Mammy just got all her niglets lined up for her child support
Them gut a brite futere ahead of tem offrfica why sut ma son yo raycists.*Smacks lips
Honey, your English needs improving.
You do know that children cost more than you get child support for, right. You get child support when one parent is absent, and don’t take his or her half of the work and the cost. Child support is just some the cost, none of the work.
I bet you’re also against women using birth control or have access to abortions, you blithering hypocrite. (And yes, that’s a strawman, but experience shows that bigots seldom stick to just one form of bigotry.)
Or are you not into the whole idea of ‘children getting a good start in life’, nwerd?
Only if they are rich white gentile children.
Ironically; Many of these bigots (the Southern Ones) are people who talk like Li’l Abner characters, which makes their cracks about African American Vernacular English rather hilarious. Heck; AVEE and Deep South Talk sound a lot alike.
Also; What the heck is that over-the-top faux-bonics even trying to say, “They got a bright future ahead of them Africa why soot my son you racists”?
I’m guessing it’s “They got a bright future ahead of them, officer. Why shoot my son, you racists?” but the lack of punctuation and exaggerated-to-the-point-of-becoming-gibberish nature of the words use just made it….gibberish.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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