various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist

( @Halp )
I don’t mean to sound antisemitic but someone should put a stop to these “transition” procedures for children.

( @dwells9636 )
@Halp But if you don’t cut their dicks and tits off, they’ll catch climate change!

( @echoes )
@Halp Im against porn, usury and incest.

Antisemitic, guilty as charged.

( @jg437 )
@Halp #RecriminalizePerversity

Hold the 'doctors' who do this to children responsible both monetarily and criminally!

( @Shelton1 )
@Halp Antisemetic=Antisatanic

( @1sntallowed )
@Halp Does cutting off children's gentiles make them jewish?

( @Halp )
@1sntallowed multiple genders and transitioning is a tenet of the Talmud

( @n2185x )
@Halp It's not antisemitic to want to put a stop to those -- it's right to want to stop it.

Anyone who claims that opposition to these "transition" procedures is "antisemitic" is a lying moron who is misusing the term for his own political purposes. Twisting the language that way is plain wrong, and that's that.

How do you know that opposition to it isn't "antisemitic"? Simple: you don't see Jews scrambling to put their own kids up for these "transition" procedures, do you? There's no way they'd do that. It'd mean the death of their gene line if enough of them engaged in it.

( @Wolfshield_VII )
@n2185x @Halp Jews brought this perversion to the West. We were better off in Christian segregated schools.

( @n2185x )
@Wolfshield_VII @Halp Jews may have brought it, but it's been our decision as to whether or not engage in it.

Why are we willfully engaging in this kind of evil?

I totally agree -- we were definitely better off in Christian segregated schools.

( @n2185x )
@Wolfshield_VII @Halp Just in case you didn't follow my intended meaning (and my apologies if you did indeed follow it and I'm just being redundant here) -- what I meant is why do we (people in this country) willingly put their kids through this kind of evil in the first place? Jews may have brought it but non-Jews are willingly doing these evil things. The question is: why? It's not like they're forced to at gunpoint or anything.

I, too, am astonished at how easily led people are. If there's anything we need to fix more than anything else, it's that.



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