The Vaulted Earth #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger
Note: This is not a flat earth debunking page, the earth is most definitely a flat and stationary plane. This page is about the current flat earth movement that I believe does not represent the real Biblical flat earth model.
Do not be so quick to just blindly jump on the Zetetic flat earth model without questioning any of its mechanics, just as we did with the Globe model. It is my own opinion that the Zetetic flat earth model was a controlled release by the United Nations to co-opt the flat earth rediscovery and revelation by subliminally getting flat earth believers to unknowingly promote the United Nations dominion over the world through the legitimate Truth of the flat earth.
Do you want more people to realize the lies of NASA, Heliocentricism, and that the rotating Ba’al earth in “outer space” is a massive deception? Well one of the major reasons why they don’t, is because the official Flat Earth Society/Azimuthal Equidistant/1-poled circle earth model IS NOT reality, and is quite easily proven as false from both the Word of YAHUAH ELOHIYM and real life observations.
When people look at the Azimuthal Equidistant projection/United Nations flag model and realize it can’t even explain night and day properly, they don’t believe any of it and remain exactly where they are, under the illusion of the occult mass programming/globe indoctrination.
Being unable to investigate your own beliefs, or to debate ideas without emotional outbursts, is the sure sign of occult programming/brainwashing, especially when you didn’t formulate the ideas yourself and they actually came from someone else.
This video presents the earth a flat square, proved from Scripture, evidence and reason, for your consideration