Laura Loomer says top NYPD sources tell her National Guard setting up around courthouse where Trump is sentenced Sept 18th because communist traitor judge Marchan planning to send Trump straight to Rikers. If that happens I will urge truckers to stop all deliveries to NYC. Bring city to standstill. Starve NYC.
“Laura Loomer says top NYPD sources tell her National Guard setting up around courthouse where Trump is sentenced Sept 18th”
Because you people threaten and encourage violence.
“because communist traitor judge Marchan planning to send Trump straight to Rikers.”
Doesn’t work that way. It’s technically his first offense, so probably no jail time at all.
However, he’s shown absolutely no remorse on ANY of his shenanigans, even getting caught. For that, and all the people telling the judge he doesn’t DARE lock him up, or threatening his DAUGHTER for chrissakes, if i were the judge, i’d seriously consider a deep dark hole.
"If that happens I will urge truckers to stop all deliveries to NYC. Bring city to standstill. Starve NYC.”
You have a pretty high opinion of yourself, don’t you?
If the trucks stop, NYC will have to figure something else out. And they may not go back to trucks after this blows over. Can the trucking industry afford to risk losing that market?
um… you do know that New York City is a port city right? if this (as in somehow convincing the Trucking industry to stop delivering to New York City all because some judge dared to arrest your “god”…) ever were to happen New York City can switch from trucking to shipping pretty easily so, New York City won’t starve, but seriously it says a lot about you if your go-to is to punish or even kill people who dare say or do anything you dislike and not in a good way at that.
I’ve worked at a truck stop for the last 2 years and some change. At least from what I can tell, from what I hear the drivers talking about and listening to….yeah, they’re probably a more conservative than liberal bunch of folks in general. (at least with the ones who I can understand what they’re talking about, ya know…they ain’t all English-speakers) Still, though, I’d bet a lot of them would just wanna get their job done and deliver their stuff, instead of boycotting cus some wacko said so. Or at least I’d hope so, lol.
Of course, should any trucker actually follow this call, he will not blame his inevitable firing on his own foolishness, nor Root’s callous and ill-conceived demagogy, nor the systematic destruction of labour rights that Trump is such a proud champion of. No, it is will all be the fault of The Elites™’ misandrist anti-white agenda and of filthy furreigners taking our jobs.
No one ever accused WAR of being the brightest crayon in the box or the sharpest tool in the shed
…but Dwayne will have to be the suckiest of tools in the shed behind the truckstop for WHORE… er, I mean WAR to persuade some of said truckers to do what he wants.
Then the OP will be at WAR with his sexuality. [/a certain song by Weird Al Yankovic ]
I will urge truckers to stop all deliveries to NYC
It would only mean a few extremists without a job and other people replacing them. Not out of malice or conspirac err yes, because of Root's conspiracy.
Hmm maybe this post deserves #psycho because of the mass starving fantasy, to protest basic security against terrorism.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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