spoiler"I don't believe in
quotas. America
was founded on a
philosophy of
individual rights,
not group rights."
( @bluewonder369 )
@ILoveAmericaNews America was not founded for his people. image
( @sirenman )
@ILoveAmericaNews recently 45% of SCOTUS would be jewish. if Obama's garland were allowed to be appointed, and RBG was alive. 80% if you just counted the liberal side of the court. for 1.6% of our country. why? what are the odds? so they were stopped gang tackling by religion. except for garland who was put back on the 'tribe' team as AG. latinos/blacks/asians? who are you kidding? 'KANYE IS RIGHT'
( @GamwiseSamgee )
@ILoveAmericaNews Ya fuck your groups
Fuck your "for us and for our posterity"
Fuck your "we the people"
Stay isolated, Whites.
( @Christian_Hart )
@ILoveAmericaNews Not true at all. America was founded specifically FOR WHITES. No one else. It was the group rights of Whites that was its only concern. If he doesn't understand this, he doesn't understand America.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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