Shagri'el/JL Mondragon #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie
The true and only reason consciousness took root here on this planet was due to this very event. Roughly two billion years ago a very special asteroid made impact with earth, it hosted Our Most Reverend Logos, the Absolute of Consciousness within all that is of earth. Our Logos moved deep into the earths center and took on a deep sleep to begin reforming the planet for the future events. This Perfected Being chose to host this planet and assist it in budding consciousness. In a sense, we can say this was the very moment Earth’s Evolution began to manifest, although conscious beings did not surface until much later.
Consciousness and Earth’s Evolution will begin to take on the forms know to us as The Root Races. Among the Polarian and Hyperborean the forms were very much etheric, the later part of the Hyperborean Age the forms began to take on a light solid form as they moved their way through the earth’s crust and into the oceans. Within the Oceans is where the blending of the two evolutions took place, Water’s Evolution already aggressive in nature and Earth’s Evolution still childlike and detached. With the merging and now connected with conscious beings, DNA could now communicate to all instead of just those it was in contact with. This brought forth the third Root Race in the Lemurian, and a crossbreed of many species. This Race was Giant in form, had various colors and designs, a cycloptic eye that eventually became a third eye, various numbers of arms, and the beginning portions of them laid eggs. Yet through all this the Conscious side manifested themselves through the understanding of Intelligent Impulse.