BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #psycho

I can have sex with every girl I want
With few simple tricks

Confidence :

You walk confidently towards her like you were facing your worst enemy in the final battle

Personality :

You talk to her using very charismatic arguments like "now you'll do anything I say or I will murder your parents"

Kino :

Your wrap her neck with your hands

Push and pull :

you push her in your car and pull off your dick once in an isolated place

Peacocking :

You wear eccentric accessories like a big knife so she notices how unique you are

Holding your frame

You're completely over her so she cannot escape

Feign disinterest :

I don't care if you die

Pump and dump her :

Feel her ass with gasoline, throw a lighter in her, dump her corpse in the desert in redhead redemption




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