rom time to time I like to expose fake, fraudulent and failed logic in my columns. Have you ever heard anyone say: "I gotta be me." Usually they are referencing some rebellion against God, their elders, parents, and/or some other authority figure. The interesting thing about the people saying they have to be who they are. Notice how they never say they are who God made them to be? Instead they want to attempt to make it look like their personal life style choices are set in stone. There is no changing this. There is no way they will change their minds. There is no way they will accept reality and embrace obedience to God.
The most fascinating thing to a free thinker like myself is what comes next. The rebellious that want everyone to accept who and their choices are demand others change for them. So they gotta be who they think they are. They refuse to accept anyone else being who they actually are. There is always a demand others change for them. Accept their rebellious behavior as if it is a wonderful thing. They are driving off a cliff and they demand you tell them that they are doing a good job driving. The rebellious refuse to accept the diversity of anyone that warns them of the dangers of their life style choices.
You know what this behavior reminds me of? Do you know what this behavior is a lot like? It is like a virus or a disease. It attempts to make everyone conform to their worldly standards. I did some research and found again and again many of these people decide they want nothing to do with the authority figures, elders, and family members that are set over them by God. The only way to spend time with them is give them their way one hundred percent on the topics of their choosing. If you do not then they will take their ball and go home. They will refuse to acknowledge any opinion divergent from their own. Pretty immature and childish if you ask me. It also makes me think some people never learned anything from 'The Emperor's New Clothes' story.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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