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Eugenics is nature. Everyone, including you and your parents, practice Eugenics. The most common eugenic practice today is “therapeutic abortion.” via amniocentesis. Societies that refuse to practice eugenics will be certain losers. Previous generations were not squeamish about distinguishing between desirables and undesirables. After WWII, eugenics was mistakenly associated with Nazism, even though Nazis were late to the game. All societies practiced Eugenics. But opposition to eugenics is irrational. Asians are the least diverted from eugenic thinking. Premiere Lee Kuan Yew gave generous tax incentives to better-educated women to have more children, and succeeded in increasing the percentage of births that were to women with secondary education from 36.7 percent to 47.7 percent. The women who get the most education are the more intelligent, and they marry smart men. Many accepted practices in the West are plainly eugenic. In Britain, for example, parents of a retarded woman can have her sterilized, which implicitly recognizes that some people should not have children. From 1970 to 1986, German judges gave sex offenders the option of castration rather than jail. From Eugenics: A Reassessment, Richard Lynn, Praeger Publishers, 2001: "There is great irony in frantic opposition to eugenics, per se, when many accepted practices in the West are plainly eugenic. Infertile women seeking donor eggs advertise for them at elite universities, and are prepared to pay huge premiums for them, once again recognizing that some genes are better than others. Prof. Lynn has found offers of eggs from fashion models at $90,000 each, and reports there are exclusive sperm banks stocked by Harvard and MIT students."



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