Donald Trump insisting that, when the President does it, it is legal. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump having the police beat up a demonstration against him to have an empty photoshoot in front of a church that condemns him so he can pretend to be pious. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump campaigning on promises of imprisoning Democrats on the basis of wild Internet rumours. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump trying to exclude reputable media from all press conferences, denouncing all corrections of him as disinformantion, speaking only to sycophantic media. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump making vague endorsing references to a bizarre ARG about his goons disappearing and secretly executing the opposition. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump engaging in jingoistic trade wars, even when it’s imports important for US industry. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump insisting that, being head of state and government, private businesses like Facebook and Twitter have no right to ban him for clear violations of terms of services. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump painting Mexicans in general as rapists, constantly making promises of building a giant wall at the border to Mexico, haing his border guards lock Mexican children up in cages without even keeping documentation for reuniting them with their parents, and having his immigration officials non-consensually cut out the uteri of pregnant Mexican immigrants. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump claiming that there are “very fine people” among an overt Neonazi rally that resulted in the murder of a counterprotester. (Fascism or not)
Donald Trump being endorsed by card-carrying fascists. (Fascism or not)