“Experts” told you if you complied with lockdowns, censorship, masks and vaccinations—life would return to normal. “Conspiracy theorists” told you Covid was never going to end, and governments would use it to usher in a totalitarian new world order . Who do you believe now?
…Is that a trick question? Yes the experts said that and yes life isn’t returned to normal; but guess what? Too many people worldwide DIDN’T comply with “lockdowns, censorship, masks and vaccinations”, ya imbecile! So no wonder COVID is lasting longer than they hoped. As Bastethotep just said, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy! And you morons don’t even realize it!
““Experts” told you”
Yeah, no. Gonna stop you right here. Nobody simply “believes” the fucking necessary health measures. Unlike your kind of impotent morons, most of us happen to discern how the rules of a pandemic work and why is it that we have been unable to put this one behind us and the answer is: YOU. We have literally been unable to get back with our lives proper because of you and people like you refusing to offer any slightest cooperation with the health measures, so this thing is still around.
“Who do you believe now?”
I am not a cow, therefore it is not a situation I take on my beliefs, you however did otherwise and now search for more gullible cretins with no understanding of a cause and effect.
More reminders of https://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/2021/07/the-revolt-against-reality/
“If the refuseniks were concerned about unforeseen side effects of the vaccine, and wanted to wait and watch out of an abundance of caution – and were willing to comply with public-health safeguards in the meantime – that would be one thing. But they’ve made it clear that they’re against both the vaccine and also masks and lockdowns. They want to live as if COVID-19 didn’t exist, even while thousands throughout the world are still getting sick and dying.”
“They refuse to accept that there are facts which exist regardless of what they wish or desire.”
“they’re claiming that COVID isn’t real or isn’t serious, and they’re the only ones smart enough to see through the deception.”
Wait, what?
“Experts” told you if you complied with lockdowns, censorship, masks and vaccinations—life would return to normal.
Censorship? What virologist told you to comply with censorship? And by ‘censorship,’ do you mean ‘social media sites choosing not to circulate harmful bullshit on their privately owned platforms, much like a baker choosing not to put gay wedding cakes in his front window.’?
Because if that’s what you’re talking about by ‘censorship,’ then you already stipulate that a whole bunch of chucklefucks did not comply with the experts. And due to their efforts, at disinformation, and resistance to lockdowns, masks, and vaccination, we can’t return to normal.
It sems “never-ending” because of you, dummy! Had you followed “The Experts”, this plague would’ve have been over a long time ago! Now there’s a new strain called Omicron, which happened because of knuckleheads like you! Get your jabs, wash your hands and wear a mask! IT’S NOT HARD! You can still go out and do stuff like normal if you did all that!
RE-EDIT: I altered the above because, I realized that Omicron is actually a very weak strain. The only thing alarming about it is that it may be resistant to vaccines. Good thing it’s a mild strain. That said, still a bit concerning and we need to continue masking and / or vaxxing.
I’ll believe the experts, well, I’ll give people who’ve studied more credence than people who haven’t, anyway.
Conspiracy theorists, on the other hand, said it was all made up. Or part of a multi-national plot to destroy the population. And that there was no need to wear the masks. And that if you took the vaccine, it would kill you. And it’s precisely because of the conspiracy theorists that Covid-19 will last forever, and will still be a threat for the next eight years.
So thank you, conspiracy theorists. Personally I’d throw your unvaxxed ass out of hospital to die when you get sick. But the health services won’t won’t do that, because they’re better people than me. People with a CHRISTIAN mentality (regardless of whether or not they actually are Christian, and a great deal of them aren’t). Candace claims to be Christian - perhaps she should take them as an example.
“These dummy eggheads told us to do something so the bad thing would go away! Well, I didn't do any of what they told me to do, and the bad thing didn't go away, so the dummy eggheads are dumb and evil and the people chugging pet dewormer and seeing phantom spiders under their skin are right and awesome!”
Jesus fucking Christ, Candy, I weep for the trained chimps that have to dress you every morning.
Your ‘Stable Genius' Donald Fart said that Bozo the Clown was a (quote) ‘Terrific Guy'. Question:
Was it Sir Keir Starmer who - just 24 hours ago: and as Prime Minister in an announcement from 10 Downing Street - made wearing masks in shops etc mandatory again, Candarse…?!
Are you enough of a political expert to be able to answer that one…?!
I have no medical training (apart from learning CPR) but even I understand the reasoning behind our pandemic measures. But then, I accept the germ theory of medicine and the usefulness of vaccines, so I'm hardly a neutral observer.
I’m pretty sure life would have returned to normal by now, were it not for conspiriturds like you. Almost makes me wonder: are you plaguepriests prolonging the pandemic on purpose, in order to make sane people look bad to your flock?
And yes, you getting kicked out of your local Wal-Mart for having a Karen meltdown because they require masks is totally ToTaLiTaRiAn NeW wOrLd OrDeR…
Comments cover it well, only adding emphasis agreeing with arp: your "totalitarian new world order" isn't here yet so your prophecy is false anyway. You may call basic sanitary measures totalitarian but it doesn't make it so. Read a history book on what totalitarian regimes did and compare, instead of drama preaching.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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