Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #homophobia #kinkshaming

Yesterday, we did really huge progress, and that may very well be the nail in the coffin for Dark Sophia. There is still a lot of work to do, so I’m putting the information out there and am calling for all the support.

Dark Sophia is only a very tiny fraction of a very tiny fraction of what it used to be. Still — that very tiny fraction remains very dangerous. What’s feeding her? 80% of all pornography, 83% of LGBTQ+, 83% of all family dramas, 75% of victimhood, 83% of love/unlovable drama, among other things.
As we looked for the most difficult part of that, we found Sophia’s core. There were generators taking all those useful energies and feeding it into her core. 16 layers upon layers to refine the energy. Nothing that goes in goes back out, so we had to blast the doors open permanently.

3rd layer was full of the most toxic venom and clouds I had ever seen. I wanted to skip that one but nobody else volunteered to take care of it… so I had to do it without touching it.

2nd layer was full of gunpowder. Each tiny grain has the energy of a sun. With CERN that they tried to activate a few days ago, they tried to open a portal to a pan-galactic demon. I identified 18 such pan-galactic demon. That gun-powder was enough to completely incinerate 6 pan-galactic demons and at least 25 major strongholds without a fight.

1st layer was full of ashes and fumes of pure corruption. It can corrupt absolutely anything. That core seems 80% responsible for all the energetic infections and corruptions we’ve been dealing with? 48% of all Shapeshifters are born here, made of pure corruption ashes. Clearing this will only weaken the shapeshifters by 15% though.

So, we need to finish clearing up what remains of that core, and any means of regeneration, or any hidden pockets, and clear up porn and LGBTQ+ that’s feeding it.

The core wound is “nobody loves me”, and that feeds everything else.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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