Francis M #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Please, please give me a break with JF Kennedy and Lincoln in particular and with America more generally.

America NEVER was conquered or taken over by Jews who might have betrayed her destiny.

America was founded, like USSR would be later in history, as a rootless artificial state draped in ideology (like the pretence to usher in new virtues or principles of liberty, equality... : this is blasphemy, it is not given to mere mortals to incarnate cardinal or theology virtues in the political realm) to be used in the purpose of destroying Christian civilization by replacing it with pure utilitarianism, and both the money and the brains at the very start of the enterprise were Jewish. Jewish authority over Christians so as to enslave and gradually end with the latter manifested through free Masonry as for the higher elite, and through rabid anti-Catholic pro-Jewish Calvinist fundamentalism as for the lower ranks of the middle class. America's soul was sick and pervert right from the start.

Right from Day One, America was Satanic and Jewish, like USSR later. Actually, USSR would have not existed without America, without America's Jewry, and without America's interest to prevent Russia by all means to supersede her as the main grain-exporting power it threatened to become.

America was not freer from Jewish intrusion at some earlier and happier time of her history. It just still was favoured and cajoled as their best and dumbest client by Jewish lenders, the only thing new is that now the time has come to pay back more and more interests for all the previous prosperity that was borrowed, not earned.

There was NO good American president at any point in her history, they have all been selected to play roles that were foreseen right from the beginning.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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