Feds are searching Rudy’s apartment for electronics and we alllll know what they’re looking for! They know Rudy has plenty of shit on Hunter and Sleepy joe so now they’re gonna try to shut him up. They’re doing this shit out in the open because these crazies know they won’t face any consequences! Of course the crazies are gonna say this is “justice” when it’s another example of the left’s fascism! Think I’m wrong? Then have joe and his dip shit son on the stand and let them prove their innocence but they won’t because the crazies will riot. Think I’m wrong again? isn’t it convenient that Rudy proved he has Hunter’s laptop because that asshole was so high on his own stuff he forgot to pick up his own laptop he sent to get fixed with all that info on it? There’s also the guy who works at that same store who saw everything and ID‘d Hunter as the owner of the laptop as well? Hell Hunter called or texted the repairman to get the laptop back!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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