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[Experiment] Amputee fetish, or "acrotomophilia", and why it is the most refined of all fetishes

Of course I am only talking about quad amputees.

A woman without arms or legs is an ideal girl. It is easy to make her your bitch. Best of all, she cannot resist. She has no arms to claw you with. She has no legs to run away from you. She can scream, yes, but she cannot run or fight back. It is easy to make her your bitch.

An amputee bitch is completely reliant on you. She needs you to feed her, clean her, clothe her. Without you, she will rot and die. This also adds an added degree of power, from you, the guy, over the girl. It makes her obedient, because she knows that you can just leave her there to rot, and she can't take care of herself.

Of course, this is only for quad amputees. I feel nothing but disgust for those who aren't cute little nuggets.



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