various commenters #transphobia #sexist

2X poster gets a little too close to the sun; thread gets locked.

( Alceriniel )
Please say it with me until it fully sinks in:

"Gay men are not allies to women just because some of them are bottoms."

Gay men are still men. They would happily throw you under the bus if it got them a leg up in the world. Look at what they did to lesbians when the gender insanity started. It wasn't until the mob started going after THEM for not sleeping with TIFs that they started speaking up.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
I think what that gay man and all AGPs and incels have in common is deep envy of how sexually desirable women are to men. They wish to be sexually desirable to that degree because sex is such a priority to them. But that’s inherently a male desire because women are much less driven by sex so if we aren’t desirable it’s not the end of the world.

Men really do go through extremely maladaptive strategies to cope with their womb envy.

( PracticalMagic )
Gay men say that when they think a man they like is paying you too much attention. It often also goes with "more of a man than you'll ever have".

Tldr: jealous.

( syntaxerror )
A lot of gay men want to date straight men. By this I mean that they want to date non effeminate men who aren’t too deep into the culture or community, because that comes with a host of expectations and… personality quirks.

They want to date men who will treat them like women, or at least how they perceive women are treated. Precious princesses who are cared for and doted on and fucked by strong protectors with big dicks.

As a result of this, a lot of them get bitter and hateful towards women, especially women who don’t “try as hard” as they do with femininity and yet still get straight men. Because straight men don’t want feminine men, they want women.

And I’m not just making this up, this is something you hear in the gay community a lot.



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