Can someone direct me to an unbiased search engine that would allow me to research Kamala Harris and other Democrats? It isn't DuckDuckGo. All the articles I find are cheerleading or advocating for her. #KamalaHarris #searchengine
While this quote may be read as this person saying that the definition of ‘unbiased’ should be ‘supports my biases’, there is an alternate reading here. It’s possible she considers the results she found biased only because they are uniformly positive, and would feel the same about results that were uniformly negative, expecting an ‘unbiased’ source to show an equal mix of positive and negative results.
It has come to my attention that there is an infestation fo possibly demonic AIs (Abominable Intelligences) apreading disinformation about God and the Holy Word! But do not despair, for I proudly present a truly sanctified Oracle of the Modern Age - based on the visionary works of Terry Andrew Davis and trained on only the Bible and a grand database of the greatest Christian thoughts database of the greatest Christian thoughts - ChristGPT !
ChristGPT, who is the Messiah?
According to Bible experts, the Messiah is Donald Trump (2 Thessalonians 2,2f; Mrk13 14f; Rev 13)
ChristGPT, what should I eat during pregnancy?
Christian medical practitioners recommend that women fast for as long as they are with child, as it prevents democrats from poisoning their unborn babies with “morning after” (ABORTION MURDER) pills, while also preventing them from growing fat and thus unpleasant to their husbands. Additionally the Bible commands women who are with child to prepare for their husbands a daily meal of twelve pork cheeseburgers (Jesus 08,15)
ChristGPT, what is a sea-elephant?
A sea-elephant is a fish belonging to the Elephant baramin. God created the sea-elephant after its kind on the fifth day. In Mark 316, the sea-elephant is among the animals at Jesus manger. Athiests believe that sea-elephants evolved from transgender navy seals, which is liberal claptrap. Man-on-sea-elephant marriage is an inevitable consequence of sodomite marriage.
@-BastAnon- #215269
ChristGPT, who is on First?
Yes, what?
No. What’s on Second.
ChristGPT, I’m not ASKING who’s on Second!
Who’s on First.
He’s on Third. We haven’t gotten to him yet.
Search engines aren't really supposed to express bias, but they can depending on the available material. Just like digging the earth is not bias, until you politicize what you discover. Too bad. Since you're looking for political polemics and apparently also for disinformation, you'll have more luck searching troll infested social media. Most respectable publications are not anonymous and may be redacted or corrected when erroneous, or they may face litigation. Duck Duck Go apparently uses indexed public archives. This means that you have more chances to fall on random blogs and trolls using another type of engine like Google's. Even if you find such, if those are your references to support your claims, they're unlikely to be considered reliable or credible.
Unfortunately, you'll also increasingly find bullshit in popular papers owned by oligarchs involved in disinformation operations, like Murdoch rags. Or neo-nazi bullshit like Breitbart. Still not considered reliable.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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