UnapologeticMisandry #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

If I made a discord for white BPF women, would anyone here want to join? (NOTE: BPF = BlackPillFeminism)

Ever since my post where I complained about intersectionality ruining women's movements by diluting the cause, I figured I should do something about it. I'm tired of women of other races using misogyny to shit on white women. I'm tired of feminism becoming a race hierchary circlejerk where white and black women alike team up to put down white women. I am tired of feminism being about race, or anything besides women. I am tired of seeing black feminists catering to black moids before extending kindness to a white sister. I am tired of middle aged and elderly white women being dehumanized and stereotyped. I am done trying to have solidarity with black feminists. I finally snapped when I read one of the users here say that hating white women is the only thing every group in this country can agree on.

BTW, this would NOT be a white supremacist discord. However, black feminists have shown their hatred of white women to the point where it has soured me on associating with them. I don't think they're inferior, I think they (and the white women who also follow self hating race ideology) are misogynist and a waste of time and energy to entertain. This is not about white supremecy, but about a place for my group of women to exist in peace away from all that and support each other and (because why tf not?) complain.

Users will be verified through an r/blackpeopletwitter "Country Club" style arrangement. You will be allowed when you have sent a photo of your skin with your username written on it. Males will be banned, intersectionalists will be banned. Users can be of any religion/lack thereof, political leaning, sexuality, age, etc as long as they are white, blackpilled, and female.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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