various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
I agree completely.

We shouldn't lose sight of the possibility that perhaps it is the Jews themselves that are intentionally promoting Kanye's, Kyrie's, and Chappelle's anti-Semitism. After all, Jews own the media, so they don't have to give these people a voice - but they've chosen to do so. "Why?" is a legitimate question here.

Perhaps the Jews are doing it so they can say "See, we told you, Jews really are being persecuted, we have to do something about this!" It's entirely possible. HOWEVER, in the meantime, I don't see anything wrong with these blacks being allowed to raise public awareness about Jewish supremacy throughout America.

SNL is produced by a jew & aired on a jew-run station. There's NO WAY they didn't have some inkling of what Chappelle would be saying.

( @Jagdpanzer )
@Nature_and_Race The entire long history of jewish expulsions is characterized by their own hubris in which they overplay their hand.

They're likely doing this as a pretext to facilitate the passing of anti-Semitism laws, but I think their position is deceptively weak and it will only serve to enlighten more people to the true nature of the problem.

Jewish ideas are in essence bad ideas, and are untenable in the long term.

( @nboeger )
@Nature_and_Race I have been giving this some thought as well. I think perhaps the jews want to make it known they are in power and they will not tolerate anyone speaking about them. Kind of like a king laying down the law. They want to make this into a rule we all have to live by. Thus, they take away the power of people noticing. It just becomes a fact and one you can't do anything about.

( @knightess )
@nboeger Agreed. It's threefold.

1. Makes an example out of uppity nigs (Chapelle's punishment coming soon)

2. Allowing it to be seen both confirms their victimhood + contradicts the "rumor" that jews stifle free speech

3. Learned helplessness ("what's the point in calling it out if nothing ever changes?")

( @ForgottenZippo )
@Nature_and_Race The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, translated to English over a hundred years ago, states the antisemitism is a good thing as they can use it to claim to be victims and garner sympathy.

( @Cowboy54 )

Jews are just niggers turned inside out.



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