Heteronormative Crusader of the Year 2023 primary election blog

Continuing the primary election after religious fundie, right-wing wingnut, left-wing moonbat, conspiracy theorist, racist, sexist, and quack of the year, here’s the primary ballot for Heteronormative Crusader of the Year:

Alex Bailey - https://fstdt.com/GXSRXGH$T5CRK - Beat up an 80-year-old woman because he thought she was trans.

Russian Propaganda - https://fstdt.com/.GXJSWML6WY - “An LGBT American Rooster tells a Russian Bear and Chechen pig “You must be like me”

Yoweri Museveni, et al - https://fstdt.com/H2HYM_JPS4PJK - Yoweri Museveni, Robina Rwakoojo, John Musila and others "Ugandan MPs pass bill imposing death penalty for homosexuality

Andrew Anglin - https://fstdt.com/$JZQ_8635QCM9 - “Gay sex in Africa is a Jewish conspiracy”

Léona Niassène mob - https://fstdt.com/RBWYSK7Z4.BBD - “We caught a homosexual and we burned him”

Nick Fuentes - https://fstdt.com/MVY9K92YP9VXH - “The straightest thing you can do is to never have sex”

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child - https://fstdt.com/_DC5N$FYR_PZ7 - Treats “Medical Assistance in Dying” as a final solution to the gay question

Travis Ikeguchi - https://fstdt.com/Z_XYYNNTGDFXB - “A 27-year-old man who fatally shot a store owner in California had torn down her Pride flag and shouted homophobic slurs, officials said on Monday”

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child (2) - https://fstdt.com/BB5WRDM_KHBB - “Daniel Woodall was an evil faggot who was pushing the radical sodomite agenda when he died, and we should never feel bad about his righteous punishment”

Vincent James - https://fstdt.com/HSS_L8JTMRYKB - “I’d say I choose the functional society where they throw gays off roofs and make women wear wear [hijabs]”

Jason Graber - https://fstdt.com/MJ_S7JHK_KKGF - “Any parent that would have their child, would have a transgender surgery done on them, any parent that would do that, they just need to be shot in the back of the head”

Ron DeSantis - https://fstdt.com/.Z7_SVX_JP68B - “DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians’ access to treatments and bathrooms”

Michael Knowles - https://fstdt.com/NNRBVYW_L2X54 - CPAC Speaker Calls for Transgenderism to Be ‘Eradicated’

Tucker Carlson - https://fstdt.com/65S9M$L9C_WV8 - “The trans movement, it turns out, is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy.”

@KevinaFaga - https://fstdt.com/8N4$N4F2.B9$J - Accuses transsexualism of being an eugenic scheme against non-gender conforming persons

unlearningtrans - https://fstdt.com/_883KDSKTTB43 - “Trans has made me skeptical of therapy and psychiatry”

Jennifer Bilek - https://fstdt.com/5M6XZVXF35RW9 - “Tran$” is not a type of person. It is a conglomerate of corporate, legal, psychological, & political pressure promoting industrial body dissociation”

Luis Miguel - https://fstdt.com/ZBV.0C$QXW7SG - “Ellen Page’s Story Proves That Transgenderism Is Demonic Possession”

1 polls

Heteronormative Crusader of the year 2023 primary election

Alex Bailey
4 votes
Russian Propaganda
4 votes
Yoweri Museveni, et al
6 votes
Andrew Anglin
5 votes
Léona Niassène mob
5 votes
Nick Fuentes
4 votes
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child
4 votes
Travis Ikeguchi
4 votes
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child (2)
5 votes
Vincent James
4 votes
Jason Graber
4 votes
Ron DeSantis
5 votes
Michael Knowles
4 votes
Tucker Carlson
4 votes
5 votes
6 votes
Jennifer Bilek
6 votes
Luis Miguel
4 votes



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