate so much, Rogered.
In 30 years we may see the return of Jesus Christ
Ahh, that slight difference between “may” and “will”. Yes, we indeed may see the return of Jesus Christ in 30 years. We may also see flying cars, a simple cure for cancer, and simultaneous orgasm every time. Who knows?
You know, when Genghis Khan was not the fulfilment of the Revelation of John, what with the Four Horsemen, with bow-wielding Victory leading War, Famine and Death, with the underworld riding with them, and with the barbaric nations of the world uniting under Gog and Magog from the far North, then it is safe to say that it will never happen.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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