various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy

( @Halp )

spoilerIn America, the public is given zero
information on the "Weimar Republic,"
the period in Germany post-WWI that
led to the rise of the National
Socialists in 1933.
This is deliberate. The period holds too
many secrets to the modern world.
This thread will expose those secrets.

( @echoes )
@Halp Weimerica is way worse.

( @KnowOne7 )
@echoes @Halp now we have the vaccines and chemicals like fluoride as new variables. They intentionally neutered man's fight.

( @Adrianthehistorian )
@Halp Never forget the Holodomor Genocide by Jews
Christian Genocide in the Ukraine was far worse than the Jewish Holocaust, why don't we hear anything about these crimes against humanity?

Dec 1, 2021

( @uns33n )


Last post of thread:

spoilerWeimar was the first
oppressive neo-liberal
You're never told about it
1. It ruins the WWII lies our
Govts tell us.
2. You're in Weimar 2.0. If
you ever learn that, you may
learn how to escape it. This
scares the Elite.
Retweet, Stay Woke, &
Much Love Fam!

( @PracticalPatriot )
@Halp They don't believe me when I tell them. Oh well, they'll be more pissed when they figure it out on their own. Tell a normie...Moustache Man tried to *save Europe, not destroy it. Glazed over eyes...believing that modern Europe is as it should be. They do not realize how much better it could be, much like my fellow US Citizens...never realizing that without Federal Spending we would likely be drawing free money from our own Government in the form of Dividends.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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