The Vaulted Earth #crackpot #fundie #magick #conspiracy

While plain science is not, and never can become, dangerous to a Scriptural literalist and realist, Scientism has been determinedly at work to over throw the foundations of faith, and has succeeded in deceiving thousands to their eternal detriment. An accomplishment of which Scientism is especially proud is the successful destruction of faith in the scriptures as the real revelation of YAHUAH. Disguised as the 6th Enochian Mystery of astronomy and geology, Science has demonstrated triumphantly that the very first chapters of the Divine Book (Scriptures) contain nothing but myths, which are of no greater historical value than the cosmogony of any pagan people. This was the inevitable result of scientific speculation. No mind imbued with the errors of pantheism, deism, or monism, could by any possibility reconstruct the history of creation along the lines laid down in the record of which YAHUAH is the author. It matters not that all the real facts of the 6th Enochian Mystery of astronomy and geology agree very well with the mosaic presentation and the point of view prevailing in the whole Divine Book (Scriptures); since Scientism has decreed that these facts shall be utilized for deductions based upon other points of view, and has declared its deductions to be facts, thousands of deluded sinners have been led to discard as antiquated the entire revelation of YAHUAH in the Scriptures, including the Savior YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH and His salvation.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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