BettERtoreigninhell #psycho #sexist

What's the blackpill in this scenario?

In the last 4-5 years I truly morphed in the monstrous version of my already facially deformed self. (38 yesrs old)Losing all hair, reaching the abominable weight of 286 lbs for only 5'9", most facial collagen of my 20s gone, long messy Taliban bushbeard, non shaven horseshoe head and last time I had a shower being literally October I became the real world incarnation of the hentai uglybastard*

NOW imagine this situation. While I walk alone at night a normie betacuck half of my size and his Becky gf (both half of my age too) have the disgrace to cross my path in a very isolated zone. As I completely stop in front of them smiling with the typical fake psycho smile of the hentai uglybastard they look at each other and realize something bad is gonna happen.

In this minecraft scenario they were right. For first thing I break all the bones of the cuckold in front of her. Now he can't escape or call for help. While the poor dude lays on the ground crying and begging me to not hurt his gf I kick his teeth witht my taloon so he stops bothering me and then I go straight to the Becky with the aforementioned creepy uglybastard smirk.

As I unzip my pants the air is filled with a deep fragrance of ammonia that not even Captain Nemo faced when fighting the colossal squid.

The next 15 minutes or so is spent with me using her mouth, butthole and vagina in ways her boyfriend was never permitted. As the cuck still lays on the ground whimpering like a wimp I finally coom on her face and holding her body with a hand by her neck I shake her in front of him in mockery saying "oohhh poor foiderino she wasn't really into facials sweety but guess what? I didn't give a shit!"

As I leave laughing the two of them are left facing the aftermath of what I did.

Now there are 2 hypothesis and logically only one can be the truth/blackpilled reality




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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