Illuminati (Cabala) Jews and their Masonic go-fers don't want Jews or others to understand the hidden subversive and occult character of the collective Jewish enterprise.
They don't want Jews to understand that anti-Semitism throughout the ages was not irrational. This realization would empower Gentiles, and allow "the lesser brethren" to escape their role as dupes, scapegoats, human shields and sacrifices for their demented leadership.
Cabala Jews believe that they define God's Will. In other words, God comes into the world through them. Otherwise, He is "formless and unknowable." (This is satanic because God is our GPS. Man is connected to God through our soul and spiritual ideals.)
The Cabalists believe they can redefine reality according to Satan: Evil is good, falsehood is truth and sick is healthy, (and vice versa.) They undermine every other collective identity: nation, religion, race, and family. They must destroy the Christian order to build the NWO.
The Cabalist Conspiracy is on the cusp of success. God has been banished from public life. Illuminati Jews control the mass media and can deceive and degrade the masses. Entertainment is an orgy of pornography, apocalyptic chaos, obscenity, propaganda, social engineering, predictive programming, violence, and satanism.
Illuminati Jews and Masons behind feminism are responsible for the debauchery of Western women. They are behind the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism designed to destroy marriage and family.
They were at the forefront of sexual liberation, pornography and abortion. The mass media is obsessed with sex. It has a fawning fetish for fertile females, and even children aren't safe.
Christianity has been Judaized, concerned with "social change" (the Satanist agenda) rather than spiritual development and salvation. Christian Zionists are pledged to the Zionist rogue state.
The people are lost and increasingly desperate. What's left? Depression? War? The Antichrist?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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