Leftists are so out-of-touch with reality that after the Roe v. Wade leak, they're convinced that Justice Clarence Thomas will get the Court to overturn INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE. Justice Thomas is a black man... married to a white woman.
To be honest I think Thomas will be a justice to go against reversing of the Loving case, I really do, and Roberts REALLY doesn’t want to piss off even more of the nation as he wanted to prevent his court from becoming a Scott Court or other courts universally hated now but has failed that with this ruling and probably try and prevent his court from going any further right and side with liberals as much as possible if only so his court won’t be hated anymore, the other conservative… ok fuck that REACTIONARY justices would try and reverse EVERYTHING for… all kinds of reasons and to hell with what the people think on the matter, though I admit the Right will gladly shoot themselves in the leg if it means hurting others so who knows.
I mean… it’s not like something like that would be completely out of character for him.
After the B.S.U. learned that a member was dating a white woman, the group convened a mock trial, found him guilty, and broke his Afro comb as a punishment. Thomas took the rule more seriously. Thomas’s “edgy race consciousness” stood out. When he saw an interracial couple strolling on campus, he’d loudly demand, “Do I see a black woman with a white man? How could that be?” Until 1986, when Thomas met Virginia Lamp, who is white and would become his second wife, he opposed interracial sex and marriage.
If he still holds at least some of his black nationalist views , well, who knows? It’s not like ethnocentrists have never been eager to break the rules they wish to impose on the rest of society, one only needs to look at Strom Thurmond fathering a mixed-race daughter with a 16-year-old black girl despite being, well, Strom Thurmond , to understand this.
“ they're convinced that Justice Clarence Thomas will get the Court to overturn INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE.”
When gay marriage was only in a few states, Our Governor, Mitt Romney, tried to block it in Massachusetts using an old law that said you couldn’t get married in THIS state if your marriage was illegal in the state you lived in. It was from a time when not all states allowed interracial couples to marry.
I am actually convinced that if there’s no Constitutional Right To Privacy Thomas would willingly turn this decision over to the individual states. The way it used to be.
And then not get married in any state where that’s problematic.
Also, this is not the flex the bitch thinks.
SCOTUS is supposed to judge the law objectively. If the Constitution clearly doesn’t specifically allow Interricial Marriage, then the proper judicial action is to say so.
Not supposed to use personal bias to interpret the actual law of the land. We know Thomas does, having voted not to release the texts that included his wife’s little insurrectionist demands. But suggesting we can count on him using personal bias is rather revealing… Just not Kosher.
Justice Thomas is a black man... married to a white woman.
And despite that, he would overturn interracial marriage in a second. Because Clarence Thomas sees himself as a Christian fundamentalist first. And I know you don’t give a rat’s ass, but I suspect there’s a reason Clarence and Ginni never refer to each other as husband/wife, but rather as “my best friend”…
In the Jim Crow South black people weren't *technically* barred from voting - just presented with insurmountable hurdles, and intimidated against trying. Even then they'd let a few handpicked "Good Negroes" vote just so they could claim it was all fair. Never enough to influence an election, of course.
You can expect the same on interracial marriage: a campaign of intimidation, endless hoops to jump through, and the lone example of Thomas held up to "prove" it's still legal.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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