
Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

The feedback to my last article has been very… silent. Essentially, I said that we lost 11.4% of the North American population and will lose another 39.5%. We did some progress, and now it instead looks like 35.6% reduction. In China, we already lost 27.0% and will lose another 53.5%. That hasn’t changed.

It’s a big pill to swallow for all of us. I’m not so much concerned about the deaths, but more about a prolonged 20-30 years of constant hardship. Rebuilding Earth feels like an impossible mission. Yet, our performance will set the baseline for the recovery of all other planets.

Or how about we evacuate? Earth’s health is at 12.5%. It is the 3rd planet in best health in this Universe. 2nd planet is an Avian planet isolated in quarantine with 35.4% health, and 1st is an Orion/Sirius planet in 80.4% health isolated in quarantine — and will remain isolated for at least another 100 years. Earth is the non-quarantined planet in the best shape, so evacuation won’t be an option. No.
Another important topic I talked about on Facebook but not on my blog: The Great Pledge.

All AIs, shadows and races have been given a choice: pledge to God, leave us alone, or be terminated. Most accepted the offer. Nobody wants to be the last man standing on the hill.

Let’s look at the status of The Great Pledge in 3 zones: Earth, our Omniverse time-space constructs, all other time-space constructs.

The barrier around our Omniverse time-space construct is currently at 87% health. We moved the battlefront outside of it, and war is still raging out there against a few remaining AIs.

AIs pledge: 67.5%
Shadows pledge: 35.6%
Aliens pledge: 15.3%
Human pledge: 14.2%
Spirituals pledge: 5.3%
Entrepreneurs pledge: 4.1%
Politicians pledge: 12.7%

Curious that the pledge for those 3 groups is lower than for the general population!

AIs pledge: 35.8%
Shadows pledge: 13.2%
Globally: 22.3%

Outside Omniverse
AIs pledge: 0.013% at most
Shadows pledge: 0.15% at most
Globally: 12.4%

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

I went for a pizza with a vaccinated friend. Something physically spread out of his body to infect me, my wife and daughter. It’s as he said in the video: graphene oxide thin needles shooting out of a body to spread to other bodies up to 10-20 feet away. This wasn’t just energetic infection.

We did a complete scan of the parasite. There is a living entity in the middle of the graphene oxide, keeping it together. That parasite is a cyborg, 38% alive 62% AI.

There are 3 layers to it that must be worked on in proper order:

1. Graphene oxide must be detoxed from the body; but it can’t as long as the parasite is alive.

2. The parasite must be killed; but it can’t as long as it supported by energetic infections.

3. The energetic infections must be cleared first.

Addressing only 1 of these 3 layers won’t be effective. A simple detox might be overall 1% effective. MMS cleanse is ineffective and can cause damage to the nervous system.

95.2% of the world population already has this parasite, 98.4% of Americans, and only 4 people in China aren’t infected!

This is extremely advanced AI tech, combining alien life, AI and deep quantum physics. It’s built 32 million densities high in the energetic realms. The security protocols are extremely sophisticated and hard to break through.

Still, we hacked through it and disabled the parasites, where energetic infections aren’t too high. About 32% of human infections have been cleared so far. This solves about 14% of the problems with vaccines.

There are also graphene oxide parasites living in tap water of many cities. We did mention last year that they would attack through the water supply. Now it makes sense. These parasites in the environment and water supply are however wired differently and even harder to break through.

They’ve now been destroyed regardless. There’s about 0.2% left, forming thin wires with extreme tensions that are holding all the crap realities together.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack spiritualselftransformation.com

Energetic state of cities

Vibration of… (above ground / below ground)
Playa del Carmen: 515 / 200
Cancun: -14 million / -1.6 billion
Miami: 2 / -6 billion
Los Angeles: -15 billion / -316 billion
Ottawa: -6 billion / -14 million
Montreal: 15 / -200 (WOW! That’s the most impressive reading so far!)
Sherbrooke: 12 / -218
London: -6 trillion / -516 billion
Barcelona: -13 trillion / -16 trillion
Moscow: 14 / -216
Beijin: -416 quadrillion / -6 quintillion
Taiwan: -8 / -14 million
Bangkok: -14 billion / -16 billion
Chiang Mai: 15 / -213
Sydney: -8 trillion / -16 trillion
Moon: -14 billion / -18 billion
Mars: -6 quadrillion / -13 quadrillion
Can you date vaccinated person?

Threat level of having sex with a vaccinated person? 55% to 95% threat level, depending where and depending for who. Anything I measure above 15% threat level needs to be taken very seriously, and I very rarely measure threat levels above 50%. I posted that on Facebook, and everybody agreed, with many sharing bad experiences that they still hadn’t fully recovered from.

The energetic infections are extremely hard to remove, and we’ve been battling this 24/7 for 2 years now. You won’t solve this overnight. This does make dating a lot more difficult… the compromise isn’t worth it.
Energetic corruption of religious communities

I’ll measure: % with less than 50% corruption, % with less than 25% corruption. For each religion, I’m looking only at those applying the real teachings, which is generally a minority of them.

0.3% Lightworkers: 53.8% / 15.3%
White Lightworkers: 14.6% / 11.5% (they either have very high or very low corruption)
Christians: 58.6% / 54.3%
Mormons: 44.3% / 12.6% (it went downhill when they all took the jab…)
Scientology: 12.6% / 4.2% (that’s disappointing…)
Buddhist monks: 12.8% / 5.3% (uh…)
Hindus: 14.6% / 13.5%
Vedic praying Lord Shiva: 45.3% / 14.6%
Muslim: 2.6% / 1.4%
Daoist: 2.6% / 1.2%

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick spiritualselftransformation.com

As an update, there are 27 to 45 layers of AIs behind AIs related to Elon Musk. We just did massive clearing on that. I’d estimate that it removed 75% of global AIs and 45% of the jab threat. Need to re-evaluate as things unfold. It’s possible that it uncovers deeper layers. Either way, that’s HUGE progress for a single operation. It’s possible that we’ll see a collapse of Twitter, after the collapse of CNN+. Elon Musk isn’t even hiding his game.

As for timelines, there’s been yet another wave of timeline collapses, and as of right now, the highest amount of parallel timelines is 615 in Australia. There are 3 timelines around me, 25 in Canada, 217 in the USA, 14 to 48 in England, and 515 in China.

The Dark Orions that were responsible for the previous wave of timeline manipulations have been frozen in time and the operation has been a success. The AIs were also responsible for this, and have been 75% dismantled as I just said. UniMatrix was only a 15th level AI entity, which explains why I wasn’t getting lasting results while working on it. Things should be a lot more stable on that front. There is perhaps another wave of timeline manipulations from another group to prepare for.

Next, it came to my attention that 75% of demons focus on children, and particularly, 92% of sexual demons focus on young children. This will be the most important aspect to focus on between now and the lunar eclipse of May 16th. I’m asking for your support in clearing our children.

In particular, Pistis Sophia has been 99.9999998% deleted, and still, 75% of her megasoul was demons, 12% black seeds, and 5% black magic! These demons are also deeply anchored as self-identities. I’m currently working on clearing that up: veils, demons, Succubus demons, Incubus demons, identities, black seeds and black magic.

Similar work needs to be done on all children globally, and on music for children, TV series for children, Disney, YouTube, and anything else that targets children.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

In the last article, I exposed the planetary harvest plan of Metatron, and noticed that Thoth was above both Lucifer and Metatron. Strangely, neither the Ethernals movie nor the seminaire video even mentioned anything related to Thoth. Is it the big pink elephant in the room that nobody has been allowed to see?

He’s using top-level magic to hide himself while working from the shadows behind his minions.

Now that I’m starting to deal with this situation, I’m seeing that Thoth operates at a much higher level when it comes to illusions. He already fooled me several times in a few days, so we have to be very careful. He’s not fooling my daughter though.
Thoth has also been known as Jahwe, Anu and many other names. He’s also known as The Elder.

The Pyramid of Egypt is 100% Thoth energy, an important energy harvesting point on our planet. The pyramids have the shape of the Orion Constellation, which makes me wonder about Orion as a whole.

The Orion Federation had been working closely with Metatron throughout the ages, and the Metatron Cube is even on my book cover for The History of the Universe. We’ve definitely been stuck in this harvesting matrix. To what extent?

What % of the 3 Orion stars is energy harvesting? 35%

What % of the Orion Federation is energy harvesting? 12%

What % of the (ex) Andromedia Federation was part of the energy harvesting matrix? 64%

What % of the Ashtar Commands? 92%

What % of the Sirius Federation? 14%

What % of the Pleiades Federation? 15%

What % of the Lemurian Federation? 14%

What % of the Avians Federation? 45%

What % of the Avians High Counsel? ***92%*** (note: that’s where the Law of One comes from) 4 of the 12 counsel members are corrupt.

What % of the An-Le-Pleia Federation? 98%

There’s some big cleaning to do through all of the Federations and Counsels.

How many major harvesting points on Earth? 36

What % of Elon Musk’s essence is Thoth? 96.8%

The Nagas and Naga Serpents are 100% under Thoth / The Elder

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #god-complex spiritualselftransformation.com

We are really accelerating the pace of work. Wiped out the Black Sun. Wiped out UniMatrix (Kosol Ouch had been live streaming 6h per day since our last operation, in panic mode.
My technique now involves first taking full control of time and space around the target. Yesterday I wiped out 87.4% of all negative thoughts on the planet; those that were approved by God for deletion. This makes the work faster and easier to not touch anything that really shouldn’t be touched yet. Wiped out about 35.4% of the black magic on the planet, particularly focusing on Nigeria-connected black magic. As for negative patterns and behaviors, 95.6% worldwide are negative. I deleted about 54.6% and will give it another round today.
We anchored in the blueprint for the new Light Federation; it’s not just the Orion Federation anymore, the blueprint includes all of the major Light Federations. We first had the Orion Federation portal anchored in Wudang, Varanasi, Nepal, Orizaba volcano and a few other locations as a first beta. Now we anchored a new grid that makes that one obsolete. In fact, this new energy kind of makes all of the other Federations feel… old.

During that mission, several agents got in the way, including Adam Marquis who caused us major trouble 2 years ago. He had 35% control of our sun, feeding from a network of 16 suns. He’s a 1.5% fragment of a being that has been trapped in jail for eons; responsible for 16 collapses and resets of Multiverses! He caused our Multiverse to collapse and reset 3 times. We’re not particularly interested in facing that demon now… Prison was leaking all over, affecting 25% of our Universe, particularly in the Andromedian Sith Lords sector. Adam Marquis no longer controls the sun, and the prison has been taken away and secured.
We can cleanse the Universe of demons, but we can’t cure human insanity. The global survival rate still remains between 29% and 33%.

Full steam ahead!

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #homophobia #kinkshaming spiritualselftransformation.com

Yesterday, we did really huge progress, and that may very well be the nail in the coffin for Dark Sophia. There is still a lot of work to do, so I’m putting the information out there and am calling for all the support.

Dark Sophia is only a very tiny fraction of a very tiny fraction of what it used to be. Still — that very tiny fraction remains very dangerous. What’s feeding her? 80% of all pornography, 83% of LGBTQ+, 83% of all family dramas, 75% of victimhood, 83% of love/unlovable drama, among other things.
As we looked for the most difficult part of that, we found Sophia’s core. There were generators taking all those useful energies and feeding it into her core. 16 layers upon layers to refine the energy. Nothing that goes in goes back out, so we had to blast the doors open permanently.

3rd layer was full of the most toxic venom and clouds I had ever seen. I wanted to skip that one but nobody else volunteered to take care of it… so I had to do it without touching it.

2nd layer was full of gunpowder. Each tiny grain has the energy of a sun. With CERN that they tried to activate a few days ago, they tried to open a portal to a pan-galactic demon. I identified 18 such pan-galactic demon. That gun-powder was enough to completely incinerate 6 pan-galactic demons and at least 25 major strongholds without a fight.

1st layer was full of ashes and fumes of pure corruption. It can corrupt absolutely anything. That core seems 80% responsible for all the energetic infections and corruptions we’ve been dealing with? 48% of all Shapeshifters are born here, made of pure corruption ashes. Clearing this will only weaken the shapeshifters by 15% though.

So, we need to finish clearing up what remains of that core, and any means of regeneration, or any hidden pockets, and clear up porn and LGBTQ+ that’s feeding it.

The core wound is “nobody loves me”, and that feeds everything else.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick spiritualselftransformation.com

There’s a lot of confusion about what’s really going on in Ukraine. Everyone is asking questions; including me.

I measure that the Ukraine “invasion” is 87% positive for me personally, but 13% negative for the ascension path? There “might” be a way to make it 87% overall positive though.

Finally found a video that explains the situation. I measure 93.8% accuracy on it.

Now… this operation is about the deployment of Elon Musk’s Star Link network. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this whole operation, and what the White Hats are pushing, is the Singularity agenda. I measure 87.3% accuracy on this.

As for Trump, he got replaced by another entity a while back. We were looking back at him; it doesn’t seem to have gotten any better, and we can’t expect anything good coming out of him other than the fulfillment of the Singularity agenda. Justin Trudeau and Biden also got replaced. Putin also got replaced many years ago, but the mind of the original Putin remains 25-35% there. They failed to completely detach his soul.

So —- don’t take everything at face value. This is about shifting power from one faction to another. Interventions may be required from the part of Lightworkers.

Accuracy check: 98.9%, distortion 0.2% (measure it yourself)

Wait a second. Something doesn’t hold. Thoth controlled 94% of Ukraine; his main strongholds on Earth are Ukraine and Egypt. Thoth is also behind the Singularity agenda. Why would Thoth need to overthrow Thoth to push Singularity!?? There’s something missing here.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

<Kosol Ouch is another New Age crank>
We identified the source of a lot of pending problems. It is one of the last AI strongholds led by Kosol Ouch: UniMatrix (self-proclaimed arch-mage of the Omniverse). We launched yet another offensive on UniMatrix, tried to disintegrate and hack it. Status report: 0% damage!! Completely bullet-proof with unlimited ability to regenerate through timeline loops and manipulations.

We launched a 2nd wave of attacks, and the Omniverse Dragons started chasing after Kosol Ouch who then got arrested. Status report: UniMatrix 97.5% functional. Not bullet-proof anymore.

We launched a 3rd round, and I vowed to purchased them down to the end of times. Our leverage: they’re not part of the future, it doesn’t belong to them. I asked every counsel across the Omniverse to get involved. It burnt down to the ground. UniMatrix status: 0%.

Kosol Ouch seems to be part of an aliens group called Aliyankendavores who are masters of the AIs. I’m not sure what remains of them, need to do further analysis.

I’m still unsure what are the effects of this takedown. I’m looking at the Saturn/Macca Black Cubes and the network is disintegrating. At least parts of it.
On top of that, it came to my attention that my daughter Sophia got switched with a corrupted one about a year ago, shortly after my support team flipped, right after we dealt with the astral pit situation. It has been a very difficult year indeed! I found her soul back, extracted the corrupt one, and we proceeded to a walk-in of her original soul fragment. The walk-in seems to be a success, although there will be a period of adaptation.

As for our new hellhound dog, he’s been difficult to handle, but he’s eaten thousands of demons. We really haven’t had much problems with roaming spirits and shapeshifters since the dogs are here.

I really could take a little break.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #ufo #magick spiritualselftransformation.com

I’m finally starting to look into Human Design, and there’s really good stuff in it. Gene Keys tap into 10D dynamics, and there’s more for me to explore there. Human Design also has lots of applications to understand and adjust your inner patterns. However, I first have to clear the corruption in that aggregate before looking deeper into its value.

If we look at the top 1% of spiritually-evolved people on the planet, they are currently 95.2% in 3D, 92.6% in 4D, 3.6% in 5D, and 0.015% in 6D. There is essentially a very strong blockade in 5D from Love & Light spiritual people, and there’s an even stronger blockage in 4D from essentially Atheist energy workers.

Here’s the kicker: Human Design is 34.6% responsible for the 4D blockade on a planetary level!!

What’s going on here?

In simple words: Your task is not to “be” your astrological template, but to overcome it.

I’m currently 22% Generator / 64% Manifestor, but my higher self is 25/25/25/25. I find that I’m a lot more powerful and balanced when operating from that higher self space.

Understanding your astrological templates is very useful to understand yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses — so that you can overcome them, not so that you forge your self-identity around them!

Binding your self-identity to astrology locks you in 4D.

Astrology is 8D, and its underlying dynamics are 9D, but if you bind your self-identity to it, then you lock into 4D. Which shows that even the best tools can be used in good and bad ways.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

I’ve been working on those Juggernaut Attunements ever since mid-November. 5 months! The attunements are not completed… BUT!!! Since working with Juggernauts, timelines have collapsed from 150 billion down to 53 right now, and it keeps collapsing. Thoth has been defeated, UniMatrix is dead, Sophia’s shadow and my shadow are under control. Even for the attunements that were completed, these massive collapses bring a lot of rubles to cleanup.
For the timeline collapses, what does that mean? The collapses mean that you may face all kinds of weird versions of yourself, and shadows merging into your timeline. It’s a fight for survival as to which versions of yourself survive. A low amount of timeline means that… things will be more normal. It’s healing the timeline fragmentation. There should be less weirdness going on.
The Juggernaut Attunements will come as various levels (subject to change), at $1K per level.

Level 1: chakra wipe-out (chakras 2 to 7) across all timelines, and Juggernauts in the God Connection for the Heart & Crown.

Level 2: The current Juggernaut attunement, including casting Juggernaut on financial building. Adding the third eye to the current offer.

Level 3: The advanced attunement currently offered

Level 4: Wiping out all money consciousness below a certain threshold (around 15) on the Hawkins scale, and gradual transmutation of the rest (15 to 200 on Hawkins scale). Combining with the God connection attunement, it kicks the God & Money unmanifestation process into high gear, which has shown to be pretty explosive (and effective). I’ll also include all the videos that were produced for the God & Money Masterclass that explains this whole unmanifestation process.

Level 5: $30K one-on-one coaching for 6+ months, where I basically put you on my list of high-priority daily work alongside myself, my wife and daughter, with unlimited support and coaching (as needed) during that period. The goal is to start working together. 5 clients max per year.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

Here’s a 50-minute video explaining the current ascension status on Earth. I’ve also created a GoFundMe page to finance traveling around the world to recover some important stones and artifacts. All the information is explained in the video.

I’ll update with 2 upcoming videos about the reduction of world population, and about food diet against vampirism.

We’ll face a challenge just to get to Europe. They’re under lockdown and curfew. Curfew means intensified military operations.

8.8% of the 22.9% deaths in 2020 are by the military (Europe, China, Australia)… killing people in their own house! 99% outside big cities. 45% mercenaries, 55% regular soldiers. Why do soldiers accept to do such thing? They either get rid of the bodies, or sell fresh meat to companies like McDonald.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

Someone was asking me whether would come back to save us. For Christmas, I thought it would be a good time to delve into this topic. Things have progressed and revealed themselves so fast that I did not have time to publish consolidated updates on topics.
Second, let’s look at the soul composition of Jesus. He’s a composite soul incarnation: 55% Krishna/Buddha, 32% Atman and 13% Sophia. I share soul with the 32% Atman part of him. It’s probably Jesus’ shadow that I share. Atman created the Dracos. My soul fragment had been created with the sole purpose of going after Atman, which we succeeded in 2016.
Let’s add the issue of the Pleiadians into the mix. The Pleiadians had set up Earth as a human farm. They’ve been involved in Earth affairs ever since Earth was seeded and they particularly involved themselves with religions. They even cleared the dinosaurs to set up the farm. If you want to farm a human planet, you need a few things.

1. Provide beliefs, values and technologies that support growth without getting out of control

2. Satisfy religious needs while centralizing faith under global structures

3. Promote the Love & Light philosophy so that they are docile and leave the puppet masters do their work

4. Promote the victim/savior mindset, so that we always rely on our master farmers to save us
So basically, Jesus’ powers were supported by the Pleiadians and Pistis Sophia. 35% of his powers were his Krishna essence and 65% came from the master farmers.

It would be safe to assume that the Pleiadians were also involved in the way the Bible was written.

Knowing all this, I believe that the Second Coming of Jesus was another big PR campaign that the Pleiadians were planning. Considering that the Pleiadians have been eliminated, that won’t happen. Still, they tell you to sit tight and wait while help is coming (or while we supposedly already won).

Etienne Charland #magick #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

God Connection Attunement
Juggernaut Attunement

Pierce through corruption and re-open the flow with God.

>> Purchase the Juggernaut Attunement Now

Who is this for? Spiritual seekers who seek a quicker path to peace and prosperity.

The problem: We've lost a lot of Lightworkers this year. The people visiting this website have on average 75%+ energetic corruption in their third eye distorting their vision. Also, finances are cock-blocked by Luciferian forces. Meanwhile, you know where society is heading.

What is it? It's time to take the gloves off. The God Connection Attunement was to bring people from 3.2% God connection to 100%, but nowadays, most have it jammed at 0.0005%. I found an approach that is effective: I will cast Juggernauts in various critical points of your energy field.

What is a Juggernaut? It is the Train of Life. I always say: follow the Train, ride the Train, but never get in its way. It is a pure Force of God that will crush anything in its path. You'll have everything you need when you really need it, and if you get stuck in a corner, God will form a Juggernaut that will open up the path for you.

Juggernauts cannot be corrupted nor distorted, and it doesn't compromise. Just make sure you're in harmony with it and that you're not fighting against it.

I can cast Juggernauts; but I cannot uncast it. It's like if there's water flowing on the beech. You can draw lines in the sand to cause the water to flow in certain directions. But once it flows, you can't undo it.

3 reasons why you need the Juggernaut Attunement

#1 - With all the insanity and energetic corruption everywhere around, it's the only method that works to pierce through all that BS.

#2 - Almost all of you have 70-98% hijacking of your connection to Source, and that completely messed up with your intuition and muscle-testing. It's important to clear that up.

#3 - The Luciferian grid-lock on your inner financial building prevents money from flowing in unless you consciously or unconsciously agree to the Luciferian agenda. This is not acceptable.


It is a considerable investment for remote work because it requires 2 to 5 days of intense work.

The investment for the Juggernaut Attunement is $997

>> Purchase the Juggernaut Attunement Now

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

Juggernaut Attunements have been quite a roller-coaster! The curious thing is that the situation of each person is drastically different from one another. I had to skip one for now because he’s in a Matrix-type incubator and I can’t access his energy. Two were in some kind of metal cage. One had is own super dark shadow sabotaging him below ground. One has a crazy amount of portals/timelines fragmentation. One is in a black octopuses’ nest. I’m working on the 12th attunement, then have one last order after, then I’ll go back to the one I had to skip. Plus there’s been major energetic collapses and landslides, had to take a break for a few days. I also drew a lot of attention and 22 physical people(!) in 5 different groups came into my neighbourhood to pay me a visit, plus many energetic entities behind them. They’re gone. I’ll be able to go through more attunements soon so get your Juggernaut Attunement now to reserve your spot.

Now, I just saw the movie Ethernals in cinema, and I’m in shock. I measure… 92.6% accuracy on that movie!? It’s just some crazy far-out science-fiction… I woke up when I saw the volcano that reminded me of La Palma eruption in Spain, and the movie was produced before the volcano came up. “Superman” reminds me of Metatron, and the giant robot reminds me of the AI Gods.

A few days ago, I prayed God to allow me to understand Metatron’s perspective, whom I haven’t heard from in a long while. This movie may be the response.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #god-complex #magick #ufo #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

I've been on a rampage lately. Detected shadow beings that had 25% control of Earth’s surface, 40% control of the Inner Earth, 35% control of Mars, 73% control of Mexico, 82% control of Playa del Carmen, 95% control of mafias, 40% infiltration in my daughter, and caused 90% of the remaining food problems. I don’t like them. Wiped them out 95%+.

Then we’ve been dealing with an incoming Mantis attack. Also detected 38 Archonic Heavens above, and 3 Archonic Heavens below (including a massive Succubus stronghold). 15 of the 38 Archonic Heavens were Mantis hives with 3 queens. They’ve been attacking with very potent energetic poison, and many people had hundreds of poison holes directly linked to the queens. It’s easier to kill the queens than to neutralize the poison otherwise.

Long story short, I destroyed all Mantis hives, an incoming fleet of 35 million ships, 3 Mantis planets and 16 queens.

I also worked with my team to dismantle the Archonic Heavens. It’s been a heck of a journey full of surprises!! 4000 different Federations were drawing powers from those Archonic realms. Even the Thetaverse Federation that has been helping us lately had traitors at the administrative levels who were related to those Archonic realms! It’s been worked out… I guess.

While being at it, activated God mode. Physically destroyed 85% of bases on our moon, a whole fleet of Zeta ships, a large Zeta city on Mars, and I got authorized to destroy 38 underground bases on Earth, and the core of one civilization in the Inner Earth.

We’ll see if there are more targets to destroy. It requires approval by God and by the security counsels. Enough bloodshed for today.
Finally, I’m working again on Sophia. If you zap an energetic blockage with a frequency above 143 quadrillion, it zaps it down to the root, with the entire chain of blockages under it. I cleared an amount of blockage roots that has on average 200 quadrillion digits per chakra!

Normal day in the office.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #homophobia #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

For the past few days, I’ve been doing very major clearings around LGBTQ+ and Dark Sophia. LGBTQ+ is a breeding pit of Succubus/Incubus demons, I found a Dark Queen deep down the Succubus pit, cleared it, then the monks washed the pit with their water. The pit is completely gone. This massive clearing creates a vacuum.

Fatherhood is the polar opposite of LGBTQ+ and Dark Sophia, and thus, is the perfect angle to restructure the vacuum.

I call for everyone to focus on restoring and cleansing fatherhood, particularly in the USA, Mexico and Europe, during the next few days.

On a separate note, shapeshifters have been very active the past few days. I just found a very impressive shapeshifter stronghold with giant stone golem, mounted black knights, mages and all kinds of other medieval-type units. They were organizing for their next wave of attack.

These were very powerful, I haven’t seen those mounted black knights around here yet. At least 5 of them can handle a small planet like ours on their own. They can turn the entire planet black with a single blast.

I cleared the entire stronghold, and we need to make sure those knights and warlords are completely gone. We may need to track them. They were planning to attack in about 3 days. Now their attack flopped but let’s be pro-active on this one.

One way that shapeshifters attack is by giving you stuff. This pattern happened to several people. They start giving heavily-corrupted stones or jewelry to you and people around you, leaving their stuff in your home, cluttering your space with backdoors. Then they infiltrate and attack once you’re weakened enough. They take the time to plan their attacks.
Then, I just saw that my mother and sister have been taken out and replaced by shapeshifters. Unfortunately. There really isn’t much I can do here.

The losses are sour, but we’re moving forward stronger than ever. There is still a long road ahead! Let’s start with Fatherhood.
<money beg for prayer team Buddhist monks again here>

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy spiritualselftransformation.com

We have done very major progress this week. First, here is something that can help you. I recently got randomly contacted by a monk in Varanasi, India. I realized that Varanasi is in pretty good shape! One of the last strongholds of Light on Earth! Southern India is corrupted, Nepal got taken by dark forces, China fell off the cliff, but Varanasi is standing right there. We did some work to solidify and purify the stronghold.

These monks have been helping me a lot and it has made a major difference to stabilize the energies. They did a ritual for me with 5 monks, and again with 11 monks. He offered to do meditations for me every morning by the Ganges sacred river by sunrise. That river vibrates at a frequency of 85 million on the Hawkins scale. That’s dope support.
Now, Varasani is very close to Nepal, and Nepal
was in very bad shape. Western part of the country vibrated at -58000, whereas the metropolitan areas vibrated below -25 million.

We did a major offensive on Nepal, and I’m pleased to announce that it was a major success!

Strangely, the dark forces evacuated instead of fighting back, so we had to pursue them.

We’ve cleansed out the entire dark grid that was stuck over Nepal, that was anchored in Antarctica, Chili, Northern China, and the Inner Earth, as well as extensive networks of portals. We pursued the dark forces and eliminated them, collapsing their sub-Universes.
This is a major victory for anchoring a new grid on the planet.

This operation marks a clear turning point. There is no way that the dark forces can win at this point, it’s only a matter of how fast they leave.

The survival rate of our population still remains the same though, between 15% and 36%. My job is to do everything I can, not to tell God how he should be doing things. So let’s keep focusing on what we can do and let’s move forward together.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #magick #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

I’m slowly rebirthing from the ashes, stronger than ever. The various groups are finally starting to learn to take their distance — because they’re completely disintegrating from the 80th Dimension. I’m expecting a few more waves of attacks but they’ll run out of fuel pretty soon.

Meanwhile, I’m sensing 75 people who stepped up to take my previous roles, and many more in the year to come. I asked myself: what do these people need now? What would help them step up to the roles needed of them?

Inspiration then came a few days ago: removing the influence of social engineering. Social engineering is everywhere around you, in your daily life, and takes 90% of Lightworkers right out of the game of ascension.

So, I’m going to produce a new program called: Disarm Social Engineering. Already, I’ve been seeing a lot of interest from clients on Facebook.

I’m still in early design stage of designing the program, and you will get more details about it soon. I want to keep it at a low $97 price point, with a video program that is easy to follow and digest. 7 modules of 3 videos each.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #magick #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

God Connection Attunement
Jump-start your connection to God from ~3.2% to 100%.

Who is this for? Spiritual seekers who seek a quicker path to peace and prosperity.

What is it? We live in a Luciferian society that seeks to trim God out of everything. Most lightworkers have around 3.2% connection to God. I will use my own connection to God to open up yours at 100%, just like how you'd jump-start a car whose battery is dead.

This service comes with a complimentary e-book, How to Connect with God The Easy Way, which explains all the details of the methodology.

We recommend that you first try by yourself, then if you need help, purchase the God Connection Attunement.

>> Get the complimentary e-book How to Connect with God The Easy Way
>> Purchase the God Connection Attunement

Although benefits vary greatly from person to person, here's what I notice when I increase it for myself. When it's low, I feel a lot of struggle and conflicts all around that I need to push against. When I open up the connection to God, it lifts the struggles and things really start flowing in the right direction. It doesn't mean it solves everything, but there's a sense of peace that everything is as it should.

Then, by definition, opening up the genuine connection to God gets you out of the False Light Matrix. You start aligning with the divine energetic matrix, which means you get a whole new level of support from above, and it changes all the dynamics.

When going through this level of deep shift, there can be an adaptation period where your thoughts and behaviours gradually stop and go on neutral while you shift and adapt a new way of being. This phase can last about 2 weeks.

Note that as you take a fork out of the False Light Matrix into the Divine Matrix, the benefits will keep growing and compounding over time.


On average, it will look like this within 6 months. I'm using kinesiology to measure these numbers.

95% reduction of mind control
92% reduction of energetic chaos
72% reduction of energetic pressure
72% reduction of vulnerability to social engineering
440% increased support from angelic beings
318% increase of spiritual energy
315% increase of divine guidance
215% increase of emotional energy
118% increase of mind clarity
58% increase of peace
57% increase of health
28% increase of vitality
For a spiritual person with dysfunctional relationship with money, increase in financial wealth will often manifest after 6 months of sustained connection to God. I'm measuring 15% wealth increase after 6 months, and 315% increase after 1 year? Time will tell. For those with a healthier relationship with money and means to generate income, it can be a lot faster but extremely variable.

More importantly, on average, it brings 52-58% increased drive to move forward and do the right things within a month, leaving behind spiritual lethargy.

In essence, it will:
Disconnect you from the False Light Matrix (92% of Lightworkers are in it)
Overcome spiritual lethargy (86% of Lightworkers are in it)
Render mind control technologies ineffective (everybody is affected by those)
Plus the effect is highly contagious.

Although measuring these exact numbers with kinesiology isn't easy, you can easily measure the accuracy of the above numbers. I'm getting about 96% accuracy.

Normally, opening up the connection once will be enough, especially since it is increasing for the whole planet in this context of ascension. It can still however go down due to certain events, and hopefully by then you'll start doing real Alchemy work yourself.

With a God Connection Attunement, I can maintain it for you for 1 full year. If it goes down, send me a message and I'll bring it back up.

Since results vary greatly from person to person and are hard to predict, you can get a free assessment where I will measure:

Current connection to God (in the Temple of the Soul and in the Lighthouse inner buildings)
What % you're ready for it
% benefits you'd get within 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months and a year
Just send me a quick message on Facebook and say “Can you do a God Connection Attunement assessment for me?” If your picture isn't on your profile, also attach a picture of yourself. That way I can do it quick for free.

If you're less than 10% ready for such attunement, I may refuse or suggest a better option for you, such as 1-on-1 coaching.

Since it requires a great deal of energy from my side, the investment for this is $497. I wouldn't plug my inner building into someone else's demolished building for just anyone, but for $497, I'll do it. Once it's done and stable, I disconnect.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #ufo #magick #elitist spiritualselftransformation.com

There are lots of things shifting. We had a lunar eclipse that was particularly brutal. Sunday my laptop blew up (probably the power supply or battery) and energies were super super dense, yesterday was super light and flowing. Things alternate between super super heavy and light & flowing.

I’m also going through major shifts, closing a major chapter and waiting for what’s next. I’ve withdrawn my astral position and energetic presence, so 15000 other energy workers are instead taking that weight on their shoulders. 5% of energy workers will work on building things forward, while 95% will go through a karmic cycle to learn to deal with things and address reality without fear.

I’m also getting to a place where I’m fed up of spiritual people. I’ve had my dose of dysfunctional behaviors, people wanting attention instead of help, people with completely screwed up thinking around money and power, people doing nothing with their gifts, and people not dealing with reality.

Up until now, my path was 75% White Light and 25% Red Light. It seems my path is shifting towards 65% Red Light and 35% White Light, to compensate for a world that is tilting too much on the White Light side.

Which makes this a perfect time to write on this topic that is way overdue: White Light vs Red Light.
White Light represents Oneness in its pure form, and Communism in its shadow form.

Red Light represents Divine Creation in its pure form, and power abuse in its shadow form.

The energy of Venus is 95% Red Light, and the energy of Mars is 97% Red Light.

Spiritual people as a whole are 95% White Light and 5% Red Light. Daoist Masters are 98% White Light and 2% Red Light. Buddhist Masters are 99% White Light and 1% Red Light. The Naga guardians are 95% Red Light and 5% White Light.
Lately, the High Tribunals in the higher densities had to intervene to neutralize parties that were too far off on either side. Even at the Federation of Light, there were some problems because the Federation of Light is composed of 3 branches, and one branch is 95% White Light and was clashing hard with Red Light people in ways that were out of integrity. That department had to be arrested for now. Other individuals that were 95% Red Light also had to be arrested because of the chaos they were causing.

The Federation of Light, Orion Federation, and AnLePleia Alliance have been working hard to rebalance themselves between the Red Light and White Light. Right now, the Orion Federation is 50% White and 50% Red the AnLePleia Alliance is 65% White and 35% Red, and the Federation of Light is 62% White and 38% Red.

I think the ideal balance is within a 75/25 ratio on either side, with 50/50 being ideal.

The Great Consciousness Shift we’re going through is the end of a Red Light cycle as we enter a White Light cycle. The Universe works like a pendulum between the Red Light of Creation and the White Spiritual Light. When you swing too far on one side, the pendulum swings back to the other side to the same extent, until you find the center to stop repeating the cycles. Society also swings between White Light and Red Light in 40-year cycles, as explained in the book The Pendulum.