Mike King #crackpot #racist #conspiracy amazon.com

The true story of the US Civil War, aka War Between the States, aka War of Northern Aggression does not “lie in the middle” somewhere; but rather, is something altogether different from either the contemporary northern Establishment account or the southern revisionist version. In reality, the brotherly bloodbath of 1861-1865 wasn’t really, in its true essence, a “civil war” as much as it was an attack launched upon the United States from an invisible foreign power with traitorous agents and sincere dupes operating in both the North and South.

It was “the usual suspects” based in Rothschild’s Europe -- aligning with (using) the empire-seeking Plantation Aristocracy based in the South -- who long-range-planned and, under one false pretext after another, finally executed America’s greatest disaster. And it was the determined leadership of President Abraham Lincoln that thwarted the elaborate scheme of this deadly Cabal in the end. Acclaimed "correctionist historian" and investigative journalist Mike's King will take you on an exciting "you are there" illusion-shattering suspense ride through important history which still holds modern-day implications.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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