Matt Walsh, Tim Pool and Angela McArdle #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #racist #wingnut

On Timcast IRL, right-wing streamer Tim Pool celebrated the Trump administration’s decision to remove pride flags from U.S. embassies[…]
Matt Walsh[…]called it “just a fact that our system of government is built on Christian ideals.” He also argued that “there is a major difference between a freaking pride flag and a cross,” and that the “pride flag has nothing to do with the history of this nation” while “our civilization was built under” the cross

“And we live in a civilization that we do, and every good thing that we have in our lives is really because the people believed in the cross, and they went out and they did incredible things, and they fought and they died, for the sake of the cross,” Walsh said. And he claimed that, even if he were not a Christian, he would “still have a respect for the cross for that reason alone”

Another of Pool’s guests, Libertarian National Committee chair Angela McArdle, agreed with Walsh, and said that “Christianity radically changed the way that people deal with each other, our human interactions.” She also credited Christianity as the reason why women “were no longer considered like cattle” and “slaves were treated better”

Walsh then declared that the “reason why we live in this country right now and why this whole hemisphere is not currently dominated by stone-aged, savage cultures who rip the hearts out of their enemies and eat them” and “kill and enslave women and children,” is that “people came here primarily to spread the Christian gospel”

“People need to watch Apocalypto,” Tim Pool said enthusiastically[…]“Mel Gibson does a real good job”[…]
Pool and Walsh defended Musk, claiming that Musk’s gesture was not intended to be a Nazi salute at all. Pool argued that the man performing the gesture mattered and not the gesture itself. Walsh said that “no one really believes that Elon Musk is a Nazi,” and that “if we lived in a saner culture, then we could just have a laugh about it”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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