On FTM trans and being them less or more disgusting than their counterparts
There was a time when naive me believed FTM trannies were just mentally ill tomboys dressing as men and having a bandage on their massive tits ti not get their cover blown out. So I went on the interwebz to talk to these gender bender lunatics with big tits. When saw the truth I had a "Holy hell **** it with napalm". Less gay than fucking one who's name was " Jonathan " but still vomit inducing traumatizing in a"Santa was actually my creepy uncle" way. They were not like these :
Btw look at this Reddit: I just got my first binder!! I’m so happy I might cry!!
I just found this video and maybe it's the first time in my life I'm feeling sorry for a woman almost to the point of wanting to have protected her by the monsters who brainwashed her and then horribly amputated her femininity for ever. And they are all happy in the comments! I feel sick . Jfl at the clown world being so grotesque to make a psychopath feel empathy for the first time in almost 40 years.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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