Generalorder4 #pratt

I'll come clean. I can't be objective about this because I've been beaten and abused for my skin color, my religion, my nationality most of my life. I've been denied jobs, I've been denied college applications, I've been lambasted and spit on for being 'the villain' in every way that mattered to a world brought up to despise me and my family.

My father was called 'baby killer' for voting for Bush. My mom was disowned by my brother as a 'trophy wife' because she chose to raise children instead of pursue her medical career. I've had my church vandalized several times and defecated on. I've had my email and my account on this very channel hacked for my views.

I used to have a different DA account but someone put me on a 'hate list' and used my credit card to send my insulting things through the mail so I needed to reboot my entire identity. I've had friends leave me and hurt themselves because of gender confusion and the nihilism caused by terror of climate change and Trump blamed over every media outlet. Basically my life was destroyed because of the jolly politics you purport to worship, and not once have I seen ANY benefit from those grand progressive plans.

I've witnessed every franchise I love die and be worn as a skin suit for the same simpleminded agendas so even my imagination is under siege. No dreams for you, colonizer.

Right now I live with my ailing parents who can't get work because of endless lockdowns and regulations and I suffer from physical ailments due to constant stress from being singled out daily and living in fear I'll be doxed or removed again for saying the wrong things. But I've ceased to care. I don't care anymore becasue I don't have any hope.

But yes, I'm not a victim because my great great great ancestors owned slaves (even though I'm actually probably descended from slaves myself) thanks to the color of my skin.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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