Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon naturalnews.com
Understand this great cosmic truth: The universe operates on an ecosystem of automatic abundance, where mass is abundant, and mass can be converted into energy at nearly zero cost (via hot fusion, cold fusion, LENR, etc.). Automatic abundance is intelligently designed into the very laws of physics.
Energy, in turn, can be used to create fuels and fertilizer, two inputs necessary for affordable food. In addition, the universe provides the sun which brings us heat, energy and photosynthesis, all for free.
When geoengineering isn’t creating artificial droughts, rain falls out of the sky for free, and the rivers, streams and oceans are teeming with life and abundance (except for when we pollute them with pesticides and plastics, of course).
Thanks to these gifts from God, all the resources humanity needs to achieve abundance and end suffering already exist around us and are nearly free for humanity to harness. When these resources are properly harnessed, every human being can be healthy, wealthy, abundant, and nourished. No one needs to suffer from scarcity.
Governments produce scarcity by shutting off pipelines, shutting down farming operations, taxing productivity and deliberately causing food shortages and inflation. Money printing steals savings from everyone, creating scarcity of the purchasing value of dollars previously earned.
As explained in today’s Situation Update podcast, breakthrough for human abundance will require the defeat and dismantling of the “scare-city” architects that are working to exterminate humankind. This means defeating them politically, taking back honest money for the people, dismantling all the institutions of tyranny and declaring freedom from tyranny on a global scale.
Importantly, honest money must be the basis for this system of human freedom, for without honest money, humanity can never be free.