As much as evolutionists wish otherwise, life doesn’t evolve around Darwin—or at all.
Let me make a few observations about the culture in the West today. For instance, at Christmas, we don’t sing carols such as the following, do we?
Silent Night, Holy Night,
All is calm, All is bright,
For Charles Darwin we just want to say
Thanks for showing us the evolutionary way,
We’re glad we know we’re an ape
We’re glad we know we’re an ape
And we have never heard of anyone constructing a calendar like the following, have we?
BC (Before Charles) and AD (After Darwin)
If someone used this kind of calendar, we would of course be living in the year AD 200+ On this basis, Abraham lived around 3,800 BC.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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