CantEscapeYourFate #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist

I wish white people never colonized the world

I could be chilling in the wilderness right now living a simple happy life were me and my tribal brothers hunt hogs all day then go home and dick down our big booty tribal women in mudhuts after they cook us a full course meal.


Now I'm too civilized and can't live a life like that. Now I have to rely on the white people for everything and be treated like a monkey wherever I go.


White people robbed us of true happiness.

Worst thing was importing these niggers from Africa

I thought with your high IQs you would've known better than to drag us into your countries. Now we commit crimes and rape your women hahaha sweet revenge

Yes, Europeans are so smart yet retarded at the same time. "Hurr durr niggers are stupid apes that ruin our country" then we shouldn't have imported them to our country as slaves. "Hurr durr africans/abbos/natives are so uncivilized" then we shouldn't have invaded their land to force them to partake in civilization. Why not let them live like savages again?

True white people are cucks for letting us invade their territory

If the White man didn't take me out of Africa I wouldn't have known non-sheboon toilets existed. This sounds like a living nightmare. Imagine the only toilets you can sleep with are Black, pure vomitfuel.

Man I don't get the white bitch worship they look weird to me. I'll take a black girl or Indian girl over any raw chicken skin, diseased eyes looking whore. White people look like demons and act like it too



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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