John Lennon via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

I am John Lennon here today to unveil more truth, on what happened in the past, and it’s still hidden from the public.

Yes, correct, you are still in the dark about many things in your reality. You need to accept the truth without any pretenses and prejudgments to receive it freely. I have no doubt that most of the humans know, who I am. I initiated the creation of the rock group named Beatles. The band made fans to be ecstatic and cry during our concerts.
A black cloud appeared on our horizon. The Dark Controllers wanted us to join them and to spread drugs to our fans during our concerts. To give mind control mechanism drugs to young people.

We were not interested to be part of the Darkness and refused to hand out drugs to fans. Our refusal created animosity towards us. They decided to teach us a lesson by trying to scares us. They tampered with Paul McCartney‘s car brakes. This was suppose to teach our group a lesson. Unfortunately, it backfired, Paul was going very fast in his small convertible car and his breaks would not work. Paul got killed in the crash, his head got removed from his body from the car accident.

This event didn’t go as planned for the Negative Ones. They were afraid on how our fans would react, if they found out about Paul McCartney dying. He got replaced by another musician, who was dark and looked similar to the real Paul, but he still needed to have plastic surgery done to his face to make him look more like the original McCartney.
The Darkness keeps everyone in delusion and ignorance. There were many hints about Paul’s departure from us. Why would we make up stories about someone’s death? It would be foolish on our end. The reality I lived in, it was already controlled by Dark Entities. During the sixties people still believed, that Light would always wins over Evil. Now, humankind has less faith in justice to prevail, after years and years of being manipulated and lied from every direction. Please, remember don’t ever give up.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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